Age: 38
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 190 lbs
bf: 15%
I have been working out 5 days a week for the past 3 yrs. I used steroids about 18 years ago when i was 20, biggest mistake i ever made. I had no clue what i was doing. I did everything wrong from when and how to inject it to my horrible diet. I was first on equipoise for about 10 weeks then i finished it off with deca for 5 weeks, i no.... Deca by itself for five weeks then stopped everything. As you probably guessed i developed gyno and i also stared to develop fat on my ass and hips. The fat eventually went away,but i had to have surgery for the gyno.

Im ready to do it right this time. I currently have 2 bottles of test 400, 400mg/ml 10 ml. I plan on taking it twice a week for 10 weeks.

For my recovery i have liquid Tamox 50ml 20mg/ml, liquid stane 30ml 25mg/ml and liquid clomi 70ml 35mg/ml.

My question is how should i take my recovery gear. Thank you very much....