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  1. #1
    x_SANDMAN_x is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2009

    2nd cycle, 1 month in, gained 16lb so far...good or bad?

    Ive gained 16lb since i stared my cycle 28 days ago. Unfortunately, ive gained %2 bf as well.
    Anyway, i was just i on the right track? Is this poor, fair, ok, excellent or crazy progress?

    Age: 29
    Weight: 232lb
    bf: %18

    Week 1-2: Anadrol @50mg ED

    Week 3-4: Anadrol@100mg ED

    Week 1-12: Deca @500mg EW

    Week 1-15: Test c@600mg EW

    Week 1-16: Eq@600mg EW
    Last edited by x_SANDMAN_x; 05-28-2011 at 04:22 PM.

  2. #2
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    May 2008
    wow wow wow way to much gear for a second cycle!! no need for the deca and the eq! 16lbs is amazing for only 4 weeks in on your second cycle but half of it is prob water weight...I dout you gained 2% bf you prob just are super bloated! take an ai like a-dex and you will prob shedd some of that water and lean up a bit.

  3. #3
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    more gear then needed. I would bet most of it is water.

    How do you plan on doing pct with running eq longer then test?

    What was the goal of this cycle?

  4. #4
    x_SANDMAN_x is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by awms View Post
    wow wow wow way to much gear for a second cycle!! no need for the deca and the eq! 16lbs is amazing for only 4 weeks in on your second cycle but half of it is prob water weight...I dout you gained 2% bf you prob just are super bloated! take an ai like a-dex and you will prob shedd some of that water and lean up a bit.
    Yeah i heard that b4...about running too much gear for a 2nd cycle. But i decided to do it anyway and do regular blood work to make sure everything is ok. Besides, the widely recommended 2nd cycle is dbol /test/deca . Thats what im running only i added eq and decided on anadrol instead of dbol.
    As for running eq and deca together, thats a VERY controversial subject. If you run a quick search, you will find tons of bodybuilders who swear by it and on the other hand alot of ppl say its useless since deca and eq work in the same way. I decided to run the two together based on the results i saw on some guys.

    Now the thing about bloating up... This is going to sound weird but i actually wanted to bloat up. I wanted that bloated look as i naturally have that dry look. And now whats funny (and frustrating) is that despite hearing that anadrol bloats you up, i dont think i am bloated. Im EXACTLY how i was before the cycle, only slightly bigger. I mean, i dont have that bloated look! Its frustrating because im 2 days away from coming to the end of my anadrol cycle and i feel like it didnt do what it was supposed to do (and its not fake, got it from a very reliable source).
    Idk, could it be that i have alot of water retention but i dont look bloated? If so, how could i make sure of how much water ive retained?

  5. #5
    vtach12's Avatar
    vtach12 is offline Associate Member
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    Post up a pic, we can tell you if you are bloated. What did you run on your first cycle and what were the results of that?

  6. #6
    x_SANDMAN_x is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    more gear then needed. I would bet most of it is water.

    How do you plan on doing pct with running eq longer then test?

    What was the goal of this cycle?
    Edit: sorry, im running test for 15 weeks. I just edited it.

    4 days after last pin of test c, I will run HCG @ 1000 IU ED for 10 days then start PCT

    Week 17-21 Nolvadex 20/20/20/10/10
    Week 17-21 Clomid 50/50/50/25/25

    Mass, mass, mass and more mass
    Last edited by x_SANDMAN_x; 05-28-2011 at 04:21 PM.

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