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  1. #1
    Granovich's Avatar
    Granovich is offline Senior Member
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    Question Regarding Natural Test levels <25 years old

    i was checking the internet to see whats the typical man natural test. level
    and i saw this chart

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Name:	ttttt.jpg 
Views:	21862 
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ID:	115842

    I have question. it says that the typical testosterone level for a male who is under 25 is 692 ng/dl and a male who is between 25-29 is 669 ng/dl
    then why everyone does not recommend steroids for person who is younger than 25 although he has higher natural testosterone levels ?
    doesn't more natural levels means faster and better recovery ???

  2. #2
    Shol'va's Avatar
    Shol'va is offline Productive Member
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    A Rock And A Hard Place
    For the most part, someone under 25, their body is still developing naturally. By introducing a large extra amount of test to an undeveloped male you run the risk of undeveloped bones and ligaments as the muscles are forced to grow unnaturally large. That is why it is preached time and time again to wait till you are around 25 before trying any cycles. It doesn't mean that by doing cycles earlier that you will be the one out of several to not have any messed up growth issues, but it's best to side on the err of caution. Yeah there are some who come here at 18 and do them anyways, but if you read a lot of these posts you will see a lot of retractions on what they originally said and now are on TRT for life or worse. Not to mention that when you do it at a young age and you end up messed up because of it, it reflects badly on those of us who do it properly and puts us all in a bad view in the public's eyes.

  3. #3
    darkcrayz is offline Member
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Granovich View Post
    i was checking the internet to see whats the typical man natural test. level
    and i saw this chart

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ttttt.jpg 
Views:	21862 
Size:	55.0 KB 
ID:	115842

    I have question. it says that the typical testosterone level for a male who is under 25 is 692 ng/dl and a male who is between 25-29 is 669 ng/dl
    then why everyone does not recommend steroids for person who is younger than 25 although he has higher natural testosterone levels ?
    doesn't more natural levels means faster and better recovery ???
    he does have the highest natural levels he will ever have. adding steriods before 25 isnt natural. he will have higher levels but they wont be natural. like shol said, introducing steroids before the body has finished maturing NATURALLY causes other problems.

  4. #4
    Granovich's Avatar
    Granovich is offline Senior Member
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    i understand but when individual who is younger than 25 inject him self with testosterone which suppress his own for a while and after PCT doesnt his body produce alot more than an individual who is above 25 ? i mean the ability for recovery for a guy who is 21-25 is supposed to be higher than person 25-30 .
    producing more after PCT= faster recovery. or im saying it wrong lol....

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