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  1. #1
    BallBust is offline New Member
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    Cool Test 800 mg w/ 600 mg Deca

    So this is my second test cycle since 3 years.

    I wanna do following:

    800mg/week of T400
    600mg/week Deca


    256 lbs with 16% body fat
    23 yrs old
    Training for 4 years now.

    Any input on the dosages?
    Last edited by BallBust; 06-11-2011 at 10:08 PM.

  2. #2
    gymfu's Avatar
    gymfu is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    That's a lot. What was your first cycle?

  3. #3
    BallBust is offline New Member
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    First cycle was dbol 30mg stacked with 500mg of test, no deca

  4. #4
    gymfu's Avatar
    gymfu is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    It is advised to wait till 25 to cycle, but your not too far from that. Your first cycle was at 20? Dude your asking for issues when your older. Have you had blood work done? What kind of test was your first cycle?

    I would recomend more like 500-700mg of test and around 500mg of deca . More is not always better. Also you need to plan a more agressive PCT when using deca and I would add hcg and an AI and have a prolactin antagonizer on hand or consider just using it.

  5. #5
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    Bf% is high and your using a bulking compound. Get the bf% down to 12% AT LEAST, before cycling again. That high of bf% shows a problem in your diet, your macros are off somewhere.

  6. #6
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    im going to be using your cycle sort of,im using
    test cyp-750mg/week-18 weeks
    Deca -400mg/week-16 weeks
    Dbol 50mg/ed/6 weeks

    and this is my 3rd cycle as well,im starting at a lower dose of deca since its my first ime ive ever used it,to see how i react to it,and my next cycle i will increase it,good luck

  7. #7
    BallBust is offline New Member
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    Well my first cycle lasted me 8 weeks and was using t400 at the time. Been natural since then, but would like to gain a few more pounds now. I have had a couple of blood tests done since then and are perfect. I had no issues during that cycle, although it was a lot milder than what I am planning on doing; I was doing 500mg a week t400 and dbol .

    I do have HCG on hand also, and Clomid and Anastrozole.

    So 500mg test with 500mg of Deca ?
    Last edited by BallBust; 06-11-2011 at 10:48 PM.

  8. #8
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    i would run basically a TRT dose with test then stack it with deca

  9. #9
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Just by reading your thread its clear you didnt do any research.Why do you think you need to up the dose so high?You are already at a high bf level.And you want to get bigger.There is a price for everything.And yours could be getting fatter.Learn how to eat.Go to the diet section.Read beginners cycles.Beacuse you are a lil off bro.The secret word is CUT in your case.

  10. #10
    slimshady01's Avatar
    slimshady01 is offline Senior Member
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    I agree, cut man you are 256 for crying out loud, how big do you want to get. It seems you already have a good base. If you can retain your muscle and get shredded from your weight now you will look insane. If you bulk at 256 and say go up to 276 you probably going to look big and fat. Plus that bloat you will get on Deca you will look like the michelin man.

  11. #11
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Yeah I dont get it. People add a 2nd aas for a stack and instead of letting the new compound do the work and see it works compared to the Test they also up the test.
    Either keep the test the same as last time or as said, lower it to 200 or 250 and let the deca work.

    Best thing over all would (as mentioned) stay natural until 24/25 and just because you have done one doesnt mean it's to late now or the damage is done.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 06-12-2011 at 09:21 AM.

  12. #12
    BallBust is offline New Member
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    From what I see overall, the main issue would be reducing bf. I got no problem reducing bf down to 10-11 %, done it before and could do it again, but I did do it, I was in the beginning of my training and wasn't carrying the amount of muscle mass I wanted and looked kind of lanky 'cause of my height. I now weigh 256 and finally starting to see shape, I could use a little fat loss and then start the cycle... but again, at 6'4", there is a lot room for mass to be packed on lol

    As for the dosages, it's clear that more doesn't necessarily mean better. I have and read from numerous people (not in this forum), that because of the body weight and height, a little more test would be better in my case. I can see where 800mg might look a little retarded...

  13. #13
    BallBust is offline New Member
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    From what I see overall, the main issue would be reducing bf. I got no problem reducing bf down to 10-11 %, done it before and could do it again, but I did do it, I was in the beginning of my training and wasn't carrying the amount of muscle mass I wanted and looked kind of lanky 'cause of my height. I now weigh 256 and finally starting to see shape, I could use a little fat loss and then start the cycle... but again, at 6'4", there is a lot room for mass to be packed on lol

    As for the dosages, it's clear that more doesn't necessarily mean better. I have and read from numerous people (not in this forum), that because of the body weight and height, a little more test would be better in my case. I can see where 800mg might look a little retarded...

  14. #14
    BallBust is offline New Member
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    Sorry for double-posting by the way.

    Is there a reason in particular why the age plays a role in this case? I see everyone is mentioning 24-25 years old...
    Last edited by BallBust; 06-12-2011 at 09:29 AM.

  15. #15
    markiejw's Avatar
    markiejw is offline Junior Member
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    What are your goals bro? Are you trying to get mass shredded or just looking to add strength?

  16. #16
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BallBust View Post
    Sorry for double-posting by the way.

    Is there a reason in particular why the age plays a role in this case? I see everyone is mentioning 24-25 years old...
    Yes there is a very good reason but MOST kids dont listen because of course it wont happen to them, they are the exception to the rule but in fact we also see dozens of post every week from people who have been warned in the past and now are the rule, not the exception and I would bet less than 5% ever admit they have problems or come back asking for help.

    This is an awesome explanation of why we harp on the age. Please be the exception and not the rule of 2% of the kids that listen or have enough sense to understand.

  17. #17
    BallBust is offline New Member
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    I see what you mean. I'm no rush to start juicing, in fact it was given me as a gift from my bro-in-law so it's not like I spent the money out of my pocket but I have no problem waiting atleast until my 24th bday in September, waiting until next year might be problematic with expiration of the products.

    Nonetheless, I've gained quite a lot naturally and been happy with results. I started off at 200 lbs with a 22% body fat back 4 years ago.... Come a long way. But thanks for the article, very informative.

  18. #18
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    I dont know who said a big guy needs higher doses than a regular guy.But that is not true.I pop in on other forums from time to time.And some of the BS I seen slung around.I can see why aas has a bad rep.I have read of guys doing a gram and a half of test while doing a gram of tren .While I dont believe all this.This is the norm on these sites.The bad thing is rarley will a mod say something.At least here our boyz are on their toes and explain the dangers of doing such a thing.Good luck.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    I dont know who said a big guy needs higher doses than a regular guy.But that is not true.I pop in on other forums from time to time.And some of the BS I seen slung around.I can see why aas has a bad rep.I have read of guys doing a gram and a half of test while doing a gram of tren.While I dont believe all this.This is the norm on these sites.The bad thing is rarley will a mod say something.At least here our boyz are on their toes and explain the dangers of doing such a thing.Good luck.
    Great point songdog,its really gotten pathetic,it's like more=is better and less is=not enough....and too,as like you said most people with no knowledge thinks well if 500mg of test is good,then maybe 600-700 will be even better.....

  20. #20
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    thats been a new goal of mine, to stop the senseless amount of test, and utilize stacking.

    also if u cant grow with 2x test in ur system then its you thats messing up with diet and such, not the gear.

  21. #21
    Str8Jakked's Avatar
    Str8Jakked is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    also if u cant grow with 2x test in ur system then its you thats messing up with diet and such, not the gear.
    Well said, most people on here can achieve their goals by putting 90% of their focus into their diet and not gear.

  22. #22
    BallBust is offline New Member
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    Well guys, this has been very informative. I'll be doing some adjustments in the diet and stretch out the cycle for a bit longer. As for dosages, would 500mg test and 500mg deca suffice?

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