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  1. #1
    Machinek69's Avatar
    Machinek69 is offline Junior Member
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    Question AntiDeppressents and Test.

    Im getting enough Test e for Three 8wk cycles. I have a history of Insomnia and deppression. Type 2 bi polar along with having Post Trumatic stress disorder. Which is more common these days now that any ass hole will look you in the eye and swear on his mothers life that you need this pill to make everything better.

    ive lost 40 lbs in 3 months after i stopped the meds. My back injury is Dissapeared. I have more energy, though ilbeit nothing compared to a Human Being. Period.

    So id very much like to hear your thoughts.
    26. 6ft 215lb. Eating clean now.
    Ordering Test Ethe in prep for a sling shot cycle.
    Each of the three cycles ive projected would Run for 8 week cycles with Test Eth and a two week Delode of pct in prep for the next run of test.

    Cycle 1 Is test only at 400 wk
    cycle 2 is Test at 500 wk with Something like Winstrol .
    Cycle 2 Will be Test based too and probably something like Winstrol

    SO steroids and Depression. Any of you have them separately but want to smush them together like Peanut butter and Chocolate?

  2. #2
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Well they say I am depressed.But I tell the Doc that aint so.I just aint going to listen to some prick Mother fuk me.So I hit them.And being a truck driver for over 15yrs.You get a lot of guys who are going to kick my ash.BUT there kicker was broke and they called the police instead.Now I dont care if you let him swing 1st push you.The DA always turns the shit around.And I was the bad guy.And no I wasnt cycling.So after spending thousands in lawyers fees fines.My wife put my fun to a end.She walked me into the Docs office.And they said I was depressed.I quickly asked them how is that? Beacuse socity says I cant hit people who need it and start it?Well I am on them now.And I havnt hit no one in over 18mos.My wife and wallet are happy.But I due miss it

  3. #3
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    yeah i went down that road to .couldnt put my finger on it.meds made it worse. i ran a test cycle and it didnt do anything like that at all. felt great bro. run the test alone,

  4. #4
    Machinek69's Avatar
    Machinek69 is offline Junior Member
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    Im sorry for not responding sooner. Im still learning how to use this site.
    Update is that im running test alone. Three weeks in.
    I feel like I felt before i started on the Meds. I have a very strong sense of justice, which isnt always a good thing as i let things bother me. Now I just let it go and feel more focused. So glad to have found this site.

  5. #5
    jelly's Avatar
    jelly is offline Associate Member
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    Stay FAR FAR away from gear bro.

    It was someone with similar problems as you, who had depression and was on antidepression drugs, that made steroids illegal and a felony in the first place. The kid comitted suicide and the father blamed it on the juice, even though the kid had depression problems before the juice. The government then made it illegal.

    Please stay far away. We don't want another depression case fouling the outlook on steroids again. Just my opinion.
    Last edited by jelly; 08-24-2011 at 08:45 AM.

  6. #6
    guitario's Avatar
    guitario is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jelly View Post
    Stay FAR FAR away from gear bro.

    It was someone like you, who had depression and was on antidepression drugs, that made steroids illegal and a felony in the first place. The kid comitted suicide and the father blamed it on the juice, even though the kid had depression problems before the juice. The government then made it illegal.

    Please stay far away. We don't want another depression case fouling the outlook on steroids again. Just my opinion.
    Umm not all people with depression are suicidal, infact i'd say a tiny tiny percentage actually. I have been depressed for at least 15 years yet I have never had one bad thought in that sense.

    I think this site does a good enough job of fouling the outlook on steroids :-)

  7. #7
    sir.solidarity's Avatar
    sir.solidarity is offline Associate Member
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    This is a touchy one.
    PTSD and depression don't sound like they'd mix well with excessive test.
    Do you drink much OP?

  8. #8
    arejay is offline Associate Member
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    Having TBI and PTSD along w depression. I always felt that lifting in general kept me in better health through it all, and with juicing I can lower my med dosage by 1/2. Again just me, and yeah occasionally suicidal thoughts come through, but then again I think of killing people who piss me off alot more. Thats without juice, on it Im mellowed and focused in.
    I believe that if you have a solid mind set then you will be fine as to mixing them. Hell in general everyone should have a sound mind to be running gear, tho not the case.
    and bc sir.solidarity asked Im no longer a big drinker. Its my downfall in life and I restrain to a couple every so often, or major occasions.

  9. #9
    layeazy is offline Banned
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    I would take it easy though steroids are powerful hormones..

    Good luck though...

  10. #10
    layeazy is offline Banned
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    I would take it easy though steroids are powerful hormones..

    Good luck though...

  11. #11
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I'd recommend that you stick to low doses of test stacked with a milder anabolic (like Anavar , Primo, or Nandrolone ).
    Androgens (especially ones like Tren ) tend to mess with your head much more than compounds with a low androgenic value.

  12. #12
    shadowcast's Avatar
    shadowcast is offline New Member
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    I'm a newbie on here - but not in life. I'm 45yrs old and had my fair share of problems in life and more!!

    I took my first cycle when I was 19yrs old, and it is the one thing in my life I regret doing. I wish I had the knowledge of the do’s and don’ts on when and how to take steroids . I am convinced that this is the reason I am on anti-depressants to this day. And, I’m sure I would have been taller with broader shoulders (I’m 6 feet weigh 215lbs) the rest of my family (the males) are all over 6’4 with a wider frame than myself. They are all, or have been into sports but never taken gear.

    Great point from member ‘arejay’ I too always mellowed out when juicing. I think it’s when my body was provided with extra hormones, my body and brain are now saying - “At last! This is how we should have been feeling for years!”

    I do disagree with the comment from member jelly, but must admit I understand exactly what jelly is stating here. Must remember though, an arse hole is an arse hole with or without gear in their system. Of course androgens will bring out even more male characteristics, but there’s no excuse to go out and hurt others because you taking anabolics/androgenics etc. There will always be the ‘minority’ who ruin it for others in all walks of life.

    I’m old school when it comes to the iron game and have met a lot of fascinating, wonderful and kind human beings and these - are mainly hardcore body builders.

    Don’t let depression overcome and ruin the years ahead of you. Take control and be strong.

    I haven't taken any 'AS' for over 10 years and I'm about to start a cycle soon. I'm nervous but excited, so expect me in various forums asking many a question.

    Take care and stay strong, positive and enjoy life as we only have one and it’s not a rehearsal.

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