age 31, 5'11 189, 4-5 cycles under my belt. I got some gear and was running this cycle
500mg test wk
10mg nolv ed
250 iu hcg 2x week.
10 weeks
clomid/nolva pct

however, im ten weeks in and I have not made any gains other than some fat loss. Im thinking I have fake test because the results im seeing seem more from increased natty test from the hcg.People say I look bigger and more cut but I have actually lost 2 lbs since starting this cycle and my diet is good, eating a lot and plenty of protein and I work out 6days a week. My dilemma is this. If this whole time ive only been on hcg, should I still do my clomid/nolva pct? and if so, my last shot of "test" was tuesday, should i wait the 2 weeks or start immediately?
