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  1. #1
    cageit is offline New Member
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    sust 250 crashing question

    I have researched crashing and been heating up the sust 250 bottle by way of stove before every pin mondays and thursday. I am towards end of 8 wk cycle. the gear crashes more each time showing more and more crystals and cloud. it also starts to crash as soon as it starts to get room temp. shoulder injection sites ache more and more also after pins. any input? has this gone past crashing and gone bad?

  2. #2
    poppz's Avatar
    poppz is offline Senior Member
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    What causes it to crash

  3. #3
    cageit is offline New Member
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    I dont know the exact science behind it, but when reading on the subject it seems that it isn't that abnormal. but I haven't been able to find other info suggesting it will crash that fast...or that painful injection sites can correlate with it for some reason. my mind just races with questions like if I'm not letting it cool enough before crashing again in the know, just weird scientific explanations. or I need to figure out if the stuff is bad and could cause damage.

  4. #4
    cageit is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by poppz View Post
    What causes it to crash
    it seems that it starts to crash when returning back to room temp for a little bit.

  5. #5
    Jmac85 is offline New Member
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    I don't exactly know why this is happening to you, but when gear gets Too cold that's what happens and maybe your not getting it hot enough for it to reform? Either way, I'd wouldnt put anything that sounded like that in my body, why not just toss it and get a new bottle.

  6. #6
    cageit is offline New Member
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    I heat it until it is completely formed like it was when I got it, without cloud or crystals. I heat it in pot on stove for probably 10 minutes while pulling out to swirl around a bit.

  7. #7
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    to me it sounds as if your not heating it enough to reconstitute if theres more crystals in the vial after each injection...i had this whole crashing issue happen to me with overdosed prop so like you i had to heat it up so the crystals would melt and reform with the too would crash within a day or two and was always painfull post injection...i also felt that it must have been crashing in the muscle to explain why there was so much post injection pain, but have no real proof just theory...unfortunatly i have no solution for you to make it better other than cut it with steril oil of some kind...goodluck...

  8. #8
    cageit is offline New Member
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    I will try heating longer...or research a different method of heating it. i only have about 2 and half weeks left, and don't want to mess with re cutting-mixing. if I come to the conclusion that it is doing something bad in the muscle, I will scrap it. I can stand the soreness if it is still doing what it is supposed to do in me. if I general consensus is that it is causing infections or damage...I'll be done with it.

  9. #9
    Jmac85 is offline New Member
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    Most likely it wont cause any damage and it won't cause infections a all, but personally I wouldn't put it in me, who knows how well it works since it's crashing so u may be wasting your time while getting painful injections. With how cheap a new bottle would be I'd just scrap it and get a fresh on without all the hassle and guessing.

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