I've led a very strict workout routine and diet over the last two years. I finally 8 weeks ago stepped up and have been on this stack for 8 weeks

2IU's 5 days a week of HGH Somotropen
.50Ml of test cypo
.50Ml of test prop
1.0Ml of Stanzonol

I take those 3 in one draw once a week

50mg of clomid 2 x weekly

This was recommened by a Dr. friend of mine. I have no clue how long to keep this cycle up?

I've had no side effects yet. I've never had acne but in the last week have had a little on shoulders and cheeks. Is there any one of these that could cause that or is it all of them?

I work out five days a week.

Mon- Chest and Back
Tues- biceps and shoulders
Wed- Triceps and abs
Thur- Traps and lats
Fri - Either cardio or Strictly chest.

Again, all of this being new to me I'm looking for any advice. I've thickened up and leaned out a little. I've been told HGH takes a few months to get all benefits.

I inject HGH in abs and test, & Stanz in Glutes.

Is this a good cycle?
Am i hurting myself?

ect ect ect