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Thread: Countryboy

  1. #1
    jayfrance's Avatar
    jayfrance is offline New Member
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    Hi everybody, thanks for this amazing website. So much info, that it sounds complicated. And i though I knew some stuff.. i don't knwo anything, I'm a newbie!
    I have tried to find the answer but I'm not sure. English is not my first language

    I have been practising sports and gym for ever. I have been working out for 6-7 years. But the more I 'grow up', the more I want to get bigger.
    And I think it's working pretty much... Though, I'm aware that I'm reaching my 'natural limit', and I doubt my bicep could get bigger just by adding 'creatine' and ' protein shake' to my diet. Of course, I could improve my diet, and eat 6 times day, but would I get the same result?

    I have been thinking about steroids for a while. I think it is time for me. I'm gonna be 30. What is the difference between injection and pills ? Is their some 'soft' formula for someone like me who want to try. DOes taking AAS only come in cycle, or there is another way, easier.

    I put a recent picture of me

    Last edited by jayfrance; 07-07-2011 at 06:29 PM. Reason: ad a picture

  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    at 5'9 and 157 you def dont need steriods . you do need do fix your diet

  3. #3
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    You are nowhere near your limit.Not even close.You are on the thin side bro.Hit the diet section.Learn how to eat that is key.You doing aas now.You would lose everything you trained for.All beacuse you dont know how to eat.

  4. #4
    Pac Man's Avatar
    Pac Man is offline Senior Member
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    est que votre image dans votre profil?
    Je suis en supposant que vous parlez francais.
    Francais est mon langue seconde.
    song et gixxerboy sont corrects sur votre alimention. Mangez mangez mangez bro ham, puis essayez steroids .

  5. #5
    jayfrance's Avatar
    jayfrance is offline New Member
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    Jul 2011
    Thank you for the reply and comments.
    Am I on the thin side, really ? I guess u meant for a body builder.
    I read many post on the diet sections, I have been into fitness for such a long time, I know what is good and what is not good. I would not say that I don't know how to eat. I am bit confused. I'm explaining :
    Last summer, I ate and ate so much, that I gained 10 kilogrammes in 2 months. I had 6 meals a days, a lot of whey protein shake.. Though, when I looked at myself, OK, i was 10 kg bigger, but I didn't tlike my 'fat' cheek, and I started to have a belly. Though, my ass was super great.
    Then, like anyone would do, I started to 'rip off' the fat; and 'dry', in 2 month, I almost lost everything, and went back to before ( the only things that stayed are the bigger biceps actually ).
    What it worth it worth it ? What I was thinking is that when you start AAS, then, you do eat more, but at the same time, your strengh is so strong, that you want to lift far more weigh. When I look at those body builder, I don't really see any belly, or fat cheek.
    So you think I'm too 'small' to start. When would be the right time to start then ?

    Pacman : It is me on the picture. your french is great

    I have the feeling that, of course, I will get bigger, gradualy, but really slow now, and with so much efforts. You put less effort when you start AAS or is it the same ? Thanks again all

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