Ok, i know most will say d-bol is a waste of time without any test,ect. I have read and seen some people have great success with the solo run if everything is in order.

Few Questions:::

1) I have 10mg 100 d-bol pills i was going to run it for one month, i saw most running it for 6 weeks. Could i start out by 20mg a day and work my way up to 30mg near the end of the 6 week cycle?

2) I do have cycle support, should this be taking with the d-bol or will it effect any gains?

3) I was reading the PCT is really required since the dose of d-bol is so low and the period of time of use, and some say different. Is it really required?

4) I'm unable to obtain PCT IE: nolva do to the site i use to be referred to is no longer active or something the site is down thats all i know.
I did research a few sites and wanted to make sure there legit. I'm not going to post them here, because not sure if i'm allowed to and do to competitor.

Thanks for your time.

And please don't be harsh on me on the d-bol solo...lol..