So for probably the past 6-7 months I have been experiencing some minor weight gain, fatigue, weakness, irritability, and joint pain. So I decided it was time to go to the local trusty general physician and see what was going on. He ordered basic male work-up testing for everything from illnesses, levels, to diseases. He came up with really nothing and attributed my symptoms to my grueling hourly work week (avg. 70 hours), lack of sleep (avg. 4:30-6 hours a night), and the occasional partying (at most drinking one night a week)!

Needless to say I didn't by it that at 25 these things could be affecting me this greatly. Therefore, in talking to one of my buddies and explaining my symptoms he put me in touch with a rep that works for a company that is out of Florida that handles hormonal testing and supplementation.

After contacting the rep he sent me to get yet another physical and another full male work-up. This time after the company out of Florida (btw I live in NY) got my results the rep called me back and explained to me that my test levels were extremely low (385 ng/dl). Thus, he sent my lab reports to "the doctor," (who works in NYC) who in turn prescribed a concoction of hormonal medications:

1. Anastrozole .5MG/cap (taken 1/d 3/w)
2. Testosterone CYP 200MG/ML 10ML VL (taken 1 ML 1/w)
3. HCG 11,000 UNIT VIAL (taken 1000 units 1/w)

I was told all of this should take me about 10 weeks and that after 4 weeks I was to check back in with the rep and report any side effects/ progression of the cycle.

So, now that I bored you all with my story (and obviously my nervousness) I wanted to ask for advice.

Clearly, I know this is some what shady and odd, but I was wondering a few things:

1. Does the cycle even make sense?
2. What are the major side effects of taking this concoctions at my age?
3. What/or is there anything else I should be asking this rep?
4. Is there anything else I should supplement with this cycle?
5. Is there anything else I should know before starting it if at all?

Thank you guys again in advanced for your help and guidance!