I'm 38. 6'1.192.....started hgh 45 days ago..the yellow tops. Was using prop with it and then cypionate ..I take 4ius a day of growth. And this week I started the combo500 of tren , cypionate, enanthate , and boldenon...my goal is to be 195-200 but completely shredded. Im probably about 15% body fat...obviously high.... I have a bottle of t3t4 but don't know if u should take it yet or put on some weight. I also have winny to take. I guess my question is what is the best combination with hgh, and should I go to the blue caps for growth. What tes should I put with the growth, winny, t3, etc. I guess I'm asking for what I should take over the next couple months to get my desired results. I'm a rookie so any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks