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  1. #1
    WildThing19 is offline New Member
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    Gaining 30 lbs on a cycle.

    Ive been reading a lot of posts on other sites asking is it possible to gain 30 lbs on a cycle. Unlike the answers of the other sites I say YES. It is not only possible but not too hard to achieve. However of those 30 lbs I would have to say a max of 12lbs is muscle, the other is water retention and fat gain. If you are looking to bulk up and gain as much mass as possible then you cannot worry about the fat gain. After the cycle then worry about loosing the extra fat but keep in mind that some muscle mass will be lost as well unless you are using gear to keep you LBM where it is. I personally tend to get enormous gaines on cycles. My friends call me Juice as a joke. Currently off cycle I am sitting around 225 - 230 12%bf. Im not a competitor so I dont mind not being shredded. My next cycle I am waiting until prob Aug to begin and planning on hitting 255 - 260 and hopeing to stay around 235 - 240 when im back to that bf%. This is my next 12 week cycle.....

    pre cycle
    100 epo ed for 10 days
    1-12 250mg sus eod
    1-12 50mg tren eod
    1-12 400mg Eq (200mg twice/week)
    1-6 50mg dbol ed
    6-7 1000iu HCG (250iu twice a week just to keep the boys happy)
    13-14 1000iu HCG (250iu twice a week for two weeks)
    14-end 300mg clomid day one then 100mg clomid for 20 more days

    have had great success with this post cycle therapy .

  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    personally i dont like the cycle. eq sucks. And 50mg tren eod is low.

    2nd what the point of putting on fat and water? So you want to gain a bunch to cut it back off. How is that good for you body fluctuating that much weight, its unhealthy. if all you really want is 230-240 @ 12% why not just cycle with a goal of that?

  3. #3
    Bonesaw's Avatar
    Bonesaw is offline New Member
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    Why not just save that money and your body and buy food? you say you only want to gain 10 lbs after the cycle when back to original bf. With a good diet, rest, and training regimen that shouldn't be too hard.?

  4. #4
    Noles12's Avatar
    Noles12 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Can i ask why you choose to use EPO?

  5. #5
    vtach12's Avatar
    vtach12 is offline Associate Member
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    Wouldn't it be easier to just gain 5-10 of muscle on cycle with proper diet and some liquid Dex, and not have to lose the fat and water off cycle? Not having to deal with stretch marks would be a plus too.

  6. #6
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Quote Originally Posted by WildThing19 View Post
    Ive been reading a lot of posts on other sites asking is it possible to gain 30 lbs on a cycle. Unlike the answers of the other sites I say YES. It is not only possible but not too hard to achieve. However of those 30 lbs I would have to say a max of 12lbs is muscle, the other is water retention and fat gain. If you are looking to bulk up and gain as much mass as possible then you cannot worry about the fat gain. After the cycle then worry about loosing the extra fat but keep in mind that some muscle mass will be lost as well unless you are using gear to keep you LBM where it is. I personally tend to get enormous gaines on cycles. My friends call me Juice as a joke. Currently off cycle I am sitting around 225 - 230 12%bf. POST pictures of yourself at 225 lbs @ 12&BF. Im not a competitor so I dont mind not being shredded. My next cycle I am waiting until prob Aug to begin and planning on hitting 255 - 260 and hopeing to stay around 235 - 240 when im back to that bf%. This is my next 12 week cycle.....

    pre cycle
    100 epo ed for 10 days
    1-12 250mg sus eod
    1-12 50mg tren eod What's the point, too low a dose and it fights for the same receptors as test, so your just injecting extra compounds for little/no gains imo.
    1-12 400mg Eq (200mg twice/week) Useless compound, elevates blood pressure dangerous high and any gains you get will be because of the other compounds not Equipoise)
    1-6 50mg dbol ed
    6-7 1000iu HCG (250iu twice a week just to keep the boys happy) 1000 IU's of HCG over 1 week in a 12 week cycle is not enough to micmic LH sufficiently I believe. HCG should be run every week.
    13-14 1000iu HCG (250iu twice a week for two weeks)
    14-end 300mg clomid day one then 100mg clomid for 20 more days

    have had great success with this post cycle therapy. Do you have bloodwork to prove this ? Clomid-only is not a good PCT at all.
    I agree with everything that's already said, wouldn't run this cycle at all. Additional answers in bold.

  7. #7
    WildThing19 is offline New Member
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    yeah it would be easier but I like having the extra bulk in the winter........dont know why, just preference. As for the EPO, I am extremely active. I am an Ironworker as my main job, a semi pro ball player during the summer, and train BJJ and Karate. So I am constently low on energy. The EPO makes the red blood cells circulate more oxygen and quicker, giving the body and muscles more endurance.

  8. #8
    cb714's Avatar
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    I'm barely starting my first cycle so I can't comment on personal experience but from being around buddies that do it often I would say if you're gaining that much fat your diet needs to be adjusted. I've seen some of my friends go up 25lbs and at the end of pct keeping about 18 lbs of it.. and still looking cut. True, water retention will always be there on some level depending on whether you're controlling your estrogen or not but fat shouldn't be much of an issue with a proper diet.

    Like I said this is not from personal experience but from what I have observed. I'll let you know my results in a few months.
    Last edited by cb714; 07-15-2011 at 12:17 PM.

  9. #9
    Pac Man's Avatar
    Pac Man is offline Senior Member
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    I would drop the EPO as well. That shit is dangerous and completely unnecessary unless you're an endurance athlete

  10. #10
    Pac Man's Avatar
    Pac Man is offline Senior Member
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    Let me add that EPO is a great drug and yea, it can be used for bulking but IMO it's just not worth the risk

  11. #11
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    what age are you? from this post and your other 'planning next cycle' thread, you sound like an over anxious youngster

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