Thread: I'll keep asking
07-27-2011, 08:58 AM #1
I'll keep asking
Momma always used to say, "If you don't have anything nice to say"... You know the rest. I'm asking a question here. Looking for an answer to that question, not whether you know more than everyone else in the post. Ok, here it is.
6'3" 200/lean. I've done very few "cycles" with little stuff. I've taken test and it gave me acne. I'm sure that can be controlled. I also got gyno from improper or nonexistent PCT. Oh well. Fixed now.
I wanted to do winny only but the big guys here keep saying its a waste. At 200 lean, I really want to be 205 leaner. But if you say its a waste, fine. I want to stay lean. I heard NPP was nice but I'd have to run test. Combo = acne, letro (no sex) and possible gyno issues.
Tren is a daily thing which will already be the case with the winny I have already.
I want the answer to be "Yes, Newb. You can take winny, gain 5 lbs, drop some fat, your dick will still work and you won't have to worry about growing boobs." That's my ideal answer. I'm pretty sure all that is correct but I think everyone on the forum is stuck on gaining 25lbs with each cycle that they don't like the idea of someone doing such a simple cycle.
I want to be pretty. Not hard to handcuff.Last edited by NewbFromCali; 07-27-2011 at 12:43 PM.
07-27-2011, 09:08 AM #2
Asking to be PM'd is asking for scammers.....beware and please edit your post.
Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.Author Unknown
We tend not to pm each other when asking the advice your asking, we like to keep everything in the open...
Your not going to get the answers you want to hear on this board as we put the health of our members first. Im sure there are many boards out there that will tell you exactly what you want to here.
If you insist on staying here then its the diet forum you need and not this forum...
07-27-2011, 09:32 AM #4
If I wanted to gain 5lbs and get leaner I would either go winny/test prop/diet for 6 weeks or anavar /test prop/diet for 6 weeks. I get acne with Test E. but I only get a little acne with Test prop. I wonder if it's the ester, hmmmm. I wouldn't take a lot of Test Prop either. About 200mg/wk is enough to maintain your endogenous level of Test. You shouldn't get much acne.
07-27-2011, 09:35 AM #5
Im not even sure he can PM until 50 posts right?
Anyhow, bottom line is dont run any cycle without test. Test has many other purposes then just being a "base". Its pertinent to health, bodily function, growth, etc... I wont lie, you will make gains without test. However, you are taking on many more sides and risks by doing so. Dont do it, youre young and dont want what most of the ignorant users/abusers have permanently done to their body's!
07-27-2011, 09:42 AM #6
People arent trying to be jerks on this forum man. If you are asking if its ok to take Winny and Tren without Test in the mix, then no, it is not ok. If you want to avoid dick problems and stuff, then just taking Tren is not going to help. Test is what makes any cycle more stable, regardless if you are trying to cut, lean bulk, or heavily bulk. If you are worried about acne or gyno that bad, dont use gear. It is always a possibility if you have the tendancy to get it. To reduce acne, water retention, or gyno, you should stick with a AI to help reduce the symptoms. If acne is that terrible for you, get some cleanser like proactiv or something. This is why we have the forum man. To let people ask questions, and to get the right answers. But dont ask questions if you are not going to accept the answers that the vets give you.
You seem to just be asking questions but get upset if the answer isnt what you want to hear. Im sorry that you dont wanna hear that taking winny solo is not good for you and would be a waste of money, time, and more damage than good to your body. And just because someone says you need Test in your cycle doesnt mean they are saying you need to bulk 25lbs. I use Test in EVERY cycle, even cutting cycles in which all I use in Anavar , which even in itself is a very mild steroid , but can still cause shutdown.
Letro will not cause you to have no sex drive if you are on Test. Hence why we always say take test with every cycle. I am currently on 2.5mg of Letro a day and I still have a sex drive through the roof because the Test keeps you up. If you want a "simple" cycle, Tren is not a good idea for "simple." Simple would be like 400mg Test Prop/Enth a week. Or maybe stack it with something mild like Winny or Var. Tren is never "simple."
3 rules I ALWAYS follow, regardless of what anyone says: ALWAYS use Test in a cycle, no matter what you goals are. ALWAYS have some sort of AI on hand in case things go bad. And ALWAYS PCT, regardless of time or amount of gear you are using.
We are all here to help, not insult or flame at you. But if you are going to get upset with the true, correct answer, then you shouldnt be asking questions. Good luck, my friend. We are here if you ask the right questions.
07-27-2011, 09:56 AM #7
If you take a small dose of letro with along with test chances are you will never develop gyno. As far as acne goes bro, try taking two showers a day using soap for oily skin. If that doesn't work then try to tan a few times a week while you're on cycle. It's summer time, shouldnt be hard right now. Shit... your in San Diego man, you got nice beaches go hit them up. Go to black's beach I actually went there not too long ago expecting to see old fat people but to my surprise there were some hotties there.
Just try to run test with your cycles. Like the above post said, try test prop... only issue is if you have a problem with frequent pins. They're ed or eod.Last edited by cb714; 07-27-2011 at 10:09 AM.
07-27-2011, 10:00 AM #8
i would say running 2.5mgs of letro on cycle is worse than anything. Are you taking that for gyno treatment?
07-27-2011, 10:04 AM #9
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07-27-2011, 10:08 AM #10
I agree. I've read several posts of people taking high doses like that throughout their entire cycle without ever even having gyno symptoms.
07-27-2011, 10:09 AM #11
07-27-2011, 10:15 AM #12
07-27-2011, 10:19 AM #13
Yeah, I am currently on it fighting the gyno. I dont like it since my joints are sore as hell, but im just on 2.5mg until the flares down, then tapering back down to .25mg. Im not happy about it. Usually a small dose of nolva on the cycle does the trick for me, but this cycle is kicking my ass. Probably gonna try the Nolva//Aromasin trick next cycle so I dont have to do this again.
And hey, I gotta get my candy somehow. The diet doesnt allow it, so I gotta improvise for that sweet tooth. What better than tasty tasty Letro?
07-27-2011, 10:19 AM #14
07-27-2011, 10:21 AM #15
Wow man, youre killing your gains and overkilling the concept in general!
07-27-2011, 10:23 AM #16
if the letro is bothering your joints what do you think the winny is going to do?
07-27-2011, 10:37 AM #17
Im not the one who posted about the winny......just said that if he is so worried about gyno and stuff when being on test, he could take a small dosage of an AI to keep it down.
And I agree yung, it is overkill, and yes it did make my gains come to a dead halt, but it did the trick and I can start tapering down and continue my cycle unhindered. After using it firsthand, I can personally say that you really wouldnt need anything over .25-.5mg. I personally dont think I will use it again. People seem to have much better luck with Nolva//Aromasin for this stuff.
07-27-2011, 11:48 AM #18
i tried the cbino letro treatment once (i think it was cbino),,, at 2.5mg of letro a day i thought i was gonna die,, my scalp started getting sores, felt like i had the flu and overall just wanted to kill myself. Never touched that stuff again.
07-27-2011, 12:01 PM #19
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I think Prop/Var would be a better cycle for your goals than winny/tren .
07-27-2011, 12:04 PM #20
I agree. Yes, it was C-Bino who recommended the 2.5mg. After doing it, I dont think I would agree with anyone using that much. It is too overkill. And I wont ever use this stuff again once I taper off of it. As a first time user of Letro, I am not a fan of it at all. I get those flu like symptoms occasionally, constantly feel tired and fatigued, and sore. Half the time I am at the gym I am yawning and just wanna take a nap. Plus as I said, gains halted. I would never recommend 2.5mg to anyone.
I much prefer Nolva, but i think I will take the recommendation of Nolva and Aromasin for my next cycle to be on the safe side and avoid having to do this again.
07-27-2011, 12:52 PM #21
By far, best post I've read on this forum. "Test is what makes any cycle more stable" is the best and maybe the only explanation I've ever seen. Thanks for the advice. Now that I need to wrap my head around test, I'll stock up on letro and nolva and get ready.
Keep this in mind... Look at my posts. I think its under 30 still. When I ask about a winny only cycle and someone says "It's a waste of money, bro" with no reason why or anything, it makes me think they're just unimpressed with my level of commitment to getting huge. I may have been mistaken. Thanks for the honesty and also thanks for explaining it all AFTER you told me I was making assumptions.
07-27-2011, 12:54 PM #22
So you won't run NPP because you have to run test with it, but you will run winstrol without test? Can't argue with that logic. A quick look at the steroid profile for winstrol will reveal that you need to take test with it to combat the inevitable suppression of natural hormone production.
As with running virtually any compound, testosterone supplementation (i.e. running test in a cycle containing Winstrol) is warranted to avoid possible sexual dysfunction.
Read more: edited by Nooomoto; 07-27-2011 at 12:57 PM.
07-27-2011, 01:01 PM #23
And I've taken Arimidex while on test cyp and it definitely affected my sex drive. The issue was I already had gyno and I'm not sure it was halting it or allowing it to get worse or what.
What's the problem with just taking nolva the whole time? Or nolva and arimidex but a lower dose. I think I was taking 1mg EOD. Even with the AI, I still got acne.
This is like a trying to take a freaking trig exam 13 years after high school. So many factors.
07-27-2011, 01:07 PM #24
Nolvadex is thought to inhibit IGF-1 which is important for muscle growth, thus not making it a great idea to run throughout your entire cycle, but rather as a PCT component.
07-27-2011, 01:20 PM #25
But adex is gonna slow gains also?
07-27-2011, 01:23 PM #26
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07-27-2011, 01:26 PM #27
30 in october
07-27-2011, 01:28 PM #28
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adex wont slow gains, i went on it for high estro 3wks ago and my cycle took off like a bat outa hell. just dont jump on a high dose, im doin .5mg eod
07-27-2011, 01:49 PM #29
I would recommend Adex or Aromasin before using Letro. They are a bit more mild, and tend to be better and preffered by most users. Letro is a bit more extreme and most people prefer not to use it unless they have to.
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