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  1. #1
    GunSlingR is offline Junior Member
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    Why do you cycle if you get bad sides?

    I see so many people on here complaining of side effects like gyno and what not. Yet continue to use. I run a good amount of gear and have never gotten any sides what so ever aside from shunken nuts. Even coming off cycle with very simple pct I bounce back to normal in no time. I personally woudnt cycle at all if I had the problems some of you here speak of.
    Some peoples bodies just cant handle the juice apparently and in my honest opinion, just shouldnt use it.
    Some of you a just nuts. Willing to grow yourself some bitch tits and go sterile all for a few more pounds of muscle.
    Just my two pennies
    -Annoyed with whinney ass people

  2. #2
    Sicko's Avatar
    Sicko is offline Senior Member
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    I would say it is the same reason fat people continue to overeat.. They like the way it tastes..Dope addicts like the way it feels...Those who juice like the way they look...Related health problems are irrelevant if the desired affect is gained..
    Humans are just dumb like that....

  3. #3
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GunSlingR View Post
    I see so many people on here complaining of side effects like gyno and what not. Yet continue to use. I run a good amount of gear and have never gotten any sides what so ever aside from shunken nuts. Even coming off cycle with very simple pct I bounce back to normal in no time. I personally woudnt cycle at all if I had the problems some of you here speak of.
    Some peoples bodies just cant handle the juice apparently and in my honest opinion, just shouldnt use it.
    Some of you a just nuts. Willing to grow yourself some bitch tits and go sterile all for a few more pounds of muscle.
    Just my two pennies
    -Annoyed with whinney ass people
    Lmao, you've run one test e cycle....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  4. #4
    Tbound is offline Junior Member
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    GunSlingr is clearly speaking from immense knowledge and depth in the subject I see.
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    Lmao, you've run one test e cycle....

  5. #5
    yungone501's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tbound View Post
    GunSlingr is clearly speaking from immense knowledge and depth in the subject I see.
    Unparalleled wisdom and most newbs.

  6. #6
    GunSlingR is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    Lmao, you've run one test e cycle....
    I'm currently on a 750/w test e, 100eod tren , and winny cycle. Along with gh peptides. I'm near the end of cycle with still zero sides and not using anything during cycle to combat them. If I got any sides i would end the cycle, because to me my body is worth alot and doing possibly perminent damage is not worth it to me.
    Aside from the point, and speaking from a simple common sense perspective.
    Its like taking some medication and it giving you the shits. Are you just going to find something that covers up the symptoms? or Maybe quit using that medication or find an alternative? Only this isnt the shits, its complex horomones in your body that can have an ever lasting effect on your body.

  7. #7
    GunSlingR is offline Junior Member
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    Maybe I am somewhat new to using, but having a strong knowledge of human physiology and the effect of chemicals in the body may give me a slight advantage over someone whos just been pinning their ass for a few years with no idea whats really going on in their body. But who knows, my college degree is just a piece of paper right?

  8. #8
    Tbound is offline Junior Member
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    Young bro, I ran about half of what you are doing several years ago.....Thought I was THE coolest. No sides for the longest(just like yourself) ran it and ran it....THEN one morning BANG! right nip sore....a day later BANG! woke up in the middle of the night with a kitten nursing from said nip! The kitten was getting BIG AS HELL! but my ego went south! LOL! True story minus the kitten part but really bro be cautious about the sides.....cause chances are real good they're a comin'.

  9. #9
    GunSlingR is offline Junior Member
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    haha kitten nursing, thats some funny shit. I'm not saying that I'll never get them. Just saying that if that day comes, which it very well may. I will either modify what I'm using or stop cycle. Ofcourse at that point i'll use the right chemicals to hopefully clear up those sides. I dont believe that just continuing usage at the same levels that are causing sides and then throwing on anti e or whatever other side effect minimalizing chemical compound is a safe way to run a cycle.

    Its the same type of theory that modern day doctors use so much. "well heres your symptoms, lets give you this medication to eliminate that" I'd much rather run some blood work and attempt to find the root cause of whatever ailment the patient has.

  10. #10
    markdbg is offline Associate Member
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    honestly u cant talk. im sure almost everyone has said the same thing u said. i know i said if i had any bad sides id get off gear right away and thats why im taking tren A instead of E, i got a sore nip, i kept going just took sum ai to clear it up. acne, i just took accutane. got bad insomnia, i just took melatonin. until u get sum sides, you cant talk cause i bet anything ull stay on gear just like 90% of us.

    and no steriods dont make u go sterile. look at branch warren who has just had a kid after being a pro and taking grams of gear for 15+ years, and bitch tits arnt a perm problem, they can be solved with letro or and if bad enough, surgery. and if ur not completely retarded ud use a ai.

    donno if its the over a gram of test, or 100mg ed of tren, but this post enraged me.

  11. #11
    DGK is offline Member
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    Going into using aas ppl well at least any person worth keeping in the chain of evolution has done research and realized that there are side effects from these products. They then make a decision based upon this knowledge. It the same thing as ppl who decide to smoke, they know its linked to lung cancer and death, they know its not a easy habit to kick but yet they still decide to smoke. The same thing with drinkers, drinking can destroy ur body, drinking can ruin your life, just bc u didnt drive drunk this time doesnt mean you wont in the future. Yet ppl knowing all this still drink.

    Now if u can smoke and take a medicine that would prevent cancer would you still smoke? Of course you would bc now u can have ur cake and eat it too. So even if someone has sides on juice they should be well enough informed to know how to counter act them and if they are why wouldnt they eat their cake and have it too. I didnt get sides from my first cycle but i took an ai pre emptively . It also helped with bloat.

  12. #12
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    1st cycle 750mg test and you know wat? Not bustin bro but thats a lot of Brew and I didnt even touch on the other stuff.Ever here of grow into your dose.Swifto

  13. #13
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GunSlingR View Post
    I'm currently on a 750/w test e, 100eod tren , and winny cycle. Along with gh peptides. I'm near the end of cycle with still zero sides and not using anything during cycle to combat them. If I got any sides i would end the cycle, because to me my body is worth alot and doing possibly perminent damage is not worth it to me.
    Aside from the point, and speaking from a simple common sense perspective.
    Its like taking some medication and it giving you the shits. Are you just going to find something that covers up the symptoms? or Maybe quit using that medication or find an alternative? Only this isnt the shits, its complex horomones in your body that can have an ever lasting effect on your body.
    Your completely contradicting yourself here..

    Your now on a heavy tren cycle which would mean you are completely shut down, how the hell do you know that your endocrine system will recover to what it was before starting your cycle?? You don't so your taking a big risk...

    Tell me please, what where your blood test readings before you began your first cycle? What were they once you had finished your first cycle??? Post the full panels for both...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  14. #14
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    for most the sides are temporary. so its worth a little acne or sleeping issues for the size

  15. #15
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    Correct or completely controllable..^^^^^
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  16. #16
    Minion0812's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tbound View Post
    GunSlingr is clearly speaking from immense knowledge and depth in the subject I see.
    LMAO ****ing amazing!!!

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