Okay I am 5-8 185 13 percent.

First Cycle:

History first: 5 years ago i was 210 lbs all fat. I started dieting got down to 155 (un healthy) 3 years ago started hitting weights hard I am now 185.

I am 35 and my test levels were 345 so my doc agreed (after some arm twisting) to put me on 200 Cyp a week. I have done that for 5 weeks get my check up next week. I then plan on doubling the test by doing an additional 250 a week. he said after this blood test i dont need one for a year.

My work out is pretty solid except i forget about my legs too much. excuse is I do Judo and Jujitsu and I trick myself into thinking I get pleanty.

Monday- Chest 5 lefts 4 sets each heavy
Tuesday- Arms Same as Above
Friday- whatever i did on Monday and abbs
Sat-Sun off

I move the days arround every week.

Diet -

7:30- Whey (low carb 35 grams pro) Shake with PB, oats, whey, banana
9:00- Snack nuts
10:30 Salmon burger
11:30-12:00 gym for about an hour

12:30 PWO shake

2:30 Salmon burger or turkey

5:30 Turkey or chicken fish or eggs

9:30 ish Shake with frozen berries

Lety me know thoughts please and thank you.