09-12-2011, 02:54 AM #1
1st cycle: Test Prop, EQ, Winny. Need feedback!
hi everyone!
I was hoping you could give me (newbie) some advice about the stack that I'm getting ready to take. I already have my gear but I just wanted to get a second opinion on timing and quantity.
My stats:
28yrs old
16% bf
More info:
I put myself on a regimen this summer with the goal of losing a bit of weight as I realized that I had packed on a few extra unwanted pounds over the past couple of years. I've lost about 8lbs by cleaning up my diet and watching my calories, and adding weight lifting to my life again (I had been on and off for a few years). My goal with this cycle is to get lean. I'm not looking for huge gains. I'd love to lower my body fat while adding lean muscle. I'm very much looking for strength gain also as I would consider myself rather weak.
so here's what I have...
Testosterone Propionate (Anatest), Equipoise , Winstrol (pills)
from the information that I've gathered so far, here is the cycle that is on my radar...
Anatest (week 1 to 12)
injection, 200mg, EOD
EQ (week 1 to 12)
injection, volume not determined yet (help!), once per week.
Winny (week 4 to 12)
50mg pill daily
Can you help me fill in the blanks, or recommend any adjustments to the cycle? Thanks everyone. I want to make sure there is no stone left unturned before I start this commitment.
700mg/week of test is alot, i would go with 50mg ED (or 100EOD if u cant inject ed)
and that would be it, save the rest for later...
whats ur pct plan? and get on some HCG for during the cycle
09-12-2011, 03:41 AM #3
thanks for the advice, I will rethink my test intake.
any suggestions on the EQ intake?
also, I haven't yet thought about post cycle yet...I should though.
09-12-2011, 07:15 AM #4
09-12-2011, 07:16 AM #5
Only test bro
your first cycle only test and u could add an oral in the first 4 weeks like Tbol or Dbol
09-13-2011, 12:25 AM #6
So since I already have all my gear what I'm hearing is to take 100mg of Prop EOD (or 50mg ED), and introduce the oral Winny (50mg ED) at week 4 and run both until week 12? I'm curious as to why the Eq is not recommended for my first cycle, as per Granovich's reply?
{I am also currently researching my options for pct, thanks guys for the reminder}
09-13-2011, 01:27 AM #7
No need to run 3 compounds on your first cycle, stick with prop only if thats your test of choice. No need to run 100mgs ED either, go with 100mgs EOD. Drop the eq because its useless and pointless and to be honest your test only cycle will be more than enough if you have the correct base to work off. You can use the winny for the last 6 weeks of the cycle, 50mg ED will be fine to help harden up towards the end of the cycle. You also need to try and drop your bf lower before starting the cycle, head down to 14% or under before you start, this will be a better starting block than the 16% your running at present.
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