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  1. #1
    MuttonChop's Avatar
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    Thumbs up No bullshit answer to a 21 year old...Respect!

    This was posted by The Titan99 in another thread with a 21 year old asking about his bad gains on a Test cycle. I think this is one of the most fabulous answers ever given because there is no bullshit about age. His post will follow after my little rant.

    A lot of young people come on here and ask about roids. Most of the vets will give them a crappy answer with regards to age. But this doesn't stop most people. Because there is no strong evidence outside the growing age that steroids cause MORE damage to a 21 year old THAN to a 25 year old.

    But!!!! Being 25 years old DOES put you in a better position to take AAS. I know personally that I have matured more every single year, but people try to make generalizations. There ARE people who are 21 who can run a cycle as well as a 50 year old vet. What matters the most is getting the full benefit out of AAS through proper training, diet, and a understanding of one's body. A 21 year old could very well have all this down pact. Therefore, when a 21 year old posts asking for cycle advice, the following post by The Titan99 makes for a much better argument:

    "See, what Marcus is saying is whatever happens while your on cycle, it will evaporate immediately when you stop the steroids because you never learned how to eat first. That diet cannot support ANY new tissue growth, so all your left with is all the potential drawbacks and none of the benefits. It's like being shot dead in an ill-conceived bank robbery. It doesn't matter how much money you have in the bag, it's over before you started. The idea is to get some sort of lasting benefit. That's the pay off for the risk. Your deal right now is all risk and ZERO benefit.

    Here's the good news though. Since you don't know how to eat, once you figure that out you'll grow like a weed!!! All the benefit with none of the risk!!! How's that for the up side? Then, after you've made huge progress, about a year or 2 from now you might consider trying the AAS and then you have even MORE success!!! Your in a very nice position to reach your goals as long as you don't fvck yourself by putting the cart before the horse...


    Thanks a lot for that good post bro.

  2. #2
    dec11's Avatar
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    anyone with any sense should dis-regard this child's view point on using below 25
    Last edited by dec11; 09-17-2011 at 12:04 PM.

  3. #3
    MuttonChop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    anyone with any sense should dis-regard this child's view point on using below 21
    Oh, so now, it's below 21? Not 25? Great...because I turned 21 years old this year.

    Anyone with any sense would know to disregard a rage post that uses no evidence but just a high post count to make a point.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuttonChop View Post
    Oh, so now, it's below 21? Not 25? Great...because I turned 21 years old this year.

    Anyone with any sense would know to disregard a rage post that uses no evidence but just a high post count to make a point.
    its 25 you retard, and you know it.

    when is admin going axe these stupid kids????!!!!!

  5. #5
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    If he keeps fueling the tard fire (like he has in his other posts) he will end up burning many inexperienced kids, he will eventually b banned 4 giving potentially dangerous advice & supporting stupid decisions. He thinks he's walking proof that the 25 & older rule is pointless, we'll c how he feels in his mid 30's or 40's eh. Mutt........u & Suli (another 1 of Dec's favorites) should hook up, u guys would mak 1 kik a$$ tard team. TAG TEAM, I mean tag team.........sorry.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    If he keeps fueling the tard fire (like he has in his other posts) he will end up burning many inexperienced kids, he will eventually b banned 4 giving potentially dangerous advice & supporting stupid decisions. He thinks he's walking proof that the 25 & older rule is pointless, we'll c how he feels in his mid 30's or 40's eh. Mutt........u & Suli (another 1 of Dec's favorites) should hook up, u guys would mak 1 kik a$$ tard team. TAG TEAM, I mean tag team.........sorry.

  7. #7
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    Actually if a 21 yo has diet and training down pact, and has kept to it steady not just for a few months, then chances are the 21 year old won't feel the need to go on steroids to get bigger cuz they will have been growing from their proper nutrition a d exercise. And when they do ask, they present much more solid stats than the typical 21 year old. Then it's a issue of why to use gear rather than show them their diet sucks

  8. #8
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Last edited by Shol'va; 09-17-2011 at 01:40 PM.

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    Last edited by Shol'va; 09-17-2011 at 01:40 PM.

  10. #10
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    Nevermind.... Nevermind....


  11. #11
    parksy is offline Junior Member
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    OP yes, I suppose it is conceivable that some 21 yearold out there may have great training experience, an excellent diet, and may be done growing and maturing in a physical sense... however, this is not the case for the high majority of 21 years old. and there is NO way to determine the state of hormones or growth plates on a 21 yearold through a single post. Therefore it is extremely irresponsible to recommend advise or condone any use of AAS to someone who is 21... in fact in some cases I feel many 25 year old may not be ready to use AAS. Why role the dice on someone's health/safety/wellbeing when odds are a 21 year old should not be considering AAS--thats not what this site is about.

  12. #12
    Sulixe is offline Banned
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    I like how dec keeps talking like if we're doing something illegal on the forums by asking for directions. Mods won't ban us. We're over 18, obey all the forum rules. you,re the one who should be banned for ruinning every single thread that doesn't fit your point of view. Why do you even waste so much time pissing people off, punk? why can't you just let go and not bother visiting our threads? this forum ain't yours.
    Last edited by Sulixe; 09-17-2011 at 05:15 PM.

  13. #13
    layeazy is offline Banned
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    Sulixe you make a good point.... however the mods have a duty of care in regards to AAS they don't get there over night they are the people with the know how the knowledge and they supply everyone on the forum safe knowledge!

  14. #14
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sulixe View Post
    I like how dec keeps talking like if we're doing something illegal on the forums by asking for directions. Mods won't ban us. We're over 18, obey all the forum rules. you,re the one who should be banned for ruinning every single thread that doesn't fit your point of view. Why do you even waste so much time pissing people off, punk? why can't you just let go and not bother visiting our threads? this forum ain't yours.
    While it is true someone cannot be banned for being unedcuated , foolish , immature and in some cases even stupid - one can be banned for flaming anoither member. Of course that is subjective and I can only speak for myself but I find that particularly anooying when say a person posts something someone else may not like but it isnt even directed twords them. Then they proceed to make a post that has no relevance to the thread, obviously its sole purpose is to insult , antagonize and stir up shit. THAT i find annoying. THAT kind of shit in my opinion (strictly my opinion) may indeed warrant banning.But hey thats just me.....

  15. #15
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by layeazy View Post
    Sulixe you make a good point.... however the mods have a duty of care in regards to AAS they don't get there over night they are the people with the know how the knowledge and they supply everyone on the forum safe knowledge!
    There it is, rite there, "SAFE KNOWLEDGE" Suli, u & Mutt r providing anything but safe knowledge. Yes, u may offer some response u saw some where else in the past, like "hit the diet sec" or "Test only 4 a 1st cycle" but, face it, ur just standing on the shoulders of giants, you'll never admit it, but u know it. U hav nothing useful 2 offer here, except maybe a "look at wut my dumass did, this is wut NOT 2 do" thread. The consistency of ur spewings hav proven ur incompetence again & again.
    Last edited by The Bear 79; 09-17-2011 at 05:52 PM.

  16. #16
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    Oh and btw - I think this thread is bullshit. Basically it says people under 25 are too stupid to make a decision based on their lifelong health and well being and should be stroked off and fed some anciullary info (while it may be true) thats somnehow more palatable and scarily in the OP's mind a better reason not to use steroids under 25. I prefer the no BS full disclosure approach myself.
    Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 09-17-2011 at 05:53 PM.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sulixe View Post
    I like how dec keeps talking like if we're doing something illegal on the forums by asking for directions. Mods won't ban us. We're over 18, obey all the forum rules. you,re the one who should be banned for ruinning every single thread that doesn't fit your point of view. Why do you even waste so much time pissing people off, punk? why can't you just let go and not bother visiting our threads? this forum ain't yours.
    maybe someday, when mummy stops wiping your arse and you grow up, you'll understand what a moron you're being. and everytime i see you 'advising' i will call it out and point out you're an inexperienced child, why should some poor innocent be led up the garden path with your gibberish?
    Last edited by dec11; 09-17-2011 at 08:54 PM.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    Nevermind.... Nevermind....

    Yeah just my attempt of staying out of this cat fight. But with that said, it comes a point where no matter what is said and warned to the younger ones, their minds are made up and they are going to go ahead with or without our help. so what is the answer? If they are 18 the required age for the site they meet the guidelines of what is said and posted. so I guess we should just tell them what they want to know. Even though it's against my better judgement, but it would be the same if they wanted to do street drugs and was asking the best way. Is it not more responsible of us to tell them that they should never share their needle with anyone else for fear of contracting Hepatitis or HIV? In other words giving them the correct scenario on how to do it rather than just let them go it alone knowing full well they are going to do it anyways and that is why they are asking how to? This is why I am sick of the Zyzz crew and his ilk bragging all over the net about how at18-19 years old they went down the steroid path and showing all the gains all the time throwing it in everyone else's faces how they got that way. Is it no wonder so many have shown up here as of late wanting to follow his and the others footsteps? Of course there is one little detail these kids seem to forget and that is Zyzz is dead after 2 years of useage. Did the steroids at an early age cause his premature death? Who knows, but it should be a cautionary tale. I hate them doing it this early but were damned if we do and damned if we don't. And besides I think Dec is just as tired telling them it's too soon as they are of hearing it, but they keep on asking anyways....Answers anyone?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Yeah just my attempt of staying out of this cat fight. But with that said, it comes a point where no matter what is said and warned to the younger ones, their minds are made up and they are going to go ahead with or without our help. so what is the answer? If they are 18 the required age for the site they meet the guidelines of what is said and posted. so I guess we should just tell them what they want to know. Even though it's against my better judgement, but it would be the same if they wanted to do street drugs and was asking the best way. Is it not more responsible of us to tell them that they should never share their needle with anyone else for fear of contracting Hepatitis or HIV? In other words giving them the correct scenario on how to do it rather than just let them go it alone knowing full well they are going to do it anyways and that is why they are asking how to? This is why I am sick of the Zyzz crew and his ilk bragging all over the net about how at18-19 years old they went down the steroid path and showing all the gains all the time throwing it in everyone else's faces how they got that way. Is it no wonder so many have shown up here as of late wanting to follow his and the others footsteps? Of course there is one little detail these kids seem to forget and that is Zyzz is dead after 2 years of useage. Did the steroids at an early age cause his premature death? Who knows, but it should be a cautionary tale. I hate them doing it this early but were damned if we do and damned if we don't. And besides I think Dec is just as tired telling them it's too soon as they are of hearing it, but they keep on asking anyways....Answers anyone?
    yep he is, i get annoyed at the recklessness of it all. some are on here (they know who they are) crying about their sides but yet freely advise other ppl, what sense does that make?!

    one admitted that they have no confidence, feels bullied in life and using AAS is the way out, that confidence will be alot lower when depression hits on pct's and the most probable low test in time to come. us adults know that size means fvck all, they'll still get bullied and still not be able to do anything about it and have added problems from abusing synthetic hormones. square one minus one square. my answer is go get enrolled in martial arts classes, it would do 100 times more for confidence than any shot of test will ever do. they just wont listen.

    i worked recently on the doors with a 21yr old who was being offered adrol and told it was the shit etc, he asked me about it and i set him straight, he answered with 'thank fvck you know what you're talking about, fvck that stuff then', very rare to find a 21yr old with a level head like that

  20. #20
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    Good job jimmy.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    yep he is, i get annoyed at the recklessness of it all. some are on here (they know who they are) crying about their sides but yet freely advise other ppl, what sense does that make?!

    one admitted that they have no confidence, feels bullied in life and using AAS is the way out, that confidence will be alot lower when depression hits on pct's and the most probable low test in time to come. us adults know that size means fvck all, they'll still get bullied and still not be able to do anything about it and have added problems from abusing synthetic hormones. square one minus one square. my answer is go get enrolled in martial arts classes, it would do 100 times more for confidence than any shot of test will ever do. they just wont listen.

    i worked recently on the doors with a 21yr old who was being offered adrol and told it was the shit etc, he asked me about it and i set him straight, he answered with 'thank fvck you know what you're talking about, fvck that stuff then', very rare to find a 21yr old with a level head like that
    Let alone the 16-19 year olds showing up constantly on here, so the answer is perseverence. Keep on keeping on telling them the truth whether they like it or not. So there you go kids, get your diet in check and proper exercise routines while waiting till your body can handle steroids if indeed later when it is capable you want to go that route. You may indeed find out that you will get all the gains you want naturally without the need to even go that route. Then you won't have to worry about testing positive for aas if you decide to go into shows and have the personal satisfaction of knowing you did it all natty. And the cost saving to you for not having to purchase all that expensive gear, well it ain't cheap brothers, especially if your on a McDonalds salary, which a few of you I'm sure are. Nothing wrong with that but that pay wont get you far with an expensive hobby such as aas. Some things you might want to think on instead of getting ticked off at the messengers here like DEC11..Ok off soapbox
    Last edited by Shol'va; 09-17-2011 at 10:31 PM.

  22. #22
    kampfgeist is offline New Member
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    most people who use AAS do it to cover some insecurity or mental weakness in an aspect of their lives. that is the sad fact of AAS.

    i think 21 is too young for most people personally, but i don't feel the need to berate someone on an internet forum if he makes the personal decision to use at 21.

  23. #23
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    We Advise them the dangers of aas.Then we tell them our stance on giving advice to anyone under 25.Thats when the kids have their temper tantrum.Some keep coming around asking even after being told.Some have slipped through the cracks and were getting advice by people not checking.Then when they are found out they delete their age and talk shit.So if the kids would remember we aint mommy or daddy and we dont care how many times they ask the answer is still the same NO.

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