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  1. #1
    snoozin is offline New Member
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    May 2010

    Exclamation Week 8, first cycle, Got a good pea sized lump. I have adex on hand and letro.

    The the right nip is really puffy, I got a lump clear to the side of nip. the lump and the nipple are sensitive.
    I'm on week 8 of test cyp at 500 mgs. I had the dbol on hand at first, started it for 5 days week one, then stopped it all together to see how I react to the test first. I had no sides from the test, I was also taking .5mg of adex every day. I stopped it at one point because I thought the pain during workout was due to the adex. So I stopped that from week 6 to 7. at that point I was up 22lbs from the test, I thought I should start the DBOl back up at week 7 since no sides, I also started the adex. I missed 2 days of the adex and I got a pea sized lump today, its blue under the skin around the nipple. Today was the day I discovered this. Someone told me that adex doesn't help against dbol gyno.

    So Im going to pick up my Letro which is in. I was thinking I should end my cycle since i've only gained 3 lbs in the last 2 weeks. Last pin was 7 days ago. I'm mixed up as to weather I should just continue the DBOL with Letro for another 2 weeks or just end the cycle and start the letro till I get the Nolva in days. I don't get my nolva till this Wednesday. I read that you can use an ai and an serm together in pct and others say its less effective.

    Based on what I read I should start with 0.5mg of letro to see how I react first.

    I learned my lesson. Gyno really brings me down. Thanks for your help in advance guys. My friend gave me nolva for the day today. What would be the best course of action here.
    Last edited by snoozin; 09-18-2011 at 01:06 PM. Reason: spelling

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