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  1. #1
    tsjca213 is offline New Member
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    What i like so much about this forum

    You ****ing forum geeks are like terrorist. It's impossible to trust anything being written here. I am 22. I ask for a steroid question. The response i get is "you are too young", "i don't agree with your diet", "I don't agree with equipoise , use primo in stead" and other related retarded answers. Or answers that says "Hey, why don't you have a pct planed out?". While my pct is stated lower in the posts, because most post-obsessed idiots are too lazy to read the whole post.

    I thought the idea of a steroid forum is to have a place where people that has questions can get answers, not a parental guiding place or a hangout for trolls, which is exactly what it is.

    Do not get me wrong, many people that want guidance about what cycle to use are people that shouldn't use. But when i write that my diet is this and that and my weight and bodyfat is in check and my diet is where i want it to be and my previous cycles are a bit retarded, then i should get answers to my questions, although i'm a bit young in some peoples opinion and i have some bad cycles in the past doesn't mean that they can tell me what to do in life.

    What i want with this is for some people to shut up if they can't provide answers and for people that are new to steroids , not to believe anything said in these forums, get a good book in stead and do as you feel.

  2. #2
    ridedivefx's Avatar
    ridedivefx is offline Associate Member
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    The "do as you feel" is exactly the mentality that people have retarded cycles (like you say) in the past and will get you into a lot of trouble. If any one is serious about research then you should "RESEARCH" every question here has been asked again and again and answered many many times. If any one is serious about roids and their health they would throw caution to "do as you feel" approach. More likely than not they will feel great during cycle but eventually show up here asking i cant get my pecker to stand, or i fell shitty all day or growing tits bigger than my sister or help my receding hairline/acne and the list goes on.

    The advice you get here are from seasoned users who know how to best advice. When anyone ask questions that show immaturity or lack of planing or research you will not likely get a response you want. You will get help when you help your self.

    If the answers here are not to your liking then by all means ignore and "Do as you feel"

    I am out!

  3. #3
    Dr Pepper's Avatar
    Dr Pepper is offline Anabolic Member
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    People on this site will help you if you listen. Obviosly your not listening, age plays an important part in the use of steriods . Goodluck buddy

  4. #4
    stpete is offline Banned
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    We spend countless hours trying to help people who are willing to listen. And a lot of times it's with people like yourself who doesn't want to listen. If you don't like the answers then we're sorry, but we can't in good conscious, give bad advice. Even to people we don't even know.
    Maybe you're looking for a site that doesn't give a damn...If so, maybe you should go find it.
    Good luck.

  5. #5
    Pac Man's Avatar
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    As much as I like to screw with him, I like bonapartes responses to threads like this. Let's see how this one turns out.
    Honestly, I skipped the last 3 paragraphs and most the other post in this thread. Summarize long threads for those of us with add

  6. #6
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    We here have a certain way of doing things.We dont advise under age people on the use of aas.our diet section is 2nd to none.And the guys who give advise here.Take the time out of their day to do so.Now if you write a 3 page autobiography and you simply bore the sh1t out of the person.Who is trying to help you.I am sorry if he fell asleep and missed half of it.But the bottom line is.We get kids like you here everyday.That dont want answers they only want people to agree with them.Well we have quite a few kids around here.Who didnt listen and have libdo and ED problems.So keep talkin and not listening you maybe next.Good luck.

  7. #7
    ridedivefx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pac Man View Post
    As much as I like to screw with him, I like bonapartes responses to threads like this. Let's see how this one turns out.
    Honestly, I skipped the last 3 paragraphs and most the other post in this thread. Summarize long threads for those of us with add
    Kid complains about not getting answers
    Kid does not want to listen, kid whines
    Members slam him for not listening

    Thats pretty much it

  8. #8
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tsjca213 View Post
    You ****ing forum geeks are like terrorist. It's impossible to trust anything being written here. I am 22. I ask for a steroid question. The response i get is "you are too young", "i don't agree with your diet", "I don't agree with equipoise , use primo in stead" and other related retarded answers. Or answers that says "Hey, why don't you have a pct planed out?". While my pct is stated lower in the posts, because most post-obsessed idiots are too lazy to read the whole post.

    I thought the idea of a steroid forum is to have a place where people that has questions can get answers, not a parental guiding place or a hangout for trolls, which is exactly what it is.

    Do not get me wrong, many people that want guidance about what cycle to use are people that shouldn't use. But when i write that my diet is this and that and my weight and bodyfat is in check and my diet is where i want it to be and my previous cycles are a bit retarded, then i should get answers to my questions, although i'm a bit young in some peoples opinion and i have some bad cycles in the past doesn't mean that they can tell me what to do in life.

    What i want with this is for some people to shut up if they can't provide answers and for people that are new to steroids, not to believe anything said in these forums, get a good book in stead and do as you feel.
    We do not subscribe to the "well im going to do it anyway so tell me what i want to hear" mentality here. As Marcus has said numerous times and I will echo - our thoughts and morals do no change because someone is going to do it anyway. Here you will hear the truth - like it or not. You ask for advice - people give it to you. You can either realize hey if everyone is saying this its probably true , or you can , like a child , throw a temper tantrum and make a post like this in an effort to get told what you want to hear (which as you can see wont work) or you can go somewhere else and get imprudent , foolish advice. The choice is yours- but I strongly suggest you consider your options carefully. You may not always like the advice you get here - but ultimately it will be the most accurate, best adivce available, given by the most knowledgable and experienced people around . Thats what makes this site the best resource on the net.

  9. #9
    songdog's Avatar
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  10. #10
    Catch is offline Junior Member
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    Wow. Lol.

    Most people just stop reading when they see "age 22." That's why you probably didn't get any answers to anything below that.

    I used to think these guys on here were straight up Nazi assholes, but if you stick around a while and read more than you complain, you'll discover that they really are just looking out for your best interests. I've said it before and I'll say it again, aas use isn't baking cookies. It is potentially very harmful to your health and may have PERMANENT consequences. If these guys rub you the wrong way, it's because try usually have to basically beat their amazing wealth of combined knowledge into the heads of people who just do not want to listen.

    All of the young guys like yourself that come on here is just another sign of the laziness of our youth. You don't want to put in the actual work that it takes to even reach your genetic potential, so you figure you'll juice it up and get huge on the quick and easy.

    Quit your crying and put some iron in the air.

  11. #11
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    put your pacifier back in and open your eyes, failing that, theres loads of inferior sites around that will happily lead you up the garden path..........

  12. #12
    tsjca213 is offline New Member
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    Well. It is a point that i do want the answers i like. But my problem i had was that i got answers for all the questions i did not ask. They answers i was given may be an important side note to my answer, but i did not create this post from one or two bad replies. I have had a problem with post spammers that arent reading my post and answering what i did not ask for. If i say i want to do 500mg of test a week and people advice me not to because of this and that, thats okay, because its an important sidenote. But if i have made a decision to do so, i should be given the information that i need anyway, i think. I had alot of serious questions that i presented in a couple of posts on this forum, and people werent reading the whole post before they left a reply, if you dont want to read the post, fine, but dont answers. I did not get any tips to what i should do with my cycle, so i tried out two cycles without much advice, which makes no sense because if im going to do it then im going to do it, so might as well give me advice. And you know its not that hard writing that im 26 instead of being honest. I can think that theres a lot of guys here lying about their personal info to get advice, and thats the consequences. Then you cant give any side notes to their stats

  13. #13
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    this is not the first thread you have started complaining on the advice given here. And you still have failed to grasp the concept of several things which members have made informational threads over. So by saying that go read a book, and yet you cant read 'spoon fed' info posts is really contradictory.

    Do i really care if you use gear? no i dont, along with just about everyone else on here. We just use our knowledge to help uneducated people (YOU! and other know-it-all kids) to properly use AAS.

    Its not some rec drug that causes a change in mental status for a short time period, you are messing with NATURALLY PRODUCED substances in the body and the body cant tell whats endogenous and whats exogenous. So it changes what it can, the endogenous. By messing with these, you can really screw up your body and then have to pay money to go to a doc who, wont say it but def will think it, that you are a dumb kid and shouldnt be doing this kind of stuff. when all it takes is a little effort of reading and paying attention to other threads and gathering a whole sense of knowledge over this topic.

    FYI looked at your previous post, which i already posted in, and you still have several issues that need to be corrected. but with that, and you fail to see the whole picture; that using steroids is a lifestyle adaptation not just a ' oh i feel imma do this and get swole and then do whatever - rec drug mentality' that you are NOT mature enough to be doing these kinds of things to your body. That is in the best interest for YOU! and thats what you get here. Sure i can tell you several things that arent good, and then make up some bs to make it sound official, but i do have a code of ethics i try to follow. but you have a disrespectful attitude here and bi*ch and moan about the same stuff, really now? thats all you have to do with your life? must be so awesome that you have to go on gear to actually be happy...

  14. #14
    Oregon is offline New Member
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    Most people in that age range (including myself), are not ready to use AAS. I'm still researching everything right now before I get started. No one can tell you that you ''cannot'' use AAS.

    The fact is bro, to many young guys use AAS without 1/2 a clue about what they are doing. These guys are trying to prevent you from getting hurt. They aren't trying to be dicks, they are trying to make you realise that you have some research to do before you jump into something your not ready for.

    Hell, I'm still learning myself. These guys know their stuff.. just search the threads, read the stickies, and chances are you will find all the answers your looking for.

  15. #15
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tsjca213 View Post
    You ****ing forum geeks are like terrorist. It's impossible to trust anything being written here. I am 22. I ask for a steroid question. The response i get is "you are too young", "i don't agree with your diet", "I don't agree with equipoise , use primo in stead" and other related retarded answers. Or answers that says "Hey, why don't you have a pct planed out?". While my pct is stated lower in the posts, because most post-obsessed idiots are too lazy to read the whole post.

    I thought the idea of a steroid forum is to have a place where people that has questions can get answers, not a parental guiding place or a hangout for trolls, which is exactly what it is.

    Do not get me wrong, many people that want guidance about what cycle to use are people that shouldn't use. But when i write that my diet is this and that and my weight and bodyfat is in check and my diet is where i want it to be and my previous cycles are a bit retarded, then i should get answers to my questions, although i'm a bit young in some peoples opinion and i have some bad cycles in the past doesn't mean that they can tell me what to do in life.

    What i want with this is for some people to shut up if they can't provide answers and for people that are new to steroids, not to believe anything said in these forums, get a good book in stead and do as you feel.

  16. #16
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    A picture is worth a thousand words.

    To the OP, are you on cycle now? If so start an AI asap because your E2 is skyrocketing.

  17. #17
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    lmao, we need you in here more often shol'va

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