Ok so I'm about to start my 2nd 12 week test e cycle @ 500mg/week.

I've got everything I need, syringes, needles, 30ml of test e, and my adex and nolva have cleared customs and are on the way.

I was wanting to frontload with 1000mg just for the first week (2x500mg), thing im scared of is injecting 2ml of liquid into my quad, which is where ill be injecting.

On my first cycle I ran only 250mg/week, and my first couple of quad shots left me almost crippled, I had severe pain and found it difficult to walk.

In saying that the test e I'm using this time is much thinner in viscosity than the last one I used, this one seems only a bit thicker than water, whereas the last one was a thick oil.

I've seen studies showing blood levels peak much quicker with frontloading when compared to normal dosage, does everyone think think frontloading is necessary?

And is there anything I can do to reduce injection pain into the quad. I just don't feel comfortable injecting my glute, with all the twisting and turning, and I can't see how I can shoot my own delt cos I'll need both hands to aspirate etc.