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  1. #1
    P.Money's Avatar
    P.Money is offline Associate Member
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    Purity / Dosage Test Results

    I am very new to the world of steroids , I have been reading for about 3 years, never used any gear before however I just ordered some gear for my first cycle I am almost 25 years old. I ordered my gear from a trusted source (very close friend, been in body building for over 10 years) and he deals with guys from the Medistar Labs in Vancouver.

    In the back of my mind there's this thought that's stuck there, what if the anavar that I was sold is in fact winny or dbol ? I understand that the label says Anavar and that the gear is sealed, came in tablet form which is the new way of packaging it from Medistar (used to be capsules with white powder). But what if they didn't package it right? What if they sell you winny which will give you similar results, accompanied with joint pain.

    I've seen a lot of reviews on ********* Labs, good and bad. I want to get my gear tested in a Lab, now my research to find a lab that would do this for me started about a month ago, and I was able to find a Lab in Edmonton to test the gear for me. It is a pharmaceutical lab, and I've been exchanging e-mails back and forth with a Lab Tech there.

    For all of you guys that don't think this is possible without getting busted, think again. I had a pretty extensive conversation with the Lab Tech and he told me that they don't care what they test, the real issue is getting the Reference Standard to go by to run the tests on the gear. Which was a bit challenging to find, however steroids are in fact legal in some parts of europe. and I came up with this information which I believe is the reference standard.

    Here's one of the last emails from the lab tech I am talking to.

    "For a lab like ours to order the standard in, we HAVE to apply a permit.
    This will take no less than two month to get the permit along. And, the
    reference standard will cost $288 plus shipping and tax for a 50 mg

    If you can provide a reference standard, 5-10 miligrams will be enough to
    run the test, we can test the tabs on HPLC-UV at $250, 5-business day

    Do you guys think I'm going crazy here? I'm really interested in seeing whether the Anavar I got (7 bottles, 10mg x 100 tablets) is really oxandrolone and not winstrol or dbol.

    I mean most people will just take it and hope for the best, and quite frankly I mean 80mg/day of any substance could potentially be dangerous for anybody for 3 months.

    I'm waiting on the lab tech to reply to me as I provided him the information I found on the internet (reference standard), and hopefully they follow thru with what they said. If I do get the gear tested, I will be posting the results on here.

  2. #2
    Synergizer is offline New Member
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    good to know, i just got a cycle from Medistar... id post pix but u cant in here.. dont know where to upload.

    let us know how it goes.

  3. #3
    payjay604 is offline New Member
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    keep us posted with your results. ive done medistar a couple times primo i seen 0 results as well as test 400 and tren .
    pretty sure i took underdosed or strait fake shit, i dont want to use medistar again so im lookin into new labs. seens volos around but i want to use sumthing with a good repp. anyway im curious to see if your juice is even real or underdosed, so ya let us know

  4. #4
    payjay604 is offline New Member
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    i did loose 4-5 pounds by end of cycle but i think that was from workin out religiously......i seen small changes but workin out that intense for 3 months u should see changes no matter wut.

  5. #5
    addictedtomuscle is offline New Member
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    Good for you! I have thought about doing this lots. Keep us posted with your results. Once again, good for you, very sensible

  6. #6
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    well the lab tech may be willing but lets see how long that last. The was a lab in the US that did it. After raw deal they stopped, the got alot of grief from the dea.

    please edit the lab name we dont discuss ugl
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  7. #7
    P.Money's Avatar
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    Lab tests came back, the guy said that there was an average of 4mg of oxandrolone in each pill and the rest was filler. Each pill was supposedly 10mg. This is the reason why I only now buy vet grade or human grade stuff. You can't trust anyone anymore. Total cost me $538 for the analysis since he had to buy the reference standard.

    No more UGL gear for me.

  8. #8
    >Good Luck<'s Avatar
    >Good Luck< is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by P.Money
    Lab tests came back, the guy said that there was an average of 4mg of oxandrolone in each pill and the rest was filler. Each pill was supposedly 10mg. This is the reason why I only now buy vet grade or human grade stuff. You can't trust anyone anymore. Total cost me $538 for the analysis since he had to buy the reference standard.

    No more UGL gear for me.
    Good info brother! I had some newly formulated doubts about "ms" but now I will move on and see what else is available. Even on this board, there may be some bias opinions which support particular brands and ugls... I'll spend a little more and try pharmacy next time.

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