Alright guys...

is this an abscess?: injected monday (left quad), tuesday to thursday had tonnes of pain in my quad, not just at injection sight, but all over the quad-been walking with limp, very painful to bend/walk. Inflammed, only slightly red, but maybe this was from the ice pack. Ive had pains before, nothing like this, and they usually only last a couple of days. The pain has decreased today, friday, but area still slightly inflammed, quite painful when pressed. Just hit a nerve, or something more? If it was an abscess, would the pain be getting more, not less? Sterile pins used (inject with 1 inch) etc, legit gear, alcohol swabs used on injection/vial prior to injection. Just keep on with the hot baths and massaging area? Not been on the juice for a couple of years and first injection into left quad since then...mucles just getting used to it?

Thanks guys...