My shoulder injured a years ago and now it is worse than ever was, so Ill go to arthroscopian surgery next month(nov 21,so i wont be able to train 8week and after it Ill have to start everything from the begining.). Im very disappointed now, and the only thing that I can do now is planning the future.

So my plans are simple.
1.Before my surgery Im planning to start a cycle enanthate at 250mg/week dosage and I want to do it for something like 8 weeks in order to minimize catabolism. What's your opinion about it?

2. After i can start training again naturally I wish to train without gears for 2 month(bodybuilding and martial arts) and then I want to do a 16 week long cycle. This surgery ruined my original plan: mass building for 5 months then cutting for the summer. So I have to cut the time and use some gear. Ive read a lot and find this cycle:
1week oxymetholone 50mg and enanthate 500mg
2-4wkxy 100mg and enanthate 750mg
4-8week: 750mg enanthate
(end of bulking(w/ proper diet!)
Start cutting(w/ proper diet!)
8-10 week: 750mg enanthate, tren ace 50mg/day
10-13 w 400mg prop 50mg tren ace/day
13-16: 450mg prop and stana 50mg/day

And of course HCG 1-16w 500IU/w
I will do proper pct.I read it in this forum so I think theres no need to post it.

What about this plan(sorry for my english knowledge, I hope guys you can understand it!!!)? I dont want to be small and weak again. I have a lot of work in my body and fight skills as well.
