I just ran my first short 6/7wk cycle with short esters and I must say it beats the hell out of long over drawn 16 week cycles hands down. Recovery seems to be easier as well.
I love Tren but my hairline is hating it so I'm going to ease up off the rug for a bit and try something new.

So here it is in two proposed layouts

Plan 1:
Week 1-6 NPP 75mg ED
Week 1-7 Prop 75mg ED
Week 1-8 Var 50mg ED

Plan 2:
Week 1-6 NPP 75mg ED
Week 1-7 Prop 75mg ED
Week 3-6 Var 50mg ED
Week 7-8 Var 100mg ED

6'2 228
<10% BF
I'll cut down to 220 or so before I cycle back on, I like to be as lean as possible when I start a cycle.
Cycle experience 4 or 5 real cycles.