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  1. #1
    jamesz123 is offline Associate Member
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    Number of Protien shakes

    Even with all the positive research on whey protein shakes i can not be 100% how beneficial they are. So do you guys have a max number that you will not exceed per day. Some of these shakes are delicious and it can be tempting when you are on a real clean diet to drink shake after shake just to help keep the season-less meat down lol.
    So is there a max number that you will not exceed per day. Say 3 or 4 ?
    Just trying to fine tune the diet.

  2. #2
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    the main thing is to meet your daily macros with real food first and if you need to add some shakes to do so then probably okay to do so. Shakes remain to be a controversy. Some members think they are bunk. Some swear by them mainly to keep them sane. I am in the later group. And love 'em. But a lot depends on your goals too. And what the shake has inside of it and the timing of the shake.

    You might want to come on over to the Nutrition forum to get some input about this.

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  3. #3
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Just my personal opinion, but I only drink a shake post workout. This shake contains Whey with BCAA's, Carbogain, Creatine monohydrate and Glutamine. The reason for drinking whey after a workout is because after a workout you need to get protein and carbs to the muscles very fast and whey and simple sugars satisfy this need very well. For normal protein intake I feel whole foods are a lot better than any combination of supps.

    Just my opinion.


  4. #4
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    Exactly. I too drink them post workout to feed my muscles asap.
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  5. #5
    guitario's Avatar
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    They are of more use on a cutting diet than a bulking diet. Personally when I cut I find foods really bland and sometimes a can or 2 of tuna fills me with dread. Situations like this enable me to wolf down 60g protein in 30 seconds via a shake.

    Best times are first thing in the morning alongside your normal breakfast (as you have been fasting all night) and post workout for feeding the muscles quickly.

  6. #6
    jamesz123 is offline Associate Member
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    "Situations like this enable me to wolf down 60g protein in 30 seconds via a shake" - assuming that you DO get protein from them.
    I think I got my answer. DISCIPLE.
    Complete whole foods no matter what and just one protein shake per day just for the taste and just incase !
    That is how I stopped drinking more than one diet coke every three days.
    Bad habits creep up on you and dependence on powders is one habit I think can creep up.

  7. #7
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Sure you get protein from them.

    While some may use whey or other protein shakes for the taste and if this allows them to get protein they would otherwise miss I am sure its better than nothing. The main advantage of whey is that it absorbed very rapidly which is important after a workout, however your point on absorption is valid it is not absorbed at a fantastic rate, generally most whey research shows around 60%-70% so for example in my PWO I got three scoops of whey and 3 of carbo-gain so even if I only net 60% thats about 60gms of protein which will be hitting my bloodstream in the next 30 minutes in a very glycogen rich environment to allow its utilization by the muslces.

  8. #8
    devildog1967's Avatar
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    Very rarely have them..waste of money and over priced me thinks...Give me food any day

  9. #9
    jamesz123 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Sure you get protein from them.

    While some may use whey or other protein shakes for the taste and if this allows them to get protein they would otherwise miss I am sure its better than nothing. The main advantage of whey is that it absorbed very rapidly which is important after a workout, however your point on absorption is valid it is not absorbed at a fantastic rate, generally most whey research shows around 60%-70% so for example in my PWO I got three scoops of whey and 3 of carbo-gain so even if I only net 60% thats about 60gms of protein which will be hitting my bloodstream in the next 30 minutes in a very glycogen rich environment to allow its utilization by the muslces.
    Ok cool.
    Just curious any of you consider getting tests done just to see what all that protein is doing to your kidneys. I have been eating tons of protein for a while now and lately have been wondering. Any experience in this. thx

  10. #10
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    getting quality food where I am at is a challange. For me, maybe 2 or three shakes a day. Can't really go grocery shopping, and the DFAC doesn't really provide meals that are conducive to this lifestyle. And I am so sick of tuna!

  11. #11
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    I mostly worry about the proteins load on the liver. As far as I know any problems caused by excess loads on the kidneys (other than actual toxins of course) is almost always negated by the intake of large amounts of water.

    I have HepC so liver toxins are one of my major concerns in life. One unusual thing about this is that in my case since toxins cause the liver to swell inside its capsule causing a dull ache I can actually feel when I have done something that is hard on my liver.

    As far as the liver goes since I have started using "LiverCare" I have been completely free of liver pain, whereas before drinking a glass of milk or two scoops of Whey would cause some pain within about 1 hour after injestion.

  12. #12
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    i always have 1 pwo. Sometimes ill have one on the morning if i am running late and didnt have time to cook. But ussually i'll drink egg whites in that case

  13. #13
    scorpion62's Avatar
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    Pre and post workout mostly you just cant beat real food

  14. #14
    guitario's Avatar
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    I am interested in those who claim protein shakes somehow don't contain protein.. or much of it. If we can test steroids and the like to find out the dosages then I would assume somebody could check the contents of a protein shake to see what's in it.

  15. #15
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitario View Post
    I am interested in those who claim protein shakes somehow don't contain protein.. or much of it. If we can test steroids and the like to find out the dosages then I would assume somebody could check the contents of a protein shake to see what's in it.
    Someone has done that before. I cant remember the site or link to it. Maybe someone else does

  16. #16
    Nooomoto's Avatar
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    I usually have one, never more than 2-3 while on cycle. I find it annoying when people suggest protein shakes are pointless. They do make a difference. It's not always possible to eat as much food as is required per your diet, and protein shakes do provide a quick and easy way to get that protein down. Go tell Ronnie Coleman his 6+ scoop shakes of casein were pointless.

    MDs prescribe shakes all the time to patients with cancer and various other conditions where muscle loss/weight loss is a significant concern.

  17. #17
    jamesz123 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    Someone has done that before. I cant remember the site or link to it. Maybe someone else does
    Ok so someone has tested it and it turned out to be protein. Ok that is good to know. Now am I also to assume that this protein is as effective as protein in real food ? ..assuming all else is equal of course - meaning take the rest of the effects out of the equation (the thermic effect of real food etc..).
    Call me paranoid but is the protein that is found in shakes the type of protein that the body should be given post workout irrespective of it being called protein 'cause of some technical description.
    The money business is big business (that is what the supplement business is about) and mass marketing can fool the best of us.

    Just a thought not saying everyone is a scam. i will stick with real foods and just have 1, max 2 shakes a day. I will make sure I have some real food post workout just incase.

  18. #18
    jamesz123 is offline Associate Member
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    I double posted the same response. how do I delete one of them ?
    Last edited by jamesz123; 10-30-2011 at 11:25 AM.

  19. #19
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamesz123 View Post
    Ok so someone has tested it and it turned out to be protein. Ok that is good to know. Now am I also to assume that this protein is as effective as protein in real food ? ..assuming all else is equal of course - meaning take the rest of the effects out of the equation (the thermic effect of real food etc..).
    Call me paranoid but is the protein that is found in shakes the type of protein that the body should be given post workout irrespective of it being called protein 'cause of some technical description.
    The money business is big business (that is what the supplement business is about) and mass marketing can fool the best of us.

    Just a thought not saying everyone is a scam. i will stick with real foods and just have 1, max 2 shakes a day. I will make sure I have some real food post workout just incase.
    Its been a while since i read it. I wish i could find it. But some were and some werent close to what the labels stated. The ranked a bunch of them.

    and as far as being the right kind of protien, It depends on what you buy. There is whey, casein, and more out there

  20. #20
    jamesz123 is offline Associate Member
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    "...far as being the right kind of protien, It depends on what you buy. There is whey, casein, and more out there" - what I meant was, irrespective of the type it says on the container ..lets say it says - Whey . It is still Whey in powder form - so is that form what the body requires post workout ? that is what I meant.
    when you have protien in powder form how much of its effectivness does it really loss, so much that it is not worth it for bodybuilding ?
    I will just stay on the safe side.

  21. #21
    jamesz123 is offline Associate Member
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    I double posted again ...aaahh !

  22. #22
    jamesz123 is offline Associate Member
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    Ronnie could be just taking them for the camera - the corporations pay his bills remember. Anyway I feel this thread might end up going in the wrong direction...cause of me.

  23. #23
    jamesz123 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post

    MDs prescribe shakes all the time to patients with cancer and various other conditions where muscle loss/weight loss is a significant concern.
    now THAT might just be something to look into even though the health/medical industry is one of the biggest money makers with lots of almost useless (and some claim even harmful) pharmaceuticals.
    thanks for highlighting the "MDs prescribe " fact. thx

  24. #24
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Prescribing shakes to patients for muscle weight loss is just a way to insure that a patient gets X amount of protein into their stomach. Most of the time these patients are taking meds or have conditions that cause them to have poor appetites. In addition hospitals always need to be very careful with the amount of protein in their meals as patients are sedintary and likely to get constipated if meals are heavy on meats.

    As far as the Whey not having X amount of protein, I think its more a matter of whey being hard to digest for many so even though it may contain 60 gms of protein that does not mean you will absorb that much, compounding that if you start to rely on whey as a significant or primary source of protein you also have the problem of its amino acid imbalance and the more you take in the more of a problem this becomes.

  25. #25
    randymeans's Avatar
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    2 shakes.... 1 on wakeup and 1 post workout! i use strongerhealthierfaster brand! no artificial BS! strait up whey protein! I have been waking up and using raw eggs/nut butter/banana/cinn......... But food is best IMHO

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