Hi all
anybody of a similar vein?
I started out in the 80's as a semi pro motocross rider, progressed into water skiing after numerous injuries on the bike circuit. I found I was struggling with lower back issues due to lack of strength and ended up in a gym.
Bear with me, here! I was a massive 55Kg (120lbs) 167cm, very very fit but very very skinny! At 28 I began training in a gym for the first time, with little or no idea about packing on weight.
I immediately dropped 5kg being an ecto body type, despite a big dietary intake.
At this stage I had my own business and had a guy working for me who was 124Kg and competed in strong man competitions. I began to train harder, changed my diet and after 4 months began my first cycle. My gains were huge, my 'roid intake was huge and my diet was through the roof. I began to gain bulk and strength, but ran into a myriad of problems with joint pain, injury niggles, mostly due to my naivete. After 2 years of cycles, I was around the 75Kg mark and had gained a modicum of understanding of what did and did not work for me. I continued training hard but began to moderate my intake of gear. At 40, I was in the best shape of my life, 83Kg around 12%, maybe a little too big for my body size but nevertheless looked and felt good. Bear in mind that at this stage the internet was still in its infancy and we had limited knowledge and / or exposure to information regarding any gear! I owned an IT biz so was in a prime position to make use of the net.
I have since moved continents and will resume training (at least I know what I am in for!) but am amazed at how little we knew in the early 90's and how science and the gear has evolved.
I am having some blood work done on Friday before I resume ingesting anything and also as a baseline and sanity check.
I am just amazed that we got through this with our health intact (up to now) considering the massive quantities of stuff we ingested. Looking through the forums I am amazed that the young fellas are under the illusion that merely getting on a cycle will get them massive, or result in overnight gains. The key to any gains are diet, hard work (not over training) and SENSIBLE use of gear! We did not know better but this site has so much info there really is no excuse for ignorance!
Go hard or go home!