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  1. #1
    vinmy004 is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2011

    Progress of first cycle - Start of week 5 - Test E 500 - 11 weeks

    Hey so basically just writing up my progress at the moment and i have a few questions if you guys can help me out cause this is my first cycle and still not 100% sure what to expect.

    Stats from start of the cycle:

    Stats are 26 years
    bf less the 15%

    OK so my cycle has been Test E 500 for 4 weeks, and nearly at the end of my 5 week. I have been doing left glute 250mg on monday and right glute 250mg. I have also been taking aromasin eod at 12.5mg.

    So today i did chest and i think im starting to feel a bit stronger, i have been told by a far few people now that i am looking bigger so i guess its hard to tell seeing yourself everyday how much you have grown. Thankfully so far no real acne to speak of, a little on my back but nothin bad (will it kick in in PCT more?)

    But a few questions if you guys could help me out. So far i have put on nearly 5kg, so averaging about 1kg a week, which is what i aimed at, however while i am getting bigger arms, chest, shoulds and so on, my stomach is becoming more bigger and sticking out more, i know that u cant just gain size in certain areas while avoiding others but i was just wondering should i up my cardio (i walk 30-45mins a day). I have been trying to keep a clean diet so would the cardio help lose some stomach size or what would u guys suggest.

    Finally just wondering when i will hit the peak of the test, i honestly thought i would be feeling a bit more energetic and more of a sex drive at around this time, but honestly not that much difference, should i be worried about underdosed gear or just give it a few more weeks? or is the aromsin stopping me from getting more hornier and stronger?

    sorry for the big write up, let me know what you guys think.
    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    wkwkw is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2011
    for me the acne really kicked in during pct.

    make sure your diet is super clean, how often are you doing ab workouts? i would start running instead of walking for 20 mins a day.

    it can take a while for some people to really feel test e, but if your seeing solid gains why would you suspect under dosed gear?

  3. #3
    DanB is offline Banned
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    post proelia praemia
    aromsin shouldnt effect strenght, how reliable is your source? 20 - 30 mins hiit after workout should be sufficient to keep b/f down, if you getting really worried about increase b/f mabey add in some var for final 6 weeks? what have you lined up for pct?

  4. #4
    vinmy004 is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2011
    Thanks for the replies. I no I'm seeing gains just cause not feeling it much Im probs just beig impatient . I'll up the cardio to running more and ab is 2-3 times a week. As for source im pretty sure he is good but it's def ugl test e. As for pct I got nolva and will prob end up getting clomid aswell just to be safe or will nolva be enough as I'd prefer not taking clomid if nolva will be ok

  5. #5
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
    Honkey_Kong is offline Superbowl XLIX Champs!
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    As far as your sex drive goes, there can be a lot of factors, but I would first suspect the Aromasin before I'd suspect under-dosed gear. Have you tried lowering the dose?

  6. #6
    DanB is offline Banned
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    post proelia praemia
    clomid 100/100/50/50
    nolva 40/40/20/20
    is generally regarded as standard pct

  7. #7
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    As far as your sex drive goes, there can be a lot of factors, but I would first suspect the Aromasin before I'd suspect under-dosed gear. Have you tried lowering the dose?
    I agree with this. Too little estrogen will lower your sex drive just as hard as too much estrogen.
    Quote Originally Posted by vinmy004 View Post
    Thanks for the replies. I no I'm seeing gains just cause not feeling it much Im probs just beig impatient . I'll up the cardio to running more and ab is 2-3 times a week. As for source im pretty sure he is good but it's def ugl test e. As for pct I got nolva and will prob end up getting clomid aswell just to be safe or will nolva be enough as I'd prefer not taking clomid if nolva will be ok
    Add the clomid to your PCT. Dont start running. Cardio in terms of fat loss isnt about if youre running or walking. Its about your heart rate. Get your heartrate up to 125-135 bpm and keep it there for that 20-40 mins. If you really start gaining too much stomach fat... fix your diet.
    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    aromsin shouldnt effect strenght, how reliable is your source? 20 - 30 mins hiit after workout should be sufficient to keep b/f down, if you getting really worried about increase b/f mabey add in some var for final 6 weeks? what have you lined up for pct?
    Aromisin shouldnt affect strength? Really? Well considering aromisin affects estrogen (duh) and estrogen can affect strength... Id say your blanket statement is wrong. And telling a newbie to add another compound to his first cycle is irresponsible. No good.

    Quote Originally Posted by wkwkw View Post
    for me the acne really kicked in during pct.

    make sure your diet is super clean, how often are you doing ab workouts? i would start running instead of walking for 20 mins a day.

    it can take a while for some people to really feel test e, but if your seeing solid gains why would you suspect under dosed gear?
    No running needed. He can either fix his diet, or add in fasted morning cardio. Or just add more time to his pwo cardio session. OR... all the above.

    Overall... Id like to see your diet... If your gaining that much weight that fast (most likely water weight) but your stomach fat is piling up... then diet is the culprit

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