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  1. #1
    xlopez3's Avatar
    xlopez3 is offline New Member
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    Nov 2011

    Hello guys can you plz help me . i need your help to make sure i dont hurt my self

    hello guys i made a huge paragraph about my promble but since i am new it didnt let me post it cuz i used a url lol so i am going to get stright to the point i am 18 going to turn 19 in a couple days i was thinking about taking Deca 200 or Tren 75 for 3 mouths i dont wanna take the stuff long i dont wanna look like a pro body builder just dont wanna be super skilly i am 5'8 and weight 120 i been like that for years and i been working out for 7 years ever since 6th grade cuz i wanted to look good like the other guys in gym no homo but there you go i just wanna gain 14 pounds or more of muscle which should i take? how should i take it and stuff i dont wanna miss my body up and i know since i am still young it can so i dont plan i doing this for along time just wanna stop being so skinny i need a a boost so can you guys plz tell me what to do should i just get Deca 200 or Tren 75 our both? how should i use them? our what plz help i will do more research on my own but there is never wrong about asking for help right if you need any info like what i look like and stuff like my work outs umm just email me since i cant post the url that has my pics and my workouts and the supplments i take. hope this is enough info for you guys

  2. #2
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    First off, don't waste your money. Secondly, you're way too young to even entertain the thought of Steroids . Third, and most importantly, you need to learn how to eat in a big way! This should be priority #1 and everything else takes a backseat.
    We have a great Diet Section and the guys and gals over there will be more than happy to help you get a solid diet together. I suggest you head over and start doing some research, ask questions and post your current diet for them to critique.

  3. #3
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    UK Get in the diet forum!
    Your too young buddy and you dont know anything about AAS'

    Forget the AAS' but stay on this site and let us help you out in the diet and training department

    There is lots of experience here and a lot of people who are willing to help guys like you out. It happens all the time and if you listen we can help you out...

    No one is going to help you with AAS' so your flogging a dead horse... Do the right thing and focus on Diet and hard training for 4 years and if you still want to cycle then you will be in a great position

  4. #4
    xlopez3's Avatar
    xlopez3 is offline New Member
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    Nov 2011
    thank you for your answer i will do that but i will give you my diet right now i eat 5 meals a day and a drink musclepharm combat powder protein shake ever moaring with my breakfeast i usaly eat yerstday i ate a bowel or rice with chicken and stuff then i ate a soup of sausage cabbage and carrots then i ate chinese bbq chicken and sesame seed spicy chicken egg rolls n other meat stuff it was a huge plate my friend works at the resturant and he gives me all the left overs so he bring a huge plate with alot of shit .. and i ate 3 pickles i have been struggling with my weight for awhile i even went to the doc and they put me on a diet ever moaring i would drink a milk shank with protien powder and ever night and with ever meal drink an ensure protein i drink 5 of those a day ever day for a mouth and in a mouth i gained a pound just 1 pound the doc then said my metabloism is fast and when i get older it will go down which is true but i am tired of being the skinny guy like i saidi had weight lifting with the football players in my high school and i workout out with them did that for a year didnt really made me look like them our close and i did alot of after school programs i did weight lifting and wreaslting and i was on the JROTC army rainder team for a year doing army training after school never helped me look the way i want to look the way i should look in my mind since i been working for 7 years. so i am thinking about turning to steriods .. i am still new to this site so can you kinda help me where is this diet site i will look at it. thank you again for your feedback

  5. #5
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Nov 2009
    UK Get in the diet forum!
    Workout section

    Nutrition section

    I promise you that you are not ready for AAS'

    Your diet sucks as well

    Head over tot he Nutrition section and post up saying you have been sent there

  6. #6
    xlopez3's Avatar
    xlopez3 is offline New Member
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    Nov 2011
    ok thank you

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