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  1. #1
    Lil-Vegas-Chick is offline Female Member
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    Woman taking clen. Have a few ?

    Hey everyone,
    I was hoping to get some help. I just received clen and want to do a cycle. I am 5'3.5'' and around 127 pounds with about 23% bf. I work out hard all the time and I eat very well but for some reason I just cant seem to drop weight. I have even gotten blood tests done to see why, because according to my doctors I shouldnt be having this problem. So anyways I decided to try clen. I only want to lose about 5-8 pounds and I want my bf to drop under 20%. I was told I should do a pyramid cycle starting at 20 and up to about 80 since I dont want to drop too much weight. SO my questions are:

    Is that a good recommendation for a cycle? And how many days do I do each amount before going up?

    My clen is liquid, do i just swallow it or do I drop it under my tongue?

    Do I take it with food, before or after, or does it not matter?

    Can you drink alcohol while on clen?

    Thanks for the help. Im really hoping that it works like everyone says it does

  2. #2
    Nooomoto's Avatar
    Nooomoto is offline Productive Member
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    There are tons of threads on dosing so I won't get into that.

    Liquid clen is simply swallowed, not delivered sublingual unless the packaging specifically instructs you to do so.

    In my experience, eating didn't change the effects of clen at all regardless of the time the clen was taken vs the time I ate food.

    Of course you CAN drink alcohol on clen, but if you're trying to cut fat and weight, you shouldn't be drinking at all.

    You should also be supplementing with taurine and diphenhydramine (Benadryl) while on clen. Taurine to help with muscle cramping and the diphenhydramine (or ketotifen) to help up-regulate the beta-2 receptors.
    Last edited by Nooomoto; 11-26-2011 at 01:55 PM. Reason: additional info

  3. #3
    Lil-Vegas-Chick is offline Female Member
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    Yea I dont drink a lot I just want to make sure that if I do happen to have a drink its not going to ruin me. O and 1 more thing can you tell me how much taurine Im supposed to take? I bought some that are 500mg. I have been doing 1 a day. Is that enough? Thanks for your help I really appreciate it

  4. #4
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Agree with everything Nooomoto said, although taking Benadryl seems to currently be in the "debunked" category. Everyone says to take it with something else that I don't remember. I don't take it with anything else since I just take it two weeks at a time.

    Take the max dose you can handle. Not going over 80 because you "don't want to lost too much" shouldn't be a concern as it isn't a miracle won't accidentally lose too much. I wish it was though, then I wouldn't have to do all this cardio that I hate so much.

    Make sure you drink a LOT of water. I get muscle cramps if I don't drink a lot of water.

    I took 1000mg of taurine. I think I remember some advising more than that, but I didn't have problems.

  5. #5
    Lil-Vegas-Chick is offline Female Member
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    k. well im confused then. I know there are bunch of dosing posts but they all say different things. Im doing a pyramid cycle. I started at 20 and was told to do 3 days and then up it by 20 every 3 days. But then I see that I should only go 2 weeks on it. SO should I go up more often? Sorry but this is all super confusing to me with so much conflicting info. I just want to do it right where its effective and wont cause me problems.

  6. #6
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    i would visit the diet forum and get your diet looked at...loosing weight is really simple math, you must burn more calories than you take in so you have to figure that piece out first... once thats squared away and your starting to loose weight then clen will be more effective...also you said you work out and thats great but how much of that is cardio?...if loosing weight is your focus then id make cardio my first was said before, clen can aid in weight loss but it isnt a mirical worker like some believe...goodluck...

  7. #7
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    If its liquid get some empty gel caps,,,fill and swallow at the time of use and you wont get that nasty tasty most liquids leave you with.

  8. #8
    Lil-Vegas-Chick is offline Female Member
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    Ghettoboyd- Seriously I work out like crazy and I eat very well. I have a degree in nutrition and I still go to a dietitian. My diet is clean. I swtiched from doing mostly cardio to doing HIIT cuz cardio was just not working for me. Ive also done Insanity twice and P90X and didnt lose a pound or any body fat. I also did a half marathon lost year and didnt lose any weight training for that. I dont run as often any more cuz my knee kills me. But believe me, I work out HARD. Thats why I started clen . I just need something extra for help. Its frustrating working so hard, being so strict with my diet and not really seeing anything. But I will try and add in more straight cardio and see if that helps and look at the diet forum too to see if theres any thing else I can do to make it better. Thanks

    ****- Thanks, but actually mine doesnt taste bad, almost lemony.

  9. #9
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
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    im surprised no-one has asked what a typical days diet looks like?

    it can be possible your arent eating enough and not eating often enough.

    what is your current training regime?

    im not creeping at all but a pic would be useful

  10. #10
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Usually I am the first guy to direct someone to the nutrition section, but I was short on time so I just answered the specific Clen questions. I actually think Clen did me little good, but I know some people swear by it. Diet and cardio have turned out to be my go-to for fat loss, as much as I hate cardio.

  11. #11
    Standby's Avatar
    Standby is offline ~AR's Nice Guy
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    i think with clen you best to start in your case your starting at 20mcg and go by how you "feel" it. if 20mcg is hitting you good then stay there untill it dies down then up it another 20mcg. in my opinion

  12. #12
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    T3 is much safer and better all-around, IMO.
    The only downside is catabolism, but that isn't a huge concern with most women.

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