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Thread: Im already fat

  1. #1
    fatbastardo is offline New Member
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    Im already fat

    I weigh 251 right now and I have lost weight from 273 a few months ago. My main changes have been less carbs and cut out all cokes drink a ton of water and smaller portions with 30 min cardio 4 times a week on a bike and absolutely no fast food. When I returned from Afghanistan in 2006 I weighed 200 lbs and looked like I was sick, my build has always been a little bigger even with low body fat, Best estimate right now is mid 30 body fat Im 5-10. I had a torn labrum from a motorcycle crash in april and have been cleared by the doc for 3 months to work out and am fully released now. My goals are to gain muscle mass lower fat % and get much much stronger. I dont want mild gains I want to go beast, I know this body transformation even with a little help will take truly years to accomplish. I have some work out plans, and a workout partner that ive know for years. He used to play some college ball and is going to let me join him with his work out. I am about to start the transition to weights and after a few solid months of training I think Ill want to start a cycle. Is this the right way to go about it or should I continue cardio harder and then when im around 230 or so hit the weights. in my mind i think of the muscle as an engine burning the fat so more muscle means more fat burnt in a work out and more fuel to build muscle. Is this wrong? I dont want to be a body builder for competition I just want to push myself to higher limits and maybe take it from there. Im not going to ask anyone here where to get it ... but ive asked around and not had any luck, maybe when I start the weights ill find a gym rat or someone who will help me out. I really dont feel comfortable with the whole online order because I really just dont trust any site that advertises and I could easily find on google... if they really where selling it would be to easy to be caught that way. I also dont want to take some unknown pill that could just be saw dust.... I guess read it over and tell me what yall think , thanks
    Last edited by fatbastardo; 11-27-2011 at 03:37 AM.

  2. #2
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Well congrats on losing the bf.Keep it going you should be under 15% before you cycle.You also should be hitting the steel for a while before you cycle.Wat is your lifting history?

  3. #3
    rockinred's Avatar
    rockinred is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Head over to the diet section and spend some time in there learning from the diet gurus. Also, I think you are a ways off from even thinking about taking supplements. Continue to focus on diet, training, and consistency. You must absolutely prove beyond a doubt to yourself that you are willing to make the sacrifice and time to accomplish goals. I will tell you this as a fact. There is NO such thing as a MAGIC PILL. The media overhypes steroids ...they will not do what the majority think they will. Your consistency on diet and training will be the key to success. There is no substitue for hard work and time. Good luck and spend some time in the diet section.

  4. #4
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Welcome to the board mate!
    Congrats on shedding the BF%.
    Drugs (steroids ) should be the last thing to consider when weightlifting, not the first. Get your diet and exercise routines in check as others have recommended. Get your bf% down to a minimum 15% to eliminate most serious sides. At your bf%, elevated BP could be a killer, why take a chance? Plus all that BF% could produce feminine side effects which is why the lower bf% before starting aas the better.

    It's good you want to "go beast" with your goals. But it would probably be more realistic, for you to take it one step at a time. set yourself smaller goals, instead of thinking you will go from mid 30% BF to "go beast", it would be better to say, make your next goal 20% BF, then 15% BF. That way you can celebrate your success', and not feel the pressure of not obtaining your goals right away.

    I'd say you are probably two years out (at a minimum) from being ready for AAS. And we haven't even discussed lagging tendon/ligament strength, which could already be taxed with all the extra weight.

    Be realistic mate, and take it one small step at a time.
    Good luck!

  5. #5
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    btw.. since BF% is an issue with you, i need to ask....

    .... do you own a set of BF Calipers yet?

  6. #6
    fatbastardo is offline New Member
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    No I do not, hell I'm almost scared to try , but I do know its the 1st true step to realistic body change I have only done ht. Wt. And I don't feel it to be accurate I've always had tree trunk legs just solid for no reason other than nature. I did lift consistantly in high school , graduated 03 but it was meant for strenghth training in football and wrestleing. When I joined the army I stoped lifting and my body was the weight. Monday I will start training with weights about 50 % for the 1st few days just to get form and not to push reinjury of my shoulder the idea for me is to have the body I want and not be the chubby guy I am now, if I keep tabs on my bf% and not my weight I think ill have a more accurate measurement. Time will prove my dedication to the training. Thanks for the advice and guidance I did find the post on using calapers and also many on diet. I will start there and work to a lower bf with solid lifting technique and history before I reapproach this meathod I'm took pics before the weight loss and ill take some more now with body measurements. When I'm starting to see changes ill post results ill check in and see when yall think I'm ready

  7. #7
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    It's all about knowledge mate. Knowledge and information. Get a set of calipers for $20 where you can reliably use yourself, else you are stuck having other people check you.

    Think of aas like putting a blower on a car.....

    .....why would you attempt such a thing, if you don't have a performance clutch, fresh tune up, all the engine bolts re-torqued, and an engine that has a fairly consistant compression between each of the cylinders? Wouldn't you agree that making sure the engine can handle it BEFORE you put a blower on it is a reasonable thing to do? Same with your body. Many newbs taking aas for the first time end up injured because of increased muscular strength and lagging strength in tendons/ligaments.

    It looks you are on the right path now.

    Good luck!

  8. #8
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    congrats .head over to diet section.

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