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  1. #1
    mattydaman88's Avatar
    mattydaman88 is offline New Member
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    Hi guys first cycle hook us up comments

    I'm 510 180lbs gyming for like 3 years last year been real serious with gyiming and diet
    24 years old. I want to get to 90 kg after my cycle is it possible to do and keep it. What sides can I expect to get

    Dbol 50 mg/day- 5 pills per day (weeks1-3 or 4)
    Sustanon 250-1ml twice per week (week 1-12)
    Equipose-1ml twice per week (week1-12)

    proviron -12-14weeks
    Protein 2grams per kg

  2. #2
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattydaman88 View Post
    I'm 510 180lbs gyming for like 3 years last year been real serious with gyiming and diet
    24 years old. I want to get to 90 kg after my cycle is it possible to do and keep it. What sides can I expect to get

    Dbol 50 mg/day- 5 pills per day (weeks1-3 or 4)
    Sustanon 250-1ml twice per week (week 1-12)
    Equipose-1ml twice per week (week1-12)

    proviron -12-14weeks
    Protein 2grams per kg

  3. #3
    DanB is offline Banned
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    proviron isnt a pct, look up clomid and nolvadex and generally eq shouldnt be ran on first cycle, and many here will say there is no point running it in any cycle

  4. #4
    mattydaman88's Avatar
    mattydaman88 is offline New Member
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    Why shouldn't EQ be run on first cycle.. I got this info from my mate pro body builder.. You two aren't giving much help here..

  5. #5
    mattydaman88's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte

    What is seriously suppose to mean.. Stupid puss

  6. #6
    auswest is offline Banned
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    You won't get much help here with that attitude mate

  7. #7
    auswest is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattydaman88
    Why shouldn't EQ be run on first cycle.. I got this info from my mate pro body builder.. You two aren't giving much help here..
    If you have a pro bodybuilder giving you advice and come here asking questions and listening to advice,why are you here?

  8. #8
    cro's Avatar
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    cycle seems fine,first cycle is usualy test only.i did test e /eq for a 1st and liked it. i think you would like just running the sust alone, then do a proper pct of nolva/clomid.

  9. #9
    mattydaman88's Avatar
    mattydaman88 is offline New Member
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    Listen bra.. I want to hit one solid cycle, to put on the mass.. I don't want to be messing around taking dbol pills and then taking post cycle gear then hitting another cycle of test then more post cycle gear I just want to do it one time!!! And listen bra don't talk to me bout attitude u not my queen, I want ur opinion that's all not looking for a girlfriend here..

  10. #10
    mattydaman88's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cro
    cycle seems fine,first cycle is usualy test only.i did test e /eq for a 1st and liked it. i think you would like just running the sust alone, then do a proper pct of nolva/clomid.
    Thanx bro I appreciate ur comment...

  11. #11
    cro's Avatar
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    no problem .remmember be tactfull and these guys will help you out. there is no better site out one is going to tell people exactly what they want to here if its not protocal.good luck and have adex or stane on hand for estrogen sides just in case or run with cycle.
    Quote Originally Posted by mattydaman88 View Post
    Thanx bro I appreciate ur comment...

  12. #12
    mattydaman88's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by auswest

    If you have a pro bodybuilder giving you advice and come here asking questions and listening to advice,why are you here?
    You are a tool bro.. Is this not the right place to find out more about taking steroids .. That's what I'm doing.. If u can't help or give advice then peace outta here

  13. #13
    mattydaman88's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cro
    no problem .remmember be tactfull and these guys will help you out. there is no better site out one is going to tell people exactly what they want to here if its not protocal.good luck and have adex or stane on hand for estrogen sides just in case or run with cycle.
    Ya mann I heard about adex.. I just want to keep the hardness that's why I want to run Eq don't want to blow up and look round... Alot of guys I gym with rate it..
    Is it a bad idea to run one mad cycle like the one im doing.. Don't want to run the dbol longer.. Popping them milk thistles aswell.. Cheers

  14. #14
    cro's Avatar
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    well it not the best 1st cycle because you wont know what kind of reaction your body is having and to what its from because your running 3 compounds...... sonds like a great 2nd cycle though. you will be happy with the sust alone .trust me.......

  15. #15
    The Situation is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattydaman88
    Why shouldn't EQ be run on first cycle.. I got this info from my mate pro body builder.. You two aren't giving much help here..
    If you're mate is a pro body builder and has done plenty of cycles... Why are you here asking for advice? Troll..

  16. #16
    mattydaman88's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cro
    well it not the best 1st cycle because you wont know what kind of reaction your body is having and to what its from because your running 3 compounds...... sonds like a great 2nd cycle though. you will be happy with the sust alone .trust me.......
    If I take the sust alone wat do u rate I take post cycle to keep sides down and size up??

  17. #17
    The Situation is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattydaman88

    If I take the sust alone wat do u rate I take post cycle to keep sides down and size up??
    If you are asking about pct... You need to do more research. There's a ton of stickies that will give you a solid knowledge..

  18. #18
    cro's Avatar
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    i answered that nolva/clomid .and have adex on hand or start right off with cycle at .25eod. you will find this in SWIFTOS pct sticky as how to run properly. good luck and do your research,alot of these guys hate spoon feeding knowledge thats in the easy going and off cycle, so im nice again.
    Quote Originally Posted by cro View Post
    cycle seems fine,first cycle is usualy test only.i did test e /eq for a 1st and liked it. i think you would like just running the sust alone, then do a proper pct of nolva/clomid.

  19. #19
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattydaman88 View Post
    Why shouldn't EQ be run on first cycle.. I got this info from my mate pro body builder.. You two aren't giving much help here..
    then what do you need us for? or is it another member with a 'pro mate' imaginary friend lmao

  20. #20
    spywizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattydaman88 View Post
    Why shouldn't EQ be run on first cycle.. I got this info from my mate pro body builder.. You two aren't giving much help here..
    here's some advice... if you are 24 you are too young...

    If you have a "mate" That has his pro card and believe what he is saying why would you ask the advice of people you don't know??

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  21. #21
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    hey braaa,, you shouldnt be cycling if your name is matty,, its just a fact

  22. #22
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    hey braaa,, you shouldnt be cycling if your name is matty,, its just a fact
    hey he just wants to cycle to improve his ''gyming'' haha

  23. #23
    mattydaman88's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB

    hey he just wants to cycle to improve his ''gyming'' haha
    Ya that's funny bra.. Full of jokes arent u

  24. #24
    mattydaman88's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Situation

    If you are asking about pct... You need to do more research. There's a ton of stickies that will give you a solid knowledge..
    Cheers mann

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