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  1. #1
    Iron Snake is offline New Member
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    Someone Give Me Some Useful Advice For ****s Sake

    I am 21 years old. Please get over that, people think I look much older. I have been training and dieting consistently for about 2 years now and have experienced some decent results. I have recently considered beginning a cycle of Test E to take myself to the next level without the added waiting period of natural training. I know I have not reached my natural potential yet, but I don not give a ****. That could take years. I want to be jacked now. Im going to college right now and I cannot think of a better time to juice. It has been driving me crazy. I know I am a little young but i could care less about being huge when I am an older guy. NO offense to the older guys I could use your advice too.

    This was the basic cycle I have drawn up feel free to critique it:

    250mg Test E-10 week with a shot every 5 days
    I was also thinking of adding 200mg Primo in the same shot because I just found a very legitimate, clean source
    Of course PCT at the end of the cycle but I have not planned that far yet

    My goals are significant strength and size gains without becoming a monster. I am already a bigger dude and dont want to have to buy all new clothes and shit. I also have a tendency to push too hard in the gym and do not want to blow up too fast and injured myself before my body can handle it.

    I do not want to hear any bashing or trash talking. I want real advice from experienced people who have maybe been in a similar situation. I am obviously new to AAS. Any knowledge is greatly appreciated I mean that.

    Current Stats
    Bench: 225x12
    Squat: 365x5
    Deadlift 405x5

  2. #2
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    So you waited all of 15 minutes after no one responded to your first thread before starting another with the exact same post?

    You seem very mature, and obviously you have done countless hours of research on your proposed cycle so you're definitely ready for AAS.

  3. #3
    Iron Snake is offline New Member
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    **** You man I did not see it had worked the first post. Why do you have to be a dick about it Sarge? If my cycle idea is such a joke why couldn't u help me out instead of trying to make me look like a little bitch. Thanks brooo

  4. #4
    slfmade's Avatar
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    I agree 100%. I looked into doing a cycle a few years back and after doing some "RESEARCH" I decided it wasn't in my best interest and it's not in yours either. It doesn't matter how old you "look", it matters how old you are...and you said it not us "you haven't reached your natural potential yet."

    If you haven't planned your PCT yet then you're already setting yourself up for a disaster. Your PCT is as if not more important than whatever AAS you're planning on taking.

    Now, if you do decide to do this. You don't have to worry about growing to big for your cloths because a 5 min search on this forum would tell you 250mg test E, isn't going to do jacksh*t for you. You would need to push at least 500mg/week to make it worth it.

    My last thoughts on this are. If you're not willing to listen to people telling you now is not the time - If you think that little of their knowledge to take that advice....why the hell are you willing to take their advice on what and how much of AAS to take?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron Snake View Post
    **** You man I did not see it had worked the first post. Why do you have to be a dick about it Sarge? If my cycle idea is such a joke why couldn't u help me out instead of trying to make me look like a little bitch. Thanks brooo
    Careful Snake. These guys can be a great help to you if you're civil. Sgt Hartman just helped me out recently with a dieting question. You're not making any friends with post like that.

  6. #6
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron Snake View Post
    I am 21 years old. Please get over that, people think I look much older. I have been training and dieting consistently for about 2 years now and have experienced some decent results. I have recently considered beginning a cycle of Test E to take myself to the next level without the added waiting period of natural training. I know I have not reached my natural potential yet, but I don not give a ****. That could take years. I want to be jacked now. Im going to college right now and I cannot think of a better time to juice. It has been driving me crazy. I know I am a little young but i could care less about being huge when I am an older guy. NO offense to the older guys I could use your advice too.

    This was the basic cycle I have drawn up feel free to critique it:

    250mg Test E-10 week with a shot every 5 days
    I was also thinking of adding 200mg Primo in the same shot because I just found a very legitimate, clean source
    Of course PCT at the end of the cycle but I have not planned that far yet

    My goals are significant strength and size gains without becoming a monster. I am already a bigger dude and dont want to have to buy all new clothes and shit. I also have a tendency to push too hard in the gym and do not want to blow up too fast and injured myself before my body can handle it.

    I do not want to hear any bashing or trash talking. I want real advice from experienced people who have maybe been in a similar situation. I am obviously new to AAS. Any knowledge is greatly appreciated I mean that.

    Current Stats
    Bench: 225x12
    Squat: 365x5
    Deadlift 405x5
    Quote Originally Posted by Iron Snake View Post
    **** You man I did not see it had worked the first post. Why do you have to be a dick about it Sarge? If my cycle idea is such a joke why couldn't u help me out instead of trying to make me look like a little bitch. Thanks brooo
    spoilt brat. reported

  7. #7
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Ha! Is this how you act when you enter a room full of strangers? You bust open the doors and say "hey you f*ckers, I'm new here and I don't take no sh*t. Either meet my demands or shut the f*ck up." This is my favorite thread of the day.

    But seriously, I will give you some info that others probably won't because of your, uh, personal style.

    Read the stickies that are all over the site. Both in the Q&A, and the Educational Threads section. You will find info on cycles for beginners, how to eat for growth and how to do PCT so the odds go down that you will do permanent damage (which is more likely because of your age).

    It is always great to have new guys here, and I hope you turn out to be a contributing member of the community. This is basically a group of friends, so try to know, friendly.

  8. #8
    Iron Snake is offline New Member
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    WOW yall can b harsh

    Damn I just wanted some feedback thanks for some honest replies slfmade. When I said I did not have pct yet its only because I dont have my hands on any of the gear yet because I am in the preliminary stages. I just wanted to talk with some guys that know their shit. Don't get all upset it is the internet guys. Anyone can be a big shot here okay. Anyhow lets say I decide to do it against yall's advice. Please tell me how else you would modify the cycle. Sorry for being an asshole. I am 21 and impatient. try to work with me guys.

  9. #9
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron Snake View Post
    Damn I just wanted some feedback thanks for some honest replies slfmade. When I said I did not have pct yet its only because I dont have my hands on any of the gear yet because I am in the preliminary stages. I just wanted to talk with some guys that know their shit. Don't get all upset it is the internet guys. Anyone can be a big shot here okay. Anyhow lets say I decide to do it against yall's advice. Please tell me how else you would modify the cycle. Sorry for being an asshole. I am 21 and impatient. try to work with me guys.
    hmmm, sounds like you've been banned from here before or you're just an idiot troll

  10. #10
    Iron Snake is offline New Member
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    Can we discuss this please? Have I made enough apologies? Seriously I want to learn im not the ****in scrub u think don't dick me.

  11. #11
    Iron Snake is offline New Member
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    I really haven't been banned I promise you I have no reason to lie contrary to what all of you believe I have a life of sorts. Are you serious bro?

  12. #12
    Iron Snake is offline New Member
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    Quit giving me bad rep for asking questions about what I want to do with my life. You are unaffected so ride out if you dont want to help. If you do then by all means I am all ears.

  13. #13
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Here is the is hard to just lay things out for everyone that joins. Mostly because everyone if different. The advice I gave (reading the stickies) about starter cycles, eating and PCT will give you the basics without someone spending an hour typing it out from scratch. It really is the fastest way to learn how all this stuff works.

    Give yourself enough time to do at least a little reading.

    Actually, start here:

  14. #14
    slfmade's Avatar
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    Like JohnnyVegas said, Read the stickies on here. Once people see that you've done some research, weighed your options, and see that you've tried to educate yourself they will be much more willing to help. Only you can know yourself and only you can tailor dieting, fitness, and AAS to your specific situation. People can guide you in the right direction, but nobody is going to help you if you say "f*** this sh*t, I'm all in, tell me what to do". That's where the research comes in.

  15. #15
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    Read the post that just went up from the kid who's balls aren't working because he didn't educate himself.

    Titled: Help Needed:/

    I tried post the link, but I guess I have to get 25 post first.

  16. #16
    Iron Snake is offline New Member
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    I've done some past reading guys. I may have come across as an idiot but I am not. I have low relatively testosterone for my age when I had my hormones tested. I am not looking for something that is going to make me Dorian Yates. I am just having a difficult time of deciding the right amount of test to take so I can experience some healthy gains with minimal side effects. I am low on energy, no matter how much I eat or I sleep. My sex drive is not what it was in high school either. I am telling you I need just a little edge to get me feeling good about myself again and get me active again. That's it trust me I have tried many alternatives. I have low test there's no other way around it.

  17. #17
    Iron Snake is offline New Member
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    Thanks to responders keep posts coming I want to hear more perspective's good or bad.

  18. #18
    slfmade's Avatar
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    If you're sure that you have low test...Then I would go to the doctor and get some for free (well, if you have insurance), but a prescription in always a plus.

  19. #19
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Well, then you should go to a doctor and have blood work done to see if you have low Test. If you do, they can help with that. I have low Test and am on TRT for it. The difference is I am twice your age and it makes sense that my Test is low. Still, go get tested if you think you have a medical problem.

    In the mean time, you are talking about steroid usage, and we are telling you where to find the info. I don't think anyone is saying you are an idiot. We all had to learn about this stuff. It is complicated. One of us can't just sit down for two minutes and type a short paragraph that tells you everything you need to know. It isn't like you have to drive to the is all right here on this forum. Skip over the stuff you know. Read the stuff that is relevant but you need to know.

    I just reread that you don't want to get huge, and you don't want to buy new clothes. If that is the case, you can probably tighten up your diet, lift right, eat a boatload of chicken, and put on some size while losing some fat. You will look great, your goals will be accomplished, and you might not even need to inject stuff into your body.

  20. #20
    Iron Snake is offline New Member
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    Thanks again for the help boys will post again shortly
    Last edited by Iron Snake; 11-28-2011 at 11:39 PM.

  21. #21
    mattydaman88's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman
    So you waited all of 15 minutes after no one responded to your first thread before starting another with the exact same post?

    You seem very mature, and obviously you have done countless hours of research on your proposed cycle so you're definitely ready for AAS.
    SGT why u such a puss to this guy... He's new to this site.. It's people like u that **** this forum up and waste time criticizing rather then helping,, like little bitches.. Go powder ur nose little girl

  22. #22
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Could a mod please do an IP addy check on the OP and this Matty douche?

  23. #23
    slfmade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattydaman88 View Post
    SGT why u such a puss to this guy... He's new to this site.. It's people like u that **** this forum up and waste time criticizing rather then helping,, like little bitches.. Go powder ur nose little girl
    Some could say the people wasting time are the people wanting somebody else to do all the work for them. It's like somebody with the physical and mental ability to work asking for welfare. They need money, but don't want to work for it. This forum is to help...not give handouts. Especially when they come in saying "I know this is wrong, but tell me what to do anyway because I don't give a sh*t if it hurts me." No offense to iron snake. He's apologized and is probably reading all he can by now.

    You have to understand that a lot of these guys have been on here for a while. They get asked the same stuff day in and day out from people wanting handouts. They are more than willing to help as SGT has done for me, all they want to see is a little duediligence.

    I'm sure SGT responded the way he did because he felt the way many of us did. We saw him saying...I need you help but F*ck You....only tell me what I want to hear. It's a little offensive and SGT responded in kind just as you did when you read his post.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Could a mod please do an IP addy check on the OP and this Matty douche?
    Interesting...Good Call

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    Well, then you should go to a doctor and have blood work done to see if you have low Test. If you do, they can help with that. I have low Test and am on TRT for it. The difference is I am twice your age and it makes sense that my Test is low. Still, go get tested if you think you have a medical problem.

    In the mean time, you are talking about steroid usage, and we are telling you where to find the info. I don't think anyone is saying you are an idiot. We all had to learn about this stuff. It is complicated. One of us can't just sit down for two minutes and type a short paragraph that tells you everything you need to know. It isn't like you have to drive to the is all right here on this forum. Skip over the stuff you know. Read the stuff that is relevant but you need to know.

    I just reread that you don't want to get huge, and you don't want to buy new clothes. If that is the case, you can probably tighten up your diet, lift right, eat a boatload of chicken, and put on some size while losing some fat. You will look great, your goals will be accomplished, and you might not even need to inject stuff into your body.
    you're actually volunteering to help this complete retard? man he is taking the piss, its obvious

  26. #26
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattydaman88 View Post
    SGT why u such a puss to this guy... He's new to this site.. It's people like u that **** this forum up and waste time criticizing rather then helping,, like little bitches.. Go powder ur nose little girl
    Actually, its sniveling little cvnts like u that fvck this forum up. Sarge has productively contributed 2 this forum many times over.

  27. #27
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Iron Snake, lose the attitude man, or NO ONE wil want 2 help u. Do some research on the Endocrine / HPTA b4 making any further decision(s), @ ur age, the info u recover in that research could very well save from a lifetime of regret.........................IF ur not too hard headed.

  28. #28
    Todd the truth is offline Associate Member
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    Amusing thread to say the least, I don't believe people come here and refuse to read and just want a recipe! It's all laid out here you're all over the place with your post.
    If you think you have low test go get it checked out with or without a MD. You need to know where your starting.

  29. #29
    mrincredible's Avatar
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    Too young for AAS...unless a doctor prescribes it for you.

  30. #30
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    When your unexperienced and come to a place like this and ask members who have a vast amount of knowledge on AAS you really need to take the advice because after all thats what you came here for. Just ignoring it and waiting to hear what you want to hear isn't a wise choice to make when your messing around with your hormones.

    Did you know that shutting your natural testosterone down before its full developed and matured can result in some serious sides what could be with you for the rest of your life and have the opposite effect what your looking for. By shutting down your HPTA you could end up with low test for life, zero sex drive, weight loss, limp dick, depression to name a small few and in all honesty with your goals you actually don't need steroids . You have enough natural test to make great gains especially what your trying to achieve and if your not succeeding then its time to look at your diet or training because using steroids at 21yrs is not a good idea.

    Ive not seen one person advice you to take steroids so if you think about this for one minute instead of getting high rate you will understand this is the correct advice for someone with your stats. Head over to the diet section and post your diet lets see if we can sort your problems out and it may be worth a trip to the training section to so we can redesign your training programme.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattydaman88 View Post
    SGT why u such a puss to this guy... He's new to this site.. It's people like u that **** this forum up and waste time criticizing rather then helping,, like little bitches.. Go powder ur nose little girl
    I'm not even gonna respond to your asinine post, afterall, I'm a puss and a little girl. Bonaparte posted this a while back and it suits you and OP just perfectly.

    Why is that every other newbie on here feels some sense of entitlement just for joining? For some reason I've noticed a huge spike in this trend: some kid joins the forum and asks an inane question like "How much Tren and Dbol should I take for my first cycle ?". Inevitably, they don't get the answer they want (because there is no good answer to that type of question), so they cop an attitude and start insulting everyone who took the time to comment or attempt to steer them in the right direction.
    And to make matters worse, some other stupid new member who just joined 2 weeks earlier will often come to the OP's rescue and start lecturing vets on how they're being dicks and should help the OP.

    Why is this? You joined a free forum. We don't owe you shit. Whatever info we choose to give you is our perogative, just as it is our right to withhold advice from those we deem undeserving or irresponsible. If we want to point out what you're doing wrong (rather than tell you what compound to run for a first cycle ), then say thank you and move on.

    Oh, and you're probably going to get poked fun at when you ask dumb questions, so get over it. Some of us have spent a lot of time here and have seen so many stupid questions that we have to develop a sense of humor and crack a few jokes to avoid having a stroke. It's called hazing and is common among males in any sort of organization without an overbearing HR dept. Honestly, if I couldn't have fun with people sometimes, I wouldn't be here anymore. I'm sure the same goes for most vets and mods here. We're only human and need to get our kicks somehow. If every whiny newbie had his way and every sarcastic vet were gone, this forum would have nothing going for it. It would be the blind leading the blind. But hey, at least you wouldn't get your little feelings hurt...

    SO: if you're new, lose the attitude and sense of entitlement and realize that you might get ripped on a bit. Hell, if you have a sense of humor and play it smart, you may even earn some respect right off the bat.
    Last edited by Sgt. Hartman; 11-29-2011 at 09:00 AM.

  32. #32
    DanB is offline Banned
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    post proelia praemia
    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
    should be a sticky lol

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    When your unexperienced and come to a place like this and ask members who have a vast amount of knowledge on AAS you really need to take the advice because after all thats what you came here for. Just ignoring it and waiting to hear what you want to hear isn't a wise choice to make when your messing around with your hormones.

    Did you know that shutting your natural testosterone down before its full developed and matured can result in some serious sides what could be with you for the rest of your life and have the opposite effect what your looking for. By shutting down your HPTA you could end up with low test for life, zero sex drive, weight loss, limp dick, depression to name a small few and in all honesty with your goals you actually don't need steroids . You have enough natural test to make great gains especially what your trying to achieve and if your not succeeding then its time to look at your diet or training because using steroids at 21yrs is not a good idea.

    Ive not seen one person advice you to take steroids so if you think about this for one minute instead of getting high rate you will understand this is the correct advice for someone with your stats. Head over to the diet section and post your diet lets see if we can sort your problems out and it may be worth a trip to the training section to so we can redesign your training programme.
    ^^ Nuff said.

    Let's stop the sh!t flinging and get back on topic guys.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    you're actually volunteering to help this complete retard? man he is taking the piss, its obvious
    I have seen a lot of young hotheads show up lately. Some of them have calmed down, swallowed their pride and started listening. A few of them even said they were going to delay their planned cycles.

    I was in a good mood when I got involved in this thread and thought I could encourage the guy to do some reading. Regardless of age, anyone interested in this topic will benefit from knowledge.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas;581***3
    I have seen a lot of young hotheads show up lately. Some of them have calmed down, swallowed their pride and started listening. A few of them even said they were going to delay their planned cycles.

    I was in a good mood when I got involved in this thread and thought I could encourage the guy to do some reading. Regardless of age, anyone interested in this topic will benefit from knowledge.
    you're a braver man than me lol. personally i think the 'goodbye' button should be pressed on ppl with that attitude. im a reap what you sow kinda guy

  36. #36
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    you're a braver man than me lol. personally i think the 'goodbye' button should be pressed on ppl with that attitude. im a reap what you sow kinda guy
    Every once in a while I remember how I was in my twenties, and how much I would have benefited from a knowledgable, stable influence. And then other times I am a d*ck. It is all about achieving balance. Heh.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron Snake View Post
    Damn I just wanted some feedback thanks for some honest replies slfmade. When I said I did not have pct yet its only because I dont have my hands on any of the gear yet because I am in the preliminary stages. I just wanted to talk with some guys that know their shit. Don't get all upset it is the internet guys. Anyone can be a big shot here okay. Anyhow lets say I decide to do it against yall's advice. Please tell me how else you would modify the cycle. Sorry for being an asshole. I am 21 and impatient. try to work with me guys.
    So the harsh effects of aas seem to have been explained to you, and you still want to cycle OK!!!!

    Not sure why so many here are getting their knickers in a twist but as we steer this board towards a more user friendly board for the younger members most the above will go......

    Before running a cycle i would get blood works taken, this will give you a good baseline for future reference...

    Test e at between 400/500mgs every week is a good starting point for anyone and if your diet and training are any where near on point you should respond very well and make great gains..

    Have an ai like extremstane on hand for estro issues, better to be safe than sorry and check out the educational threads at the top of the forum for a good solid pct, this is key for recovery....

    Maybe start a log for others to read....

    And welcome to the board....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  38. #38
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    So the harsh effects of aas seem to have been explained to you, and you still want to cycle OK!!!!

    Not sure why so many here are getting their knickers in a twist but as we steer this board towards a more user friendly board for the younger members most the above will go......

    Before running a cycle i would get blood works taken, this will give you a good baseline for future reference...

    Test e at between 400/500mgs every week is a good starting point for anyone and if your diet and training are any where near on point you should respond very well and make great gains..

    Have an ai like extremstane on hand for estro issues, better to be safe than sorry and check out the educational threads at the top of the forum for a good solid pct, this is key for recovery....

    Maybe start a log for others to read....

    And welcome to the board....
    seriously Matt? this is absolutely ridiculous, so we've gone 180 degrees and now its appropriate to open your post history with the likes of what this idiot posted?

    i think you can easily decipher from his post that he has been banned before.

    Q&A is a PC joke.

  39. #39
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    250mg Test shot every 5 days is a good starting point.

    Aromasin 10mg/ED

    HCG 250ius 2x week.

    PCT with Tamox/Tore or Tamox/Clomid.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    seriously Matt? this is absolutely ridiculous, so we've gone 180 degrees and now its appropriate to open your post history with the likes of what this idiot posted?

    i think you can easily decipher from his post that he has been banned before.

    Q&A is a PC joke.
    Well ive checked his ip and its good so we must accept him as a new member...

    The board owner wants us to help the younger members with cycle advice wether we like it or not as long as the health issue have been explained...

    The op started off like a dick, i agree, however he apologised more than once......

    As i keep saying, if anyone opens a post and has nothing positive to add, report the post and move on....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

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