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  1. #1
    c21 is offline New Member
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    Dec 2011

    Question First timer looking for advice with weight loss and endurance.

    Hey everyone,
    I`ll try to make this brief. I am 41yrs old and need to loose weight and gain endurance.
    I have never been a health nut and haven't taken the best care of myself like I should of.
    This is my dilemma, I am overweight at 5`8 230lbs have high blood pressure and have been "chubby" most of my life. Well now I have the biggest test of my life coming up and this will determine the quality of life for my family.
    I need to loose this weight and be able to run about 3-5 miles a day, I have been going to the gym 5 days a week for the last month or so and am the same weight. The most I can run non stop on the treadmill is about 1/2 a mile before I have to slow down and walk for a while, its sad I know. I am not looking for the magic pill or shot cause I know theres no such thing. What I need is something that can help me with weight loss and get my butt to be able to run a few miles at a time. I have asked a few people but everyone has different ideas and I thought that this would be the best place to ask for help since most of the people on here know what works and what doesn't.
    Growth hormones, steroids ? what is safe and what will work !!!!! someone please help with some advise if you know what will help
    Thanks to all for their time.
    Kind Regards

  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    whats your body fat %
    and post your typical diet for a day

  3. #3
    c21 is offline New Member
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    Dec 2011
    Tried one of those home weight scales that can read your weight and body fat and it said 45% ?
    Not sure if its accurate (hope its not ) !!
    I try to have a shake and piece of fruit for breakfast and a salad for lunch and what ever the wife makes for dinner but in a smaller portion.

  4. #4
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    You should head to the diet forum and start doing a lot more cardio.

    T3 is the only drug I would consider, as you are probably thyroid hormone deficient anyway.
    Get some blood work to confirm this and we can go from there.
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 12-02-2011 at 01:34 PM.

  5. #5
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Back from Afghanistan
    Welcome to the board mate!
    BF Scales are not very accurate with respect to overall BF%. They can be helpful if you want to track progress, and not too worried about a specific number, just improvement.
    Better is a BF caliper. here is the one me and my kid just purchased. Only $20 and you can check your self, without the aid of others...
    Accu-Measure Fitness 3000
    Good Luck!

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