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Thread: QV Sterile

  1. #1
    fitsimmons is offline New Member
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    QV Sterile

    We all know QV is Vet quality.

    But does this come as any concern to any of you?
    Injecting a animal SAFE chemical into your body?

    Besides that aspect. Is the QV potency there? I am sure they dont' require as much thorough testing for potency.

    I've used Prop QV once. With undesirable results. yes it was real. Most likely just didn't go well with my system.

    I am about to try
    1-8 350MG week EthanateQV
    1-8 300MG week DECA QV

    On Wk 4 HCG
    on week 9 PRoviron
    2nd cycle ever

  2. #2
    nj_'s Avatar
    nj_ is offline Senior Member
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    QV is created with human use in mind. I'm surprised you had undesirable results. I think you're the first complaint I've seen.

  3. #3
    Lift Chief's Avatar
    Lift Chief is offline Member
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    QV is meant for humans bro- they don't make such high mg/ml concentrations if its for animals.

    It's sterile.... although i didn't get good results off of QV EQ... the enanthate was fine though.

  4. #4
    hybrid's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Lift Chief
    QV is meant for humans bro- they don't make such high mg/ml concentrations if its for animals.

    It's sterile.... although i didn't get good results off of QV EQ... the enanthate was fine though.
    OK, this may be a dumb question, but how do you know that the EQ did not give you good results? Have you done a different EQ on other cycles and are comparing it to that? Or did you not see some of the typical signs of EQ like becoming extra vascular?
    The reason for the question is because I started my cycle a week and a half ago and QV EQ is part of it. I would like to be able to keep track of my progress. Although it is way too early for me to tell yet.
    Thanks bro.

  5. #5
    dansteelman is offline Member
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    EQ has done me right so far. I got new visible veins running from my forearm to halfway up my bicep. But im running 600MG wk. but it is made for humans, animals would need about 1/4 the amount we do!

  6. #6
    Boxer101's Avatar
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    Most of these companies spun off the original companies such as tornell and brovel. Such companies are Ttokkyo, Quality Vet and a few others. When brovel and tornell first started I think they were legitimate veterinary companies only. However I think they realized over time what a huge black market there was for human use and started producing the higher concentrations. From there other companies like TT and QV came about started cashing in. I think the whole vet thing for these companies serves a dual purpose. The companies portay a front peddling drugs and its completely legal and they have less stringent guidelines that have to be adhered to. I have infact heard that the level of purity the US requires was somewhere around 98% for human use and 92% for veterinary. Its been years since I read this and I believe I just picked it up on another board somewhere in general conversation and not in an actual official document but it does stand to reason so I believe there is probably some truth to this statement. As far as effectiveness and sterility go I think you should take whats available. If you can get human gear for the same price on a consistent basis CERTAINLY take it over veterinary. But as long as your are taking REAL vet gear and not some counterfeit its hard to pass up the price difference between vet and human. I have never myself had an abcess from either vet or human and I think as long as care is taken during the time of injection you should be fine.

  7. #7
    Lift Chief's Avatar
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    Originally posted by hybrid

    OK, this may be a dumb question, but how do you know that the EQ did not give you good results? Have you done a different EQ on other cycles and are comparing it to that? Or did you not see some of the typical signs of EQ like becoming extra vascular?
    The reason for the question is because I started my cycle a week and a half ago and QV EQ is part of it. I would like to be able to keep track of my progress. Although it is way too early for me to tell yet.
    Thanks bro.
    Almost everyone stacks EQ with something. However, me and 2 friends all did EQ only cycles @ 400mg EW for 10 weeks. We all thought it sucked. Very little if any strength gain... no real weight gain to speak of. At the end we were all pissed off as we shot oil in our ass for 10 weeks and had almost nothing to show for it.

  8. #8
    monstercojones's Avatar
    monstercojones is offline The Anabolic Assassin
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    Originally posted by Lift Chief

    Almost everyone stacks EQ with something. However, me and 2 friends all did EQ only cycles @ 400mg EW for 10 weeks. We all thought it sucked. Very little if any strength gain... no real weight gain to speak of. At the end we were all pissed off as we shot oil in our ass for 10 weeks and had almost nothing to show for it.
    eq alone at 400 mgs a week for 10 weeks only got my friend 8 pounds of muscle and more vascularity. his was fort dodge, great gear- just goes to show that a cycle of just eq for only 10 weeks at that dosage wont yield great results.

  9. #9
    fitsimmons is offline New Member
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    Sweet thanks for the insights. It seems realistic that QV probably sells almost as much juice to the black market to the legit market.

    Yeah I am going to have to take some DECA with the Ethanate.
    Test alone won't do it.

  10. #10
    monstercojones's Avatar
    monstercojones is offline The Anabolic Assassin
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    what are your stats/goals/previous experience?

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