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  1. #1
    nev is offline New Member
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    Nov 2001

    half lives of steroids

    i am currently stacking a cycle of sustanon (500mg per wk.) and deca norma (400mg per wk.) I am taking 250mg of sust every three days ( which is about 500mg per wk.) the same goes for the deca norma 200mgs every 3 days ( about 400mg per wk.) i am wondering if the half lifes of these are long enough that i don't need to split up the injections. is what i am doing beneficial or is it just not needed.

  2. #2
    XBiker's Avatar
    XBiker is offline Retired Vet
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    Aug 2001
    Over there.

    Re: half lives of steroids

    Originally posted by nev
    i am currently stacking a cycle of sustanon (500mg per wk.) and deca norma (400mg per wk.) I am taking 250mg of sust every three days ( which is about 500mg per wk.) the same goes for the deca norma 200mgs every 3 days ( about 400mg per wk.) i am wondering if the half lifes of these are long enough that i don't need to split up the injections. is what i am doing beneficial or is it just not needed.
    How you are shooting it is just fine.

    The ACTIVE half life of each of the drugs is greater than two weeks.

    Injecting them every 3 days, or say Mon/Thursday is a good schedule.

    Shooting all at once would mean taking 6 CC's in one day. Best to stick with how you are doing it now.

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