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  1. #1
    barbell2 is offline New Member
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    t3 cycle--feeling lethargic?

    been on a eq/winny/test/and now t3 for one week..

    last two days i've had 0 enery.. very tired/ that due to the t3? it's my first time taking it.
    Also, have gained 9 lbs in 4 weeks with the win/eq/test combo, still doing 45 min cardio days a week and just added t3 monday..haven't changed my eating habits much, until yesterday when i ate everything in sight! i was starved, it hit me like a ton of bricks, i was eating stuff i never eat, (cookies, pizza)

    I'm on a very restricted carb diet, probably 50-75 g a day till weekends, then eat what i want for two days..300 g protein a day..
    seeing some effects from t3 in midsection and vascularity..haven't even gone over 25mcgs yet..get warm inside and have gotten headaches the last 2 days.

    does anyone think 9lbs is a lot for a restricted diet/tons of cardio/lifting with the gear i'm on it a lot? wondering if it's water?
    600 mg test per week, 400 eth/200prop.

    thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    majorpecs's Avatar
    majorpecs is offline Anabolic Member
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    I doubt you are feeling lethargic from the T3 at only 25mcg, but that could be the problem. It may be due to your lowered carb intake coupled with the T3 that is making you feel lethargic.....but if it affects you this much, don't ever take DNP as you will be VERY lethargic.

  3. #3
    painintheazz's Avatar
    painintheazz is offline Anabolic Member
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    Originally posted by majorpecs
    I doubt you are feeling lethargic from the T3 at only 25mcg, but that could be the problem. It may be due to your lowered carb intake coupled with the T3 that is making you feel lethargic.....but if it affects you this much, don't ever take DNP as you will be VERY lethargic.
    Agreed, 25mcg shouldn't be enough to make you feel lethargic, I think the diet is the what is causing it. But people react to things differently.


  4. #4
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Definately the diet. The T3 is a very low dose but even at that it's allowing your body to process your nutrients much faster than normal so your blood sugar is reduced at a much faster rate.

    I would suggest eating 8 times while on T3. Just divide the cals you need by that and follow through. This will keep you ingesting nutrients frequent enough to keep the energy level consistant.

    Whats your stats, experience, goals?

  5. #5
    barbell2 is offline New Member
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    6'2", 265 19' clue to bf..36-38 in waist.
    probably my 15th cycle..
    always been bulking, first cutting cycle.
    first t3 cycle. getting married in 2 months, wanted to cut down and lose bf before having to get in that damn tux.
    naturally went from 295 to 255 w/out any gear, just cardio/diet.
    got stuck. decided to start my cutting cycle.
    eq/test/winny/t3, and clen in a week.

  6. #6
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Well first off, congrats on the marriage.

    The clen will help with the energy problem as well, but I would consentrate on designing a diet to accomodate a 8-10 meal schedule. Keeping that blood sugar up is crucial)aside from cardio when you want it depleted). I had the same problem on my last T3 run through.

    With your size, I'm going to guestimate that your maintenance cals are around 3000-3200. Whatever they are, on T3, I would say keep your maintenance cals and let the T3, cardio, and clen do the fat cutting. This will allow you to possibly put on some lean mass while dropping the BF%.

    I usually only run 1-2 compounds to hold on to muscle while I'm dropping BF instead of trying to gain and loose at the same time. It's a very hard thing to do but not impossible.

    Hope things work for ya and keep the board posted on your progress.

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