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  1. #1
    jch3131's Avatar
    jch3131 is offline Associate Member
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    Getting ready for spring break

    Hey guys, getting a cycle ready before the beach weather comes back and wanted to see what everyone thinks. I asked a few questions about Tren A and heres what im thinking about.

    500mg/week of Test E split up
    100mg/EOD Tren A

    Thinking about making it a 10 week cycle. Would D-bol be a good option to run for the first 4 weeks at 30mg, or no? This is my first time using Tren but I have done 3 cycles (test E, Prop, dbol , winny, EQ). I have nolva, clomid, and arimidex . Also if needed I was going to run Adex .5mg ed during the cycle. Like I said in my last post I have heard alot of different ideas of how to run Tren with test, this is just my idea so have at it.

    24yr 218lb 13%

  2. #2
    RB3232's Avatar
    RB3232 is offline Associate Member
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    Personally i would use prop at 100 mgs or 150 mgs eod with the tren to make it easy, and you might find there to be a more dry look to your physique. As for the Dbol that is your choice by how your body reacts to the bloat/ your goals

  3. #3
    jch3131's Avatar
    jch3131 is offline Associate Member
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    I thought about that too but that's alot of injections and don't want to dread my next stick.

  4. #4
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    If your doing tren EOD, why not just get prop and load it in with the tren.

  5. #5
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    I would not suggest using dbol with your first tren experience. No one can predict how tren will effect you. I stopped tren 5 days in because the sides were so awful.

  6. #6
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    ah jez, its the spring break threads already?

    after having bloods on my last tren a cycle i wouldnt run it past 8wks, my liver levels were sky high after only 3wks on it

    10wks is too long

  7. #7
    jch3131's Avatar
    jch3131 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by xelnaga View Post
    If your doing tren EOD, why not just get prop and load it in with the tren.
    I've never mixed any of my gear like that so I really didn't know which ones you can and which ones you can't. Thanks for that knowledge bro I will consider that.

    Should I lower the Test E dose if I end up going for this cycle? Or just play by ear?

  8. #8
    jch3131's Avatar
    jch3131 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    ah jez, its the spring break threads already?

    after having bloods on my last tren a cycle i wouldnt run it past 8wks, my liver levels were sky high after only 3wks on it

    10wks is too long
    Come on bro you can't procrastinate when it comes to spring break lol

    Alright I will go for a 8 week cycle. How about the Adex? Since its my first Tren cycle should I play it safe and take .5mg ED?

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