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Thread: test cycle!

  1. #1
    test9001ngdL is offline New Member
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    test cycle!

    sup guys?
    Im going to be running a 12 week 500 mg per week test e cycle. Already got everything. Adex, Clomid, Nolva, HCG and ofcourse the test .

    Gonna dose the adex .25 EOD no matter what and will increase it if I see problems. HCG 250 twice a week starting week 2 till 5 days before PCT. Will ramp to 500 twice a week last 14 days.

    PCT clomid 75/50/50/50/25
    nolva 30/20/20/20/10

    Hell yea! How does it look ?

    Also i'm aware of the sides. I'm 6'0 (haven't grown in 3 years) 184 lbs and 11% bodyfat tested at my university in one of those water tanks. I'm 20. AHhh i expect disagreement here but hey, such is life. Ive been reading some posts so here goes: Anyway i'm aware of the growth plate issue but like I said my growth is over and im taking adex. as for hpta i've yet to see evidence of any placebo controlled double blind study showing a group of 20 year old males had worse recovery than a 25 year old male. sure I don't want to mess with a developing endocrine system but the risk isn't that much greater than on a declining endocrine system like anyone 25 and over. All the males in my family have thick heads of hair haha except my grandpa who is 78 and he has half a head of hair lol. also im not at my genetic limit but ive been working out 3 years consistently but gains are slowing considerably. plus no point going far above genetic limit and then shrinking down without juice anyway imo (not looking to blast and cruise ever).

    so my questions
    how does the dose look?
    goal is to keep 16 lbs of lean muscle mass after pct and get to the elusive 200 mark at a low BF.
    ill run a cutting cycle in 6 months after this is over and then im done. then just maintain forever.

  2. #2
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by test9001ngdL View Post
    sup guys?
    Im going to be running a 12 week 500 mg per week test e cycle. Already got everything. Adex, Clomid, Nolva, HCG and ofcourse the test .

    Gonna dose the adex .25 EOD no matter what and will increase it if I see problems. HCG 250 twice a week starting week 2 till 5 days before PCT. Will ramp to 500 twice a week last 14 days.

    PCT clomid 75/50/50/50/25
    nolva 30/20/20/20/10

    Hell yea! How does it look ?

    Also i'm aware of the sides. I'm 6'0 (haven't grown in 3 years) 184 lbs and 11% bodyfat tested at my university in one of those water tanks. I'm 20. AHhh i expect disagreement here but hey, such is life. Ive been reading some posts so here goes: Anyway i'm aware of the growth plate issue but like I said my growth is over and im taking adex. as for hpta i've yet to see evidence of any placebo controlled double blind study showing a group of 20 year old males had worse recovery than a 25 year old male. sure I don't want to mess with a developing endocrine system but the risk isn't that much greater than on a declining endocrine system like anyone 25 and over. All the males in my family have thick heads of hair haha except my grandpa who is 78 and he has half a head of hair lol. also im not at my genetic limit but ive been working out 3 years consistently but gains are slowing considerably. plus no point going far above genetic limit and then shrinking down without juice anyway imo (not looking to blast and cruise ever).

    so my questions
    how does the dose look?
    goal is to keep 16 lbs of lean muscle mass after pct and get to the elusive 200 mark at a low BF.
    ill run a cutting cycle in 6 months after this is over and then im done. then just maintain forever.
    1) Nice theory, but I've dealth with probably thousands of teens and yound 20 year olds that have extremely low endogenous testosterone levels after a steroids cycle, be it planned or not. Hows that for you? Dam right there isnt a double blind controlled peer-reviewed study, but its doesnt take a rocket scientist to work out your endocrine system is not fully matured nor developed at 20.

    2) Post your diet, your stats are a little low. You should be able to hit 195-200lbs at the same bf% with a solid diet and more years training. 3 years isnt much of a base IMHO.

    3) Well done on the planning. Only thing I'd change is the AI. Aromasin 10mg/ED, as opposed to Arimidex .

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