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  1. #1
    mikesmith07chev is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Looking for opinions on cycle

    Hey fellas, I'm looking for some advice on my next cycle. I'm 33yrs old and I've ben working out since roughly 20yrs old, off and on. I took my first cycle a few years ago to help me past my plateau (d-bol for 30days and two ampules of test enth a week, pct was nolvadex ) and I got great results. I went from 165lbs to 180 when I was done. About a year later I took another cycle this time of Test and Deca (can't remember the dosages, but it was one shot of each per week) followed up with nolvadex and arimidex . Well either that or my shift work disorder (working overnights for years) has caused my test levels to get to the low 300's. My doc was monitoring and it was slowly dropping so now I'm on HRT with 1ml of 100mg Test Cyp per week and that's supplemented with 1mg of anastrazole per week. I've been out of the gym for about 6 months due to work and daily bullcrap. So I'm looking to get back in and get on a cycle to get me up to 200 (hopefully, or close to it) while I currently weigh 185lbs. I was picking up my test early every month and I've stockpiled a few bottles of it. So here's my plan, tell me what you think:
    300mg test cyp per week
    20-40mg of d-bol per day (I just got a bottle of the EQL Euro-Dianabol 20mg, 50 capsules) not sure if I should go 20mg or 40mg
    .5mg of anastrazole twice per week

    What type of PCT should I jump on after I'm done with the cycle? I was thinking of running it for about 10 weeks and at some point incorporating the HCG diet either into my stack or after it's done. I've got a little bit of belly fat I need to get rid of before summer. Thank you for your input.

  2. #2
    ajordana's Avatar
    ajordana is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    up the test for sure, 300mg/wk isnt a whole lot above baseline.. i wouldnt do test lower than 500/wk

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