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  1. #1
    DeniZen's Avatar
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    Whats a good dick friendly compound to stack with test on a bulker?

    I'm 55 years old and decided to not stack the Deca I have (no PMs please already gave it to a friend lol). The older I get the more paranoia I have about ED. I have a feeling just plain old test by itself is the answer, but if anyone has suggestions for a good dick friendly bulking stack I'm all ears.

    Last edited by DeniZen; 01-05-2012 at 10:55 AM.

  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    anything can be dick friendly if you dose the test correctly and know how to control estrogen.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    DeniZen's Avatar
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    I guess I've read too many threads about not recovering from Deca , Tren etc etc even when done correctly. Its too late in life for me to find out the hard way. Still love smashing it and would be really really really pissed if something went wrong. I've got more behind me than ahead lol

  4. #4
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeniZen View Post
    I'm 55 years old and decided to not stack the Deca I have (no PMs please already gave it to a friend lol). The older I get the more paranoia I have about ED. I have a feeling just plain old test by itself is the answer, but if anyone has suggestions for a good dick friendly bulking stack I'm all ears.

    ANAVAR is a very good one. Mild,,little to no sides,,yet effective.

  5. #5
    jasc's Avatar
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    Since you're bulking, how about dbol ?

    var is good, but its more suited for cutting/lean gains than adding mass.

  6. #6
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    no reason to add anything else on top of the test unless you are trying to do something specific. If test is working, stick with test, maybe up the dosage and watch for estrogen rebound.

  7. #7
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    As others have said Test alone is very dick friendly, if you need more help than that I there is this 20 yr old fitness model who does some adult entertainment that works out at my gym.

  8. #8
    BigGuy90's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    Since you're bulking, how about dbol ?

    var is good, but its more suited for cutting/lean gains than adding mass.
    I agree..try stacking the test with dbol for no more than 6 weeks and you should see some great mass results with the proper nutrition.

  9. #9
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Anything besides Tren and Nandrolone , I suppose.
    What are your other preferences?

  10. #10
    DeniZen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGuy90 View Post
    I agree..try stacking the test with dbol for no more than 6 weeks and you should see some great mass results with the proper nutrition.
    I have some DBol I willl do some research thanks

  11. #11
    DeniZen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    As others have said Test alone is very dick friendly, if you need more help than that I there is this 20 yr old fitness model who does some adult entertainment that works out at my gym.
    Thanks FFM but when I'm ON i need two 20 year olds!

  12. #12
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    As others have said Test alone is very dick friendly, if you need more help than that I there is this 20 yr old fitness model who does some adult entertainment that works out at my gym.
    pics, or it didnt happen =)

  13. #13
    DeniZen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Anything besides Tren and Nandrolone , I suppose.
    What are your other preferences?
    I don't really know. I was thinking about Primo or Mast but don't know if its worth the money or effort for someone my age on a bulk. So I'm curious if vets here think maybe test only, dosed higher. I've done a cycle of 500mg test only and it was great, and I'm currently cruising at 250 and continuing to gain lbm and strength. So I was thinking about 500 test plus a stacker....or maybe 750mg Test only for 8-10 weeks. btw I'm 5-9, 202 lbs as of this morning. about 15% bf

  14. #14
    acidking's Avatar
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    to know what's 'dick friendly' see what girls are juicing on. Such as Primobolan Depot is 'dick friendly' ... dick friendly lol xD funniest thing i heard today.

  15. #15
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by acidking View Post
    to know what's 'dick friendly' see what girls are juicing on. Such as Primobolan Depot is 'dick friendly' ... dick friendly lol xD funniest thing i heard today.
    That's...completely irrelevant.
    What women need to avoid are androgens. The OP needs to avoid progestins.

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