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  1. #1
    theacha is offline New Member
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    Jan 2012

    First post lets do this me apart lads

    Right before i start im going to say ive been a very intense follower on these forums for a few years now but not usually some one who posts on forums.......however its time and im going to do it properly to keep all you vets happy. Basically looking for advice on everything im about to post and will include most of the details of my gym life.

    Current Stats:
    Age: 22
    Weight: 207 lbs
    Height: 6 ft 2
    Bf: need to measure
    Gym experience: quite a few years
    Current Goal: Cutting down after a decent bulking period

    Brief History
    Raised on the rugby pitch all my life so gym isnt a new thing to me ofcourse so mainly posting on here to get advice and better what i already know. Played rugby at state level in australia and international level when i was living in thailand. Currently been living in london for 2 years, previously lived in thailand for numerous years (school). This where i really got my first exposure to AAS and as you all know its not really an aspect of life thats hard to find over there. Been gyming for the good majority of my life keep the diet clean and live a moderedly healthy lifestyle. Will detail current diet and gym workouts below as well. Always been a decent sized lad peak weight ive been so far was 224 pounds when i was 20. However upon moving to london to pursue my carrer and studies i got exposed to a rather menacing lifestlye that caused me to loose interest in gym and made me drop weight at a silly rate dropped down to around 170 lbs. Needless to say i snapped out of this life style and spend the next few months building my self back up to my current weight while still trying to keep my bf% relatively low.

    Cycle History
    I know this is where im going to get the most judgement which is understandable but again ive learned from my mistakes.

    Cycle 1: Standard Test E and Dbol cycle. Started when i was 18 followed the strict rules of cycles that i learnt from this site ran my pct correctly ran all my doses correctly. My gains were pretty decent which to be honest made me some what addicted to whole process of cycling.

    Cycle 2: Test Cyp and Deca . Ran the cycle when i was 19 and i know how young i was and it was stupid but it was hard to resist when it was so easily available. Again saw good gains ran a more aggresive pct for the test suppression of the deca.

    Sides: Over all my body reacted really well to the substances this is ofcourse from a physical point of view and mental havent been to a specialist to check levels or damage done. Only sides i suffered from really was bad acne and my gf having to deal with me always trying to get her into the bed.......I feel however the acne was caused by possibly lower quality gear and also my age...I stopped cycling after these two cycles and havent cycles or touched any pro hormones as of the end of cycle two.

    Current diet
    Ill list my current diet and the diet im planning on running while on my next cycle. Advice much appreciate.
    My current diet is based around the premises that im trying to cut my bf% for my up and coming cutting cycle.

    Meal 1:
    3 egg whites and 2 whole eggs with a protein shake and some frozen veggies
    Meal 2:
    Chicken Breast with frozen veggies
    Pre gym:
    Black Coffee and small bowl of brown pasta and tuna
    Post gym:
    Lucozade (carbonated energy drink) Protein Shake
    Meal 3:
    Chicken and frozen veggies bit of cinnamon
    Meal 4:
    More chicken no carbs in this meal
    Before bed:
    Protein Shake some goats cheese with a slice of pinapple

    Planned Diet for cycling:
    Meal 1:
    Protein Shake with 1/2 cup of oats
    Meal 2 :
    Same quantity of eggs with frozen veggies
    Meal 3:
    Palm sized portion of miced beef, forzen veggies and sweet potatoe
    Pre Gym:
    Black Coffee and small bowl of pasta and tuna
    Post Gym:
    Lucozade (carbonated energy drink) Protein Shake
    Meal 4:
    Chicken and frozen veggies bit of cinnamon and 1/2 cup of brown rice
    Meal 5:
    Chicken and veg
    Meal 6 (optional):
    chicken veg
    Before bed:
    Protein Shake some goats cheese with a slice of pinapple

    Workout Routine
    Use a 4 day split now as i see best results
    Mon: Shoulders/bis
    Tues: Back/Tris
    Thurs: Chest
    Fri: Legs
    Cardio: Every second day i do and 1 and a half hours of muay thai training

    Do you think i could also do bis on chest day but do a more pump orientated session as supposed to heavier session?
    Can go into more detail on exercises and what not upon request


    Now for the cycle im planning.....taking into consideration i will not be running this cycle for atleast another 2 months of natural training to cut my bf% to where i feel the cycle will really benefit my goals. Managed to source my self some reliable lixus rip blend 225 which comprises of Drostanolone Acetate 75mg,Testosterone Acetate 75mg, Trenbolone Acetate 75mg at 225 mgs/ml

    Week 1-10: rip at 1ml eod
    Pct: nolva and clomid but a little more aggresive dosage for the tren .
    Other preventatives: Now i need help with this what do you feel would be a better for the cycle to run HCG or arimidex ? and if so should i run it throught out the cycle? and what doses?

    QUERIES: the only real problem im thinking with the rip is i feel the test levels in the blend are a little low cause originally i was planning on running prop with tren a but i would of dosed the prop higher than the tren dose, so im just wondering if that dose of test would be enough? I was also considering throwing in an oral i.e anavar for the last 4 weeks of the cycle but am still unsure if its entirely necessary.

    Finally THE END
    (sorry for any spelling mistakes)

  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    your are still young. You say you know you made mistakes so learn from them and wait.
    I would never use rip. Blends are garbage and a marketing tool to people who dont know better.
    And def dont use tren at your age and exp level.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    theacha is offline New Member
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    Jan 2012
    mmmmm im in no rush i was just posting up an idea/plan, from what ive read however people do vouch on the rip and say they gain quality results. Also seems the recommended age limit on this site keeps rising

  4. #4
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    the recommended age has always been 25 as long as i can remember. But now you are at higher risk because you a running multiple cycles.
    I'm not saying rip isnt real. But you are stuck at their dosing ratio. You cant adjust or drop anything if you have side effects or issues.
    Tren can be harsh. What if it gives you horrible sides or a reaction. Now you are screwed cause it mixed in your vial
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  5. #5
    theacha is offline New Member
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    Jan 2012
    yeah your right in that regard, didnt think about that one. However i remember people always said 21, from what i remember 25 was a hgh not going to dispute your opinion and i will take your advice but personally i feel 22 is an acceptable age.

  6. #6
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Well Bro its your body and you are an adult so we can only advise.Good luck!

  7. #7
    theacha is offline New Member
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    Jan 2012
    wish life was a simple as when i was six

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