hi guys, ive ran two cycles up till now and have always lost all gains after pct. i was 187 when i did my dbol +test-e cycle and went up to a bloated 209 but settled down at around 203. i started pct 2 weeks after cycle and before the end of pct i was back down at 187. my latest cycle was a test-e/tren -e cycle for 12 weeks. i went up to a lean 207-8 but again before i had even finished pct i was back down at 187ish. whats the issue here? ive been maintaining same diet for pct as for cycle.
my pct has been clomid 100/50/50/50 and nolva 40/20/20/20 for both cycles, hcg was also used at 500iu a week from week 3.
any ideas on what ive been doing wrong? do i have really poor recovery and i lose all gains before my natural test comes back?