Thread: Clen Question
01-15-2012, 05:35 PM #1
Clen Question
I am interested in running Clen in my next cycle (this is a ways off) but after reading some of the threads on here and the profile for Clen its 2 different sides. Most on here seem to run a 2 week on/off while the profile says this is not worth it and to do more like 6. This will only be my third cycle and the only new compond I will add I just want to have this all worked out and understood well in advance. Thanks for the help guys!
01-15-2012, 06:20 PM #2
Is this for cutting purposes? If so give this a read.
01-15-2012, 06:59 PM #3
That looks great. Thanks tigershark
01-15-2012, 09:32 PM #4
after reading the post provided by TigerShark it looks like I'll need to run Clen and T3 along with some test. I haven't tried anyother test then Test E, other then the injections being EOD is there much difference in the 2? I am checking because I dont want to add to many unknowns. Also I am not doing this directly after my bulkind cycle but a month or so after I finish my PCT or should I wait even longer? Thanks for the help!
01-15-2012, 09:40 PM #5
2 weeks on 2 weeks off is the prefered method. You can however run it straight through if you want to introduce some Keto to upregulate your beta 2 receptors. You don't have to run T3 if you don't want to. Many people prefer to only run clen . T3 will add additional fat burning but you have to decide if it's worth the risk to your thyroid. Read and research some more and give it some thought. Hopefully Alex will chime in and give you his thoughts on the subject as well...for whatever reason (I can't remember) he's only running clen and he's getting ready for a competition.
01-15-2012, 10:59 PM #6
Ok did a bit more research and your right, I think I stick to the clen only. So I'm thinking 2 weeks on/off for 6 weeks and running test Prop 600mg/w for 8 weeks to keep from losing muscle mass. Adding the clen the last or first 6 weeks? Also Pct is it the same? Clomid and nolva 4 weeks?
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