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  1. #1
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    Decca and Sustanon

    Hello to all, I have learned a massive amount of information on your website and I am thankful for your efforts, I believe there is a lot of useful information and experience here. Yes I am a newbie to the world of juice and still not sure on what I would like to try. I am under the impression that decca is supposed to be quite good. I am stuck on the the sustanon though and I have read the information this website has provided seems useful but still not 100% sold. Has anyone have any advise on the two combined as a fist time stack?

  2. #2
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Welcome teezer33. Wut r ur stats & goals?
    Last edited by The Bear 79; 01-19-2012 at 01:36 PM. Reason: typo

  3. #3
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    Greetings teezer,
    Sustanon and deca is a good beginner to slightly intermediate cycle. Easy to inject them once a week and get a feel for being on a cycle. A lot of people recommend taking only a single-ester test for a first timer, but I see no harm in the combination. You'll want to ensure that you have an aromatase inhibitor such as Aromasin or Arimidex to take throughout the cycle, as well as getting your PCT gear worked out and in-hand before starting.

  4. #4
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBrian View Post
    Greetings teezer,
    Sustanon and deca is a good beginner to slightly intermediate cycle. Easy to inject them once a week and get a feel for being on a cycle. A lot of people recommend taking only a single-ester test for a first timer, but I see no harm in the combination. You'll want to ensure that you have an aromatase inhibitor such as Aromasin or Arimidex to take throughout the cycle, as well as getting your PCT gear worked out and in-hand before starting.
    Alrite man, I kno ur intentions r good, but u gotta stop. Sust / Deca IS NOT a good beginner cycle, if ur body has a bad reaction to 1 of the compounds, u wont kno which 1 is causing the issue. Also, how do u kno u didn't just giv cycle advice 2 some1 that's 30 + % BF?

  5. #5
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    Ok, I don't know what %BF means but I am sure there are some precuations which are reasonable and understandable. I signed up to this forum for one purpose only and that is to recieve the best possible advise on how not to brutally destroy my body with a sustance that I am injecting myself with. I believe doing your homework and research is key; however, I also believe that no matter how much one researches it has no comparrison to experience such as the people the on this forum. My intension are no more than to get a better understanding and make the best possible decision with no quick judgements calls, I plan to take my time.

  6. #6
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    I've used both of these early on, both separately and together, and based on my experience I stand behind what I posted. It seems like a long-shot to be concerned that someone's body is going to have a bad reaction to one and not the other, like some kind of speculative allergic reaction, especially if they use AI's correctly. If he mentioned tren , Anadrol , winstrol , clenbuterol , dianobol, or insulin , my answer would have been very different. But a testosterone blend and an anabolic as popular and beneficial as nandrolone decanoate are what he asked about, and again, I stand behind what I posted. But granted, my mind is not constantly operating in a worst-case scenario. I don't see everything as black and white and I don't post the same response to every different person who asks a different question here.

  7. #7
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    BF% = Body Fat percent.

  8. #8
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by teezer33 View Post
    Ok, I don't know what %BF means but I am sure there are some precuations which are reasonable and understandable. I signed up to this forum for one purpose only and that is to recieve the best possible advise on how not to brutally destroy my body with a sustance that I am injecting myself with. I believe doing your homework and research is key; however, I also believe that no matter how much one researches it has no comparrison to experience such as the people the on this forum. My intension are no more than to get a better understanding and make the best possible decision with no quick judgements calls, I plan to take my time.
    Well said teezer.

  9. #9
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    teezer your best bet is to read the educational and sticky threads in each section. That should give you some good info and an understanding. Then ask questions on what you are unsure about.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  10. #10
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    Thankyou gixxer, I am pleased to meet you! I will check that out.

  11. #11
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBrian View Post
    I've used both of these early on, both separately and together, and based on my experience I stand behind what I posted. It seems like a long-shot to be concerned that someone's body is going to have a bad reaction to one and not the other, like some kind of speculative allergic reaction, especially if they use AI's correctly. If he mentioned tren, Anadrol, winstrol, clenbuterol, dianobol, or insulin, my answer would have been very different. But a testosterone blend and an anabolic as popular and beneficial as nandrolone decanoate are what he asked about, and again, I stand behind what I posted. But granted, my mind is not constantly operating in a worst-case scenario. I don't see everything as black and white and I don't post the same response to every different person who asks a different question here.
    Ur wrong & ur gona get some1 hurt. And there r no dif questions here, the OP's question as well as 90% of the others posted here, ARE all the same, over & over again, so posting the same response is kinda hard 2 NOT do. And how the hell is an AI gona keep ur body from potentially having a bad reaction 2 a compound, if ur claim were tru, then there would never b any fear of bad reaction 2 ANY compound, & a beginner could use as many compounds as he wants on his 1st go round. Again, ur rong & ur gona get some1 hurt.

  12. #12
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBrian View Post
    I've used both of these early on, both separately and together, and based on my experience I stand behind what I posted. It seems like a long-shot to be concerned that someone's body is going to have a bad reaction to one and not the other, like some kind of speculative allergic reaction, especially if they use AI's correctly. If he mentioned tren, Anadrol, winstrol, clenbuterol, dianobol, or insulin, my answer would have been very different. But a testosterone blend and an anabolic as popular and beneficial as nandrolone decanoate are what he asked about, and again, I stand behind what I posted. But granted, my mind is not constantly operating in a worst-case scenario. I don't see everything as black and white and I don't post the same response to every different person who asks a different question here.
    As to what Bear said. With out knowing stats how can you advise on a cycle. Even if you feel sust and deca are a good basic cycle. What if he was 19 5'10 and 275lbs. You see where im going.

    Also as far as having a bad reaction. What if they start to get gyno. Is it estrogen or progesterone? Also Maybe this person has a hard time with pct and recovery. Which we dont know since he never ran a cycle. So recovering from a 19 nor is typically harder then test alone.

    There are lots of reasons to stick with 1 compound
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by teezer33 View Post
    Thankyou gixxer, I am pleased to meet you! I will check that out.
    Anytime. Welcome to the board.
    There is alot to take in. Just dont get overwhelmed
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  14. #14
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    No one knows how their bodies will react until they cycle AAS. If the reaction is bad, it's too late, it's time for a fire drill. There is nothing that says that you can't stack deca and sus on your first cycle. However, it is deemed safer to cycle sus (Testosterone ) by itself first to see how your body reacts to it. One thing you'll notice on this board is that the vets are trying to prevent people from getting hurt. Safety first. You can stack 5 compounds on your first cycle and you may have zero sides. Who knows, until you try it. You could also run into sides like acne (I mean carpet front & back), hair loss, high blood pressure, higher cholesterol, etc. Who knows, until you try it. The most vets will tell you to do just Test first, understand how your body reacts, then stack on your successive cycles. It's for your own safety. It's advice you can take or leave.

  15. #15
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    Sorry still new to this forum and my replys have not been posting properly, I think I found the problem. Anyway I am 33 and 6' 2" and 208 pounds around 6-8% "BF". Training for about a year and half now and my goals are cosmetic at this time but you never know I might want to do some competitions, highly unlikely though with my stats.

  16. #16
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Ur stats r pretty impressive bro, ur not huge, but I c discipline & commitment. So u wanna get BIGGER I assume?

  17. #17
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    I have been following Scooby work shop, I can't stand his voice but his website is free with great tools on dieting and workouts basics for about a 1 1/2 years now. I stuck with 32 grams of protien per meal 6 times a day and happy with the results. Yes bigger is better and mass is my goal.

  18. #18
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    My first cycle with sus250 was painful. The Prop in sus250 hurt like heck. I also got lots of acne. I found out later that long Test esters gives me acne. So now, I only do Test Prop. I gotta stick myself more frequently but at least I don't get the acne. I got awesome results with sus250 but I hated the acne.

  19. #19
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    So it seems u hav everything in order. I would run the Test. @ 400 - 500 mg/wk for 10 - 12 wks. Wut is ur planned PCT?

  20. #20
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    Hi scotch, That is one of my fears givin my italian backround I am naturally oily and would presume acne would be inevitable. Thanks fo rthe input!

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    My first cycle with sus250 was painful. The Prop in sus250 hurt like heck. I also got lots of acne. I found out later that long Test esters gives me acne. So now, I only do Test Prop. I gotta stick myself more frequently but at least I don't get the acne. I got awesome results with sus250 but I hated the acne.
    I think this is the only draw back about doing blended ester test is not knowing if you are prone to any sides whether it be from the long or shorter esters. i know some guys get acne from doing prop more so then e,c so well said sur. I would for sure just stick with the test and my personal fav is always omnidren, or sust. I dont like doing long esters cycles only anymore. But cont. to read up and you will k now what to do..

  22. #22
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    I haven't got that far on the PCT therapy yet but I am not starting anything yet, I still have a quite a few questions I need to answer myself, but again I really appreciate all's advise it is valuable to me.

  23. #23
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    As to what Bear said. With out knowing stats how can you advise on a cycle. Even if you feel sust and deca are a good basic cycle. What if he was 19 5'10 and 275lbs. You see where im going.

    Also as far as having a bad reaction. What if they start to get gyno. Is it estrogen or progesterone? Also Maybe this person has a hard time with pct and recovery. Which we dont know since he never ran a cycle. So recovering from a 19 nor is typically harder then test alone.

    There are lots of reasons to stick with 1 compound
    I checked his age first, but I digress and agree with everything you just stated. I see that I need to start asking for stats before expressing opinions regarding cycles. But there is something I do have a serious problem with;

    "Ur wrong & ur gona get some1 hurt. Again, ur rong & ur gona get some1 hurt."

    Well, no, you see it's the person who takes prescription drugs without the guidance or prescription of a doctor that gets themselves hurt. I take that risk, you take that risk, and almost everyone else on this board takes that risk. I'm not a doctor and neither are you. I don't tell you that you're wrong because I'm not in a position to make that declaration, but I do have the capacity to offer a pro and a con of a given situation. Someone comes here and asks for advice of a subjective nature and sometimes they are answered with intellectually obscured garbage by someone who can't even take the time to spell a word out completely. Or screaming bloody murder when a 23 or 24 year old asks for advice on a cycle they have already begun. Well, I did a cycle at 23, and yet I am still able to have sex without taking Cialis? How can this be? Because nothing is that black and white, and advice should not be based on three simple concepts that someone does not have the intellectual capacity to expound upon. I agree that bad things can happen. I understand that we are all unique. I am simply infinitely frustrated when I see a closed-book opinion being expressed everyday by someone who is no more qualified to lend advice than myself. And I will point out that I kept that all to myself until I was told that I was wrong and that I was going to hurt someone. Utter garbage, and have a good day sir.

  24. #24
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    U act like ur so dam smart, but 4 som reason I hav 2 break things down 4 u like a preschooler. The advice u gav was to use mor than 1 compound, u with me so far genius.......that advice was givin 2 some1 that has never used steroids b4, u still up 2 speed Einstein..............if the person u gav that advice 2 has some sort of adverse reaction to 1 of those compounds, he will not kno which 1 is causing the issue...............that is dangerous advice that can get some1 hurt. Read it nice & slo & mor that once if u hav to, cuz from wut I gather from ur previous posts, u hav a reading & comprehension problem. U assume that bcuz I don't go in2 detail every time I speak of cycling 2 yung, cycling underweight or cycling overweight, that I kno nothing about wut I preach, but u haven't even asked just how much I kno about the subject(s), u just made that claim 2 suit ur ignorant cause. Based on the crap u hav been spewing, I'm 10 times mor qualified 2 lend advice than u. And based on the the opinions & beliefs u hav posted, u should b banned from advising. Ur rong & ur gona get some1 hurt.

  25. #25
    backinit is offline Junior Member
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    I have to agree with some of bbrians points on this one. I agree that if someone young is asking for advice they should be told of the dangers of doing aas . I would think that most people (not all) who r asking for advice have already decided they r gonna juice reguardless of what anyone says. So its my opinon that after you educate someone on the dangers of aas at a young age you give them the advice they r looking for. Because they came here for a reason, probably because they don't trust there friends or the guy selling them the stuff. I rather see them get the correct advice then advice from some assh#le. I compare it like this I don't want my kid having sex too early even though most likely they r going to do it anyway. So I don't just say to them its dangerous don't have sex I tell them what the dangers are and if they do how to prevent getting a girl prego or catching a std. I never give out advice on stuff I don't know about and iam by far an expert. All I can tell people is my experiences good or bad. What gets me is some of the attitude by people on here and personal attacks that stuff is childish. And from what other people on here have told me that's why they are hesitent to post some questions. Not everyone on here is like that but there r a few. This is a great site with an insane abount of knowledge and good people I just think some people can be a little disrespectful
    Last edited by backinit; 01-19-2012 at 06:14 PM.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by backinit View Post
    I have to agree with some of bbrians points on this one. I agree that if someone young is asking for advice they should be told of the dangers of doing aas . I would think that most people (not all) who r asking for advice have already decided they r gonna juice reguardless of what anyone says. So its my opinon that after you educate someone on the dangers of aas at a young age you give them the advice they r looking for. Because they came here for a reason, probably because they don't trust there friends or the guy selling them the stuff. I rather see them get the correct advice then advice from some assh#le. I compare it like this I don't want my kid having sex too early even though most likely they r going to do it anyway. So I don't just say to them its dangerous don't have sex I tell them what the dangers are and if they do how to prevent getting a girl prego or catching a std. I never give out advice on stuff I don't know about and iam by far an expert. All I can tell people is my experiences good or bad
    And alot of people have changed their mind after being educated on the dangers or on the other reasons they should wait if they arent ready
    And some of us choose not to advise people that shouldnt be doing the on how to do them. I want no part of a kid damaging themselves.
    Last edited by gixxerboy1; 01-19-2012 at 10:03 PM. Reason: spelling
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  27. #27
    backinit is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1

    And alot of people have changed their mind after being educated on the dangers or on the other reasons they should wait if they arent ready
    And some of us choose not to advise people that shouldnt be doing the on how to do them. I want to part of a kid damaging themselves.
    Yes and I think its great I really do. I wish someone would have informed me when I was younger. But if the person says they r still going to do it I think they should be told the right way. Maybe they were going to stack a bunch of stuff but because of your advice they r now only going to do test. I also have no problem at all if you do not want to give any advice for a younger person. I can respect that and still disagree. Its they way some members go after others because a difference of opinion that's all.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by backinit View Post
    Yes and I think its great I really do. I wish someone would have informed me when I was younger. But if the person says they r still going to do it I think they should be told the right way. Maybe they were going to stack a bunch of stuff but because of your advice they r now only going to do test. I also have no problem at all if you do not want to give any advice for a younger person. I can respect that and still disagree. Its they way some members go after others because a difference of opinion that's all.
    Yes you can.

    The frustration comes from alot of times when you are talking to someone. Telling them the dangers and they are starting to listen. And then someone jumps in oh just run this and that you will be fine. That pisses alot of people off.

    Also i dont think anyone should give out any specific cycle advice with out knowing stats.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  29. #29
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by backinit View Post
    I have to agree with some of bbrians points on this one. I agree that if someone young is asking for advice they should be told of the dangers of doing aas . I would think that most people (not all) who r asking for advice have already decided they r gonna juice reguardless of what anyone says. So its my opinon that after you educate someone on the dangers of aas at a young age you give them the advice they r looking for. Because they came here for a reason, probably because they don't trust there friends or the guy selling them the stuff. I rather see them get the correct advice then advice from some assh#le. I compare it like this I don't want my kid having sex too early even though most likely they r going to do it anyway. So I don't just say to them its dangerous don't have sex I tell them what the dangers are and if they do how to prevent getting a girl prego or catching a std. I never give out advice on stuff I don't know about and iam by far an expert. All I can tell people is my experiences good or bad. What gets me is some of the attitude by people on here and personal attacks that stuff is childish. And from what other people on here have told me that's why they are hesitent to post some questions. Not everyone on here is like that but there r a few. This is a great site with an insane abount of knowledge and good people I just think some people can be a little disrespectful
    Keep in mind, ur girlfriend (BBrian) struck 1st with personal attacks, it was civil up 2 that point. And btw, its ok 2 hav a mind of ur own, u don't hav 2 ride in his saddle bag like Paris Hilton's purse dog just cuz u don't wut ur talkin bout.

  30. #30
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    Yes you can.

    The frustration comes from alot of times when you are talking to someone. Telling them the dangers and they are starting to listen. And then someone jumps in oh just run this and that you will be fine. That pisses alot of people off.

    Also i dont think anyone should give out any specific cycle advice with out knowing stats
    Exactly. I'm so tired of "I did it & I'm fine" or "23 is close enuf" or "Wut r ur stats." & then in the same breath, b4 they get the stats "I would run Test. @ 500 mg/wk" or this is 1 of my fav, the poster givs the OP the green lite & THEN asks 4 stats, (Cycle looks good bro, u should mak som nice gains. Wut r ur stats".............
    Last edited by The Bear 79; 01-19-2012 at 06:32 PM.

  31. #31
    backinit is offline Junior Member
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    You are absolutly right. I can see the fustration in that. And if the person who jumped in was spoken to with respect and explained why you are pissed off I would think things would turn out different and people would not be getting into arguments. I now understand why some people get pissed in this situation and you explained it to me with respect and I now see your side of things.

  32. #32
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    I have to admit that I have read some things from gixxer and Bear that have made me digress. Thankfully I have the capability to do that. However, I do feel much better posting what I did to describe the idiocy of Bear's mentality and approach, and I hope he read it more than once.

    Ur rong & ur gona get some1 hurt.

  33. #33
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    Hi to all, I really did not intend for this to go as far as it has. I want to thank you all for the expert advise, weather or not I choose who to listen to will ultimately be at my discretion. I do believe you all have a great deal more knowledge than I do and I do respect each and everyone's opinion. Bear you have not gotten to your senior member position by not knowing anything, I respect and thank you for looking out for a newbie like myself. Bbrain I thank you for bring your personal experience to the table. I know you all have pride in what you have researched and or experimented in.My intentions was not to cause problems here and I wish to learn and I know I have come to the right place, after all knowledge is power.

  34. #34
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    I appreciate the vote of confidence bro, but honestly the "Senior Member" title is attained by making over 1000 posts. I'm not sayin don't kno anything, I just don't want u thinkin all the "Senior Members" here r steroid guru's..............its just a post count bro. Its not hard 2 cull out the ignorant & unknowledgable. Good luck 2 u.

  35. #35
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    all in all i think this was a good post to read. it got a little personal for a bit but it goes to show how pasionate some people are about what they have researched and what they believe works, and they want to spread their experiences. All in all OP you came to the right place

  36. #36
    backinit is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79
    Keep in mind, ur girlfriend (BBrian) struck 1st with personal attacks, it was civil up 2 that point. And btw, its ok 2 hav a mind of ur own, u don't hav 2 ride in his saddle bag like Paris Hilton's purse dog just cuz u don't wut ur talkin bout.
    Just saw again you prove my point. You act like a child. And because I don't agree with YOU iam riding someones saddle bags. Usually people resort to saying thing like you have just said when they know they are wrong and have nothing of value to add. I bet you were one of those skinny kids growing up who always got picked on. So you decided to do steroids so you would not get picked on anymore and girls would like you. With the attitude you have and also on other posts your probly one of those juice head jerkoffs who give the rest of us who do it a bad name. If your confident in the info you know then you wouldn't be reacting the way you do. And since as you say "I don't know what iam talking about so I ride some else". I guess that's why I have myself resorted to child like actions and r responding to you as you respond to people who chalenge you. And as far as having a mind of my own if you could read I never said I totally agreed with bbrian. I guess everyone on here has to agree with you or watch out the bully bear is gonna get you....

  37. #37
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    U couldn't b further from the truth Dr. ALL aspects of ur post.

  38. #38
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    this thread was already a couple days old and calmed down. This post today contributes nothing but to start drama. If you dont like someone put them on your ignore list. Or keep it to pm
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  39. #39
    backinit is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    this thread was already a couple days old and calmed down. This post today contributes nothing but to start drama. If you dont like someone put them on your ignore list. Or keep it to pm
    Will take your advice gixxer thanks. Had just seen the post today I don't sit back when someone talks sh#t. You will not hear another word again promise.

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