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  1. #1
    Bailey-Bose's Avatar
    Bailey-Bose is offline New Member
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    Next Cycle Test Dbol

    Yo Bros,

    i am new to this forum and quite new to steroids aswell
    21year old - 5ft 9" - 154lbs (11stone) - 4years working out

    I know i am young and not the biggest guy ever and not the tallest but just would like some help!

    I have done 2 cycle
    1st - tbol only (6weeks) gained 12lbs
    2nd - test C and winny (12weeks) gained 21lbs .... kept - 8lbs (11weeks later)

    Both times i did a cycle i did not train during PCT and a few weeks after aswell
    1st time because my gym closed down, 2nd time because of work in a different country and couldnt get to the gym.

    Had good results from both cycles both only kept about 20-30% of weight gains and 0-10% in strength (due to not goin the gym)

    This time i will be going the gym during PCT and afterwards i am very dedicated to the gym and now matial arts and getting fit and healthy.
    My New Cycle
    Week 1-12 Test E (500mg) EW
    Week 1-3 D-Bol (30mg) ED
    Week 9-13 Tbol (50mg) ED
    Week 1-13 A-dex (0.5) EOD

    Week 14-17 Nolva 20/20/20/20 ED
    Week 14-17 Aromasin 25/25/25/25 ED

    I am a really hard gainer i have done the eat eat eat business, and train really hard. the only time i have gained weight without steroids was when i used maximuscle progain for like 3months and gained about 4lbs which is very expensive and not worth it.

    My diet on cycle (bulking)
    fish, pizza, curry, rice, pasta, gammon, chicken, - dont like eggs
    = Cals 2500 .... Protein 120g .... Carbs 180g

    Protein powder
    Carbs powder
    Weight gain powder
    Vitamin C
    Multi vitamin
    = Cals 1500 .... Protein 140g .... Carbs 200g .... Creatine 10g

    Total Supplements and Food
    = Cals 4000 .... Protein 260g .... Carbs 380g .... Creatine 10g Daily

    1) Does the cycle look good?
    2) How do you train during PCT?
    3) Will the A-dex get rid of all the water weight?
    4) Is 15lbs after PCT realistic?

    I just want be around the 175lbs - 180lbs and 6 - 10% BF range!!!
    I do martial arts and would like to get the cover model kinda look someday.

  2. #2
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Ur lite cuz ur diet is insufficient bro. The greatest advice u will receive, is ur 2 yung, cycling @ ur age significantly increases the risk of doing potentially irreversible damage 2 ur undeveloped Endocrine & HPTA. I guarantee if u improve & increase ur intake & maybe mak som tweaks 2 ur training routine, u WILL mak some VERY impressive gains within 30 days bro.

  3. #3
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
    alexISthrowed is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Diets terrible! 120g of protein? I know 130lb women that eat more than that. Spend some time in the diet and training section. You need to have everything in order before you start messing with aas or else you will just be wasting your money.

  4. #4
    Bailey-Bose's Avatar
    Bailey-Bose is offline New Member
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    protein = 1g per 1lb of bodyweight right? so i weigh 154lbs i get 120g from food and 140g from supplements that 260g protein

    how is that low?

  5. #5
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    U should b eating for wut u WANT to weigh, not wut u DO weigh.

  6. #6
    Bailey-Bose's Avatar
    Bailey-Bose is offline New Member
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    thank you
    but i do get 260g of protein a day from food and supps, is that enough?
    i train with weight 4times a week 1hr to 1hr 15mins a time
    i have a pre-workout protein shake and a post workout shake, 4 meals a day (food)
    lift 7-9 reps on all exercises so heavy weights

    i dont do cardio in the gym as i get it from martial arts.

    any info on anything would be great .... i am going to do this cycle though bro so i would like to get as much info about anything to help me with it.

    i understand im young and that but i am going to do this then hopefully one cutting cycle then that it .... hopefully

    thanks bear 79

  7. #7
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bailey-Bose View Post
    thank you
    but i do get 260g of protein a day from food and supps, is that enough?
    i train with weight 4times a week 1hr to 1hr 15mins a time
    i have a pre-workout protein shake and a post workout shake, 4 meals a day (food)
    lift 7-9 reps on all exercises so heavy weights

    i dont do cardio in the gym as i get it from martial arts.

    any info on anything would be great .... i am going to do this cycle though bro so i would like to get as much info about anything to help me with it.

    i understand im young and that but i am going to do this then hopefully one cutting cycle then that it .... hopefully

    thanks bear 79
    Sorry, I misread the post & didn't notice the 260 total, but ur diet is still insufficient & that's y ur not gaining, steroids wont help, u will lose all ur gains after u come off cycle & possibly even weigh less that u did when u started. Good luck 2 u.

  8. #8
    Bailey-Bose's Avatar
    Bailey-Bose is offline New Member
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    thank you again, i will take your advice on board about the diet i know i need to get prob 500cals and 50g protein extra every day with food.

    i will try to get this sorted before i cycle . thanks again

  9. #9
    GearGirl's Avatar
    GearGirl is offline New Member
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    I agree, Bear... 90% of your success is diet. Get a professional diet and exercise program and worry about steroids later. I bet your gains will be monumental once you get on the right track. Discover where your natural weaknesses need to be enhanced before you go throwing "supplements" at the problem.
    Not to mention chicken and veggies don't have any side effects!

  10. #10
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    21 is too young. No advice. Won’t condone such a thing.
    Let me ask you a question, just off the top of your head….
    How many youngsters do you think have come here and started a thread similar to this….
    “I fukked up. Started cycling too young. Now have limp dik and no libido. What can I do….?”
    Think about it,

  11. #11
    Bailey-Bose's Avatar
    Bailey-Bose is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    21 is too young. No advice. Won’t condone such a thing.
    Let me ask you a question, just off the top of your head….
    How many youngsters do you think have come here and started a thread similar to this….
    “I fukked up. Started cycling too young. Now have limp dik and no libido. What can I do….?”
    Think about it,
    so every guy who is under say 25 who uses steroids have no testosterone and libido and limp dick for there life?

    i dont want to sound disrespectful to you cause i not like that.

    but what about young pro bodybuilders??? young strongest man??? college football players??? i know this is mostly USA people that take steroids young for football in college or wrestling.

    i know i need to get my diet in check and i have posted a thread in the diet section for help, i know steroids are no sortcut, but i am dedicated to the gym and fitness.

  12. #12
    tomt45 is offline Associate Member
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    They are just trying to give you some good advice. Sure its possible that running a cycle at your age won't do permanent damage but why take the risk. I feel like you just want everybody to tell you to go for it. They are trying to give you advice based on years of experience and knowledge. I suggest you listen...

    You are 154 after running two cycles. So IMO your last cycles didnt go so well. Get your diet and workout in check so that when you do start using steroids you will get good gains and keep them!

  13. #13
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bailey-Bose View Post
    so every guy who is under say 25 who uses steroids have no testosterone and libido and limp dick for there life?

    i dont want to sound disrespectful to you cause i not like that.

    but what about young pro bodybuilders??? young strongest man??? college football players??? i know this is mostly USA people that take steroids young for football in college or wrestling.

    i know i need to get my diet in check and i have posted a thread in the diet section for help, i know steroids are no sortcut, but i am dedicated to the gym and fitness.
    You only weigh 154. Your weight indicated underlying problems with diet and/or training. Steroids are at the end of your list and you have a few things to check off before you get there.

    I started 9 years ago at age 17. Back then most forums focused on having a good base rather than hammering the age requirements. No erection issues, but I never got my libido back.

  14. #14
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    I also would add that even though I went full retard and used at 17, I did start with a solid base of 5'10 190. I just can't see how a guy weighing 154 thinks he needs steroids to grow. You have 30 plus pounds of natural potential.

  15. #15
    Bailey-Bose's Avatar
    Bailey-Bose is offline New Member
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    thank you for replying

    i understand that you think i dont need steroids , so i now i am trying to get my diet sorted out do you think adding a small meal like 100g of pasta with grated cheese per day for like 2weeks then up it to 150g for 2weeks then up it to 200g???

    as it nice and steady?

    tomt45 i dont want just to hear just go for it, im here for advice on everything.

    the reason why my last cycles werent good was before i dint train afterwards and during PCT so i lost quite abit

    when i 1st started stroids i was just under 10stone 138lbs .... have gained over a stone which i am more than happy with.

    thank you at all though for you replys and advice ... means a lot

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