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  1. #1
    sam_87 is offline New Member
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    My very first test cycle

    i took my very first shot of test cyponaite on my glutes with a 23 gauge needle with inch 5 days ago and the first day it was totally fine the the next day it felt sore then it got worse and it swelled up.i talk to few of my friends that have done cycles before some say it might be an infection or i did it too high or i pushed the plunge to quick or it wasnt sanitry.every person i talk to says something differ.shud go in to the doctors or shud i wait it out but foor how next shot is coming up in two days shud i do my other cheek or shud i switch to my shot was done by a female friend whose a nurse and she says she did it properly.Or coud it just be my virgin muscles how long shud i wait till i go see the doctor

  2. #2
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
    alexISthrowed is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Probably just virgin muscle pain, has the pain been getting better or worse over that past 5 days? Is it warm to the touch?

  3. #3
    TheClinch's Avatar
    TheClinch is offline Senior Member
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    To check for an abcess look for redness, swelling, red bumps, site heat, itchyness, sorness.

    I hope it is only virgin muscle pain, but be aware of the abcess symptoms so you dont have too long of a wait and see approach brother GL...

    I remember my sorness from vitgin muscle injections in the glute lasted up to 6-7 days. It varies though...make a decision based on if it is less painful each day or more...

  4. #4
    jasc's Avatar
    jasc is offline Welcome to the Good Life
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    It could be many things. As these guys mentioned, it is a virgin muscle so increased soreness is to be expected. Could also be a reaction to the BA in your gear or possibly could have been pushed in too fast.
    Whats your bodyfat %? 1" works well in the glutes for people with low bodyfat. Many people prefer 1.5" to ensure it goes in deep enough.

    keep us posted

  5. #5
    tomt45 is offline Associate Member
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    Did you use a 1" or 1.5" needle? If you used a 1" it is possible that you didn't get all the way into the muscle. I did that once and the swelling and pain went away after 5 or 6 days. Use 1.5" in your glutes from now on and make sure you are using proper procedure for injections. Push the plunger really slow. Early on I used to go too fast with my injections and would always get really sore the next day. I no longer get any soreness from injections. Also make sure you are hitting the right spot on your glute. If it still hurts when you have to do your next injection definately don't go in the same site. Hit your quad or delt.

    How much volume are you doing per injection?

    If it continues to get worse it is possible that it is an infection. If thats the case get to the doctor and he will prescribe you some antibiotics which should clear it up pretty fast.

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