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  1. #1
    woodroe is offline New Member
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    Advice on the best steroids for strength and hardness not mass.

    I am trying to figure out which steroid will be best to give me strength and hardness without adding too much weight.
    I have never taken any steroids . Im training for strength and speed. I am 19 years old, 6' 2" tall, 150 pounds body fat is about 8% I have been weightlifting for about four years now. I have a great diet, I eat all natural whole foods and am taking the basic supps.
    I have done some research and am looking at Winstrol (stanozolol ), Equipoise (Boldenone Undeclynate), and Trenbolone Acetate (Finaplix ). I plan on stacking with some form of testosterone as i read it is much safer to do so then to take any one of those steroids without test. Having never touched steroids before I'm just trying to get some advice from people with experience so i don't end up doing more harm then good.
    Any advice on any of the steroids mentioned or not mentioned , which ones will i get the best results from but more importantly which one is safest including the different forms of test would be much appreciated. Please and thank you.

  2. #2
    tomt45 is offline Associate Member
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    You are way too young man. If you were to do this now you would do way more harm than good. Wait until you are 25. Work on your diet and workout routine.

    One more thing if you only weigh 150 at 6'2 why wouldnt you want to put on some mass? You are training for strength and speed... What sport are you training for?

  3. #3
    ttf44 is offline New Member
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    Anavar .

  4. #4
    tomt45 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ttf44 View Post
    No offense man but you should not be telling this kid what steroids to do. He is 19!! He should not even consider doing anything for a long time. Some of the more experienced guys will chime in soon and be more specific about the damage you can do but using steroids at your age.

  5. #5
    woodroe is offline New Member
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    tom thank you i guess i will have to wait but i am a sprinter i definitely want to add mass but not so much to negatively effect my speed do you know of anything that i can take to help me out i have read about anavar ttf44 is that mild enough for me? what do you guys think?

  6. #6
    Hitman Heimler's Avatar
    Hitman Heimler is offline Junior Member
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    At 6'2" and 150lbs? No offense intended, but that just sounds like you're very skinny. Are you training for any specific sport?

  7. #7
    Scat40 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by woodroe View Post
    tom thank you i guess i will have to wait but i am a sprinter i definitely want to add mass but not so much to negatively effect my speed do you know of anything that i can take to help me out i have read about anavar ttf44 is that mild enough for me? what do you guys think?
    As stated above. You NEED to wait, it aint worth it.

  8. #8
    ttf44 is offline New Member
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    I think you're too young. But the answer to your question is anavar . Roids are serious I suggest you do a lot more research and wait atlest a few years so you don't screw your body up.

  9. #9
    Hitman Heimler's Avatar
    Hitman Heimler is offline Junior Member
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    Ah, a Sprinter! Besides steroids , have you ever looked into something like Bodyquick?

  10. #10
    woodroe is offline New Member
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    No i have never heard of it what is it?

  11. #11
    woodroe is offline New Member
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    I just anserd my own question its an herbal sup have you gotten results?

  12. #12
    tomt45 is offline Associate Member
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    Go to the educational threads and read "the young and steroids " and "things to consider before taking steroids" both by marcus 300. This will give you a better explanation of the dangers associated with using steroids at your age.

    You are at an age where you can achieve excellent results with a good diet and workout routine. Go to the diet section and do some reading and maybe post your existing diet. Because I don't think you are eating enough if you weigh 150 lbs. I understand that as a sprinter you want to stay lean but I don't think you would sacrifice any speed if you put on 10-20 lbs. This will definately increase your strength but IMO it will also increase your speed.

  13. #13
    Hitman Heimler's Avatar
    Hitman Heimler is offline Junior Member
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    It's suppose to increase in cognitive ability, memory, reaction speed up to 35%, and other things like that. I have a few friends who this and swear by it. I would probably try something like this for a runner like you. It's not illegal at all for any Athletic body that I have heard about. If you're going to go ahead with the AAS, then be very smart and aware! That'll be important!

  14. #14
    woodroe is offline New Member
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    Alright thank you for all your help

  15. #15
    Hitman Heimler's Avatar
    Hitman Heimler is offline Junior Member
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    I also want to agree with Tomt45 on the fact thta 10-15lbs wouldn't slow you down at all. Michael Johnson was 6'1" and 170, so that is a sign that some muscle could help you out

  16. #16
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    19 Years old is way too young and even if you are a sprinter 150lbs is crazy light at 6'2. You need to gain a bit more weight naturally.

  17. #17
    Gym_ is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    19 Years old is way too young and even if you are a sprinter 150lbs is crazy light at 6'2. You need to gain a bit more weight naturally.

    yerp agree

  18. #18
    evander87's Avatar
    evander87 is offline Senior Member
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    My $.02

    Change the way you train. No need for juice and think about this what happens if you get good enough to compete and they test you? Some aas compounds stay in your system for a long damn time. Look up the training U Boldon [sic] does. He's doing a LOT of power moves. Train quick to be quick. Quick reps of explosive movement will get you better results than any compound in a bottle.

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