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  1. #1
    Iron Snake is offline New Member
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    Gains are slowing down tremendously even with increased diet intake. Is it time?

    A friend of mine just obtained a large surplus of Testosterone Enanthate . I have recently begun considering a test only cycle. I am 6'1'', weigh 218lb, 22 years old, bench 335, squat 445, deadlift 505. I have never taken steroids but recently my body has been getting sore for longer and I am not recovering. I have increased my protein intake to see if that helps along with taking vitamins. Gains are still goin up but very slowly compared to before. I have been lifting for 6 years but only seriously lifting and dieting for one year. I am used to seeing gains of sometimes 10 or more lbs of strength per workout on the major compound lifts and that is no longer happening. Is this a good or bad idea? I am not interesed in dosages yet just curious if you guys think this would be a good time to get started. Thanks.

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
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    What else have you changed besides increasing protein intake?

    Increased rest (are you over training and your CNS taxed)? Changed routines? Diet (macros)?

  3. #3
    Iron Snake is offline New Member
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    I have begun taking vitamins and have been drinking more fluids. I have only been able to bench, squat and deadlift once a week. I always make sure I never work out unless I feel fresh. I doubt I am overtraining because I've only been able to go 3 or maybe 4 days a week max. I get about 10 hours sleep a night or I wouldn't have gotten this strong in the first place. I am a bum and I have a lot of time to commit to my routine, nutrition, and rest. I just feel like I'm breaking down.

  4. #4
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    Your strength is very impressive, even for your height and weight considering your age. It sounds to me like you've hit a plateau and the amount of weight you're pushing is taxing your muscles pretty hard. I'd stay away from test at your age, but instead look at trying different workout routines and finding a diet that focuses primarily on recovering damaged muscle fibers. There is a good chance that your workout routine is producing more cortisol than growth hormone at this point. I would seek out lifting routines that are designed to do the opposite.

  5. #5
    Iron Snake is offline New Member
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    Thanks Brian but the main reason I love going in the gym is to push heavier weights. That's what makes it fun for me. Guess Im a meathead but thanks.

  6. #6
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron Snake View Post
    Thanks Brian but the main reason I love going in the gym is to push heavier weights. That's what makes it fun for me. Guess Im a meathead but thanks.
    No doubt man, I share your enthusiasm. But I'm referring to looking for different routines in regards of how many sets and reps you do within a certain amount of time that specifically increase your natural growth hormone levels. It's very possible to lift a lot of weight through a routine that arouses cortisol production, and in doing so you end up preventing your muscles from growing stronger and bigger. This in no way means you can't continue to push big weights, quite the contrary.

  7. #7
    Iron Snake is offline New Member
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    Sounds interesting. Don't know much about cortisol but definitely gonna look into it. Thanks again.

  8. #8
    Whoady is offline Banned
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    I love how guys come on here saying they could squat this and press that. Guaranteed you couldnt do either of those weights with proper form in front of me. I have plenty of friends that claim they could push all kinds of weights, but not in front of me. Why don't you say what you can do 10 times? Internet lying is so lame dude get a f#cking life. And you've been training seriously for a year? Try doing it for 10 years, then think about steroids . In my life all the guys who lied about their weight were the ones that tried steroids. Figures.

  9. #9
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whoady View Post
    I love how guys come on here saying they could squat this and press that. Guaranteed you couldnt do either of those weights with proper form in front of me. I have plenty of friends that claim they could push all kinds of weights, but not in front of me. Why don't you say what you can do 10 times? Internet lying is so lame dude get a f#cking life. And you've been training seriously for a year? Try doing it for 10 years, then think about steroids. In my life all the guys who lied about their weight were the ones that tried steroids. Figures.
    Easy big guy. What in his post tells you he's lying about his numbers? You're just assuming.

  10. #10
    Noles12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whoady View Post
    I love how guys come on here saying they could squat this and press that. Guaranteed you couldnt do either of those weights with proper form in front of me. I have plenty of friends that claim they could push all kinds of weights, but not in front of me. Why don't you say what you can do 10 times? Internet lying is so lame dude get a f#cking life. And you've been training seriously for a year? Try doing it for 10 years, then think about steroids. In my life all the guys who lied about their weight were the ones that tried steroids. Figures.
    Not sure why you would see it as a lie. At 6'3 230 and 23 years old i was benching 405. i had been lifting since highschool but didnt really focus on proper training until i was about 21. You can call me a liar but why would i lie about it? I do think there is guys who lie about their numbers but nothing about the OP's post would tell me he is lying.

    Guys can be strong before they seriously focus on training. It doesnt take all people 10 years to get there.

  11. #11
    Whoady is offline Banned
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    I don't know about that. But I don't go to the gym and do my max. I start slow and move up the weight till i can do it only 5 times. I see guys who go on the bench and do that all day and then go home. Wtf is that? Who cares how much you can do 1 time?

  12. #12
    Noles12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whoady View Post
    I don't know about that. But I don't go to the gym and do my max. I start slow and move up the weight till i can do it only 5 times. I see guys who go on the bench and do that all day and then go home. Wtf is that? Who cares how much you can do 1 time?
    I dont know where anyone said they go to the gym, do there max, then leave.

  13. #13
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whoady View Post
    I love how guys come on here saying they could squat this and press that. Guaranteed you couldnt do either of those weights with proper form in front of me. I have plenty of friends that claim they could push all kinds of weights, but not in front of me. Why don't you say what you can do 10 times? Internet lying is so lame dude get a f#cking life. And you've been training seriously for a year? Try doing it for 10 years, then think about steroids. In my life all the guys who lied about their weight were the ones that tried steroids. Figures.
    No need putting guys on blast for one of their posts. I won't assume everything the OP said is a lie any more than I will assume that what you just said is a lie. But seriously, all the lying rat bastards you know are the ones the did steroids ? What are you here for if you don't like steroid users?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whoady View Post
    I love how guys come on here saying they could squat this and press that. Guaranteed you couldnt do either of those weights with proper form in front of me. I have plenty of friends that claim they could push all kinds of weights, but not in front of me. Why don't you say what you can do 10 times? Internet lying is so lame dude get a f#cking life. And you've been training seriously for a year? Try doing it for 10 years, then think about steroids. In my life all the guys who lied about their weight were the ones that tried steroids. Figures.
    You seem to make a habit of flaming those who don't fit into the tiny mold of of the way you think things ought to be. If you don't have anything constructive to add to a thread then you shouldn't comment.

    Iron Snake
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    First Time Cycle Please Read Read Read
    I am 21 years old. I have been training and dieting consistently for about 2 years now and have experienced some decent results. I have recently considered beginning a cycle of Test E to take myself to the next level without the added waiting period of natural training. I know I have not reached my natural potential yet, but I don not give a ****. That could take years. I want to be jacked now. Im going to college right now and I cannot think of a better time to juice. It has been driving me crazy. I know I am a little young but i could care less about being huge when I am an older guy. NO offense to the older guys I could use your advice too.

    This was the basic cycle I have drawn up feel free to critique it:

    250mg Test E-10 week with a shot every 5 days
    I was also thinking of adding 200mg Primo in the same shot because I just found a very legitimate, clean source
    Of course PCT at the end of the cycle but I have not planned that far yet

    My goals are significant strength and size gains without becoming a monster. I am already a bigger dude and dont want to have to buy all new clothes and shit. I also have a tendency to push too hard in the gym and do not want to blow up too fast and injured myself before my body can handle it.

    I do not want to hear any bashing or trash talking. I want real advice from experienced people who have maybe been in a similar situation. I am obviously new to AAS. Any knowledge is greatly appreciated I look forward to some informative posts.

    Current Stats
    Bench: 225x12
    Squat: 365x5
    Deadlift 405x5
    OP - If I was you and had just gained 20lbs in 7 weeks I think I would just continue to do what I was doing.

  15. #15
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whoady View Post
    I don't know about that. But I don't go to the gym and do my max. I start slow and move up the weight till i can do it only 5 times. I see guys who go on the bench and do that all day and then go home. Wtf is that? Who cares how much you can do 1 time?
    Whoady, what in the world are you so angry about? I sense much fear in you. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. This is the path to the dark side.

    Now, pop in your favorite massage cd and put the waterfall track on infinite play. Light three incense, assume a comfortable yoga position, and just let all of that anger out my friend. Just let it all out.

  16. #16
    nikalexopoulos is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whoady
    I don't know about that. But I don't go to the gym and do my max. I start slow and move up the weight till i can do it only 5 times. I see guys who go on the bench and do that all day and then go home. Wtf is that? Who cares how much you can do 1 time?

  17. #17
    nikalexopoulos is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBrian

    Whoady, what in the world are you so angry about? I sense much fear in you. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. This is the path to the dark side.

    Now, pop in your favorite massage cd and put the waterfall track on infinite play. Light three incense, assume a comfortable yoga position, and just let all of that anger out my friend. Just let it all out.
    If there was a like button. Id like this lol

  18. #18
    rawdigginz26's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBrian View Post
    Whoady, what in the world are you so angry about? I sense much fear in you. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. This is the path to the dark side.

    Now, pop in your favorite massage cd and put the waterfall track on infinite play. Light three incense, assume a comfortable yoga position, and just let all of that anger out my friend. Just let it all out.
    ^^LOL. Good call

  19. #19
    Whoady is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    You seem to make a habit of flaming those who don't fit into the tiny mold of of the way you think things ought to be. If you don't have anything constructive to add to a thread then you shouldn't comment.
    I usually try to add something constructive... but I keep seeing these posts with ridiculous stats. I don't like it when people claim to have lifted for 1 year and they push some ridiculous weight. I smell shit. I guess I get the same anger Bear gets when guys come on here trying to do steroids at 21... which is what the OP is.

  20. #20
    jeepfreak is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whoady View Post
    I don't know about that. But I don't go to the gym and do my max. I start slow and move up the weight till i can do it only 5 times. I see guys who go on the bench and do that all day and then go home. Wtf is that? Who cares how much you can do 1 time?

    It's called a "max"

    It's been around for a few years, he didn't make it up....

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