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  1. #1
    L3ftY is offline New Member
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    Help with optimization of gear cycle opinions

    sooo to be super fast about this, this is my 5th or so cycle, i'm 25, (yes I know young) and right now probably sitting at 6'0" 200lbish with 13.5%bf. it's deceiving as i look a lot more cut than i actually record when I used the bodpod recently. budget, very limited budget, haven't ran anything in over 6 months....spring break, spring weekend, (yea, i'm that asshole who thinks vacation is a good enough reason to torture your lipid profiles) and a possible modeling show i could bridge afterward for....this is what i got/planned...any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    Superdrol (Yes, I know my liver hates me)
    2000mg masteron (20mL@100mg)
    2000mg prop (20mL@100mg)
    5000mg enanthate (20mL@250mg)
    -Nolva, Adex, Clen (could get clomid but usually don’t double up on the pct unless running something ridiculous like tren -again, input is greatly appreciated)

    Rough Schedule: very open to ideas/improvements

    Pre-Cycle: Running a pretty straightforward CKD diet with recarbs only once per 10 days, already dropped about 8 lbs…hopefully by week 1 (Feb 5th) I’ll be down to 10 or 11% bf so I can maximize this cycle (thanksgiving and Christmas raped my abs lol)

    Week 1:- Superdrol @ 20mg
    Weeks: 2-3-Superdrol @ 30mg
    Weeks: 3-4.5 (8 shots EOD) ~.75mL prop, .75mL enanthate (loaded together)
    Weeks: 4.5-9 enanthate @ 1.25mL, 2x week (Sundays and Wednesdays-doesn’t change)
    Weeks: 8-11 masteron@ 1.25mL EOD, prop @ 1 mL (loaded together)
    Weeks 8-9: Clen @ 100mcg/day
    Weeks 12-13 Nolvadex @ 50mg ED w Clen @ 120mcg ED (may switch it with albuterol depending on how my bp is)
    Weeks 14-15: Nolvadex @ 25mg ED w nat test boosters and cortisol blocker-(everybody is different but I take adderall on occasion and post cycle that shit jacks my stress levels up beyond imagination)

    Will Keep Arimidex on hand if needed, 1mg EOD has always done the trick, although i previously had a weird batch of deca that needed letro to knock out 1 puffy nip

    I will not be drinking whatsoever for the first 5 weeks of this cycle, and from there on out it will be in moderation. Blood levels w liver values & cholesterol ratios will be checked once a month just in case something insane happens…my diet is definitely in check, really just seeing if any of you genius juiceheads had any suggestions/comments to improve with the gear I have. I could swap out the var for the masteron but personally I just love masteron, it makes me feel like I’m made out of asphalt. Not having to worry about anti’s for the most part is also a big plus

  2. #2
    L3ftY is offline New Member
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    Last edited by L3ftY; 01-27-2012 at 05:46 AM.

  3. #3
    L3ftY is offline New Member
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  4. #4
    tomt45 is offline Associate Member
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    First of all what is superdrol?

    If I were you I would just run the test e at 1ml 2x a week from weeks 1-10. It doesn't really make sense to start it in week 3 since it will take 4 weeks before you notice the effects. Also I would just start the prop during week 1 as well. I would run like 125 mg eod until it is gone. You have two bottles right?

    Then maybe run the masteron from weeks 8-11. Hopefully your bf% is down below 10% when you start the masteron so you really notice the effects. The clen in weeks 8-9 should be ok but I wouldnt run clen again right after you get off gear. Cutting immediately after a cycle is a bad idea and it will greatly increase the chances that you will lose the majority of your gains.

    You shouldn't need 1mg eod of the adex. Start with .25mg eod and only go up if you need it. Don't just keep it on hand if needed... Start taking it immediately when you start your cycle. You should always run a ai when you are on cycle.

    I would run both nolva and clomid for pct. I suggest doing clomid 100/50/50/50 nolva 40/40/20/20

  5. #5
    L3ftY is offline New Member
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    Apparently you misunderstood what I wrote down...the prop is for 2.5 weeks at the beginning and the last 4 weeks at the end...(the idea is to get the test going while the enanthate kicks in and to end as the enanthate fades out for 2 wks after the last pin) the enanthate is run for 7 wks, not 3.5, (see weeks 3-9) i put it in that way as 2 separate entries caz when i'm taking it with prop i'll be dosing it more frequently and figured i'd just load it in the same syringe. I only have 1 bottle of everything, the amounts and concentrations are posted at the top. they are all 20mL bottles

    tomt45-good point on the adex, i'll definitely do that. the entire thread really was to see how i could maximize the amount of gear i have, that's why i'm starting the long esters in week 3...superdrol is a ph but it's insanely powerful, think of it as a dbol or anadrol kickstart.

    Also, I only had clen in there caz i've read and heard numerous well-informed people tell me that clen is excellent to include in pct, because for the first 18 days or so it has many anti-catabolic properties, PREVENTING muscle loss. i understand it ups your metab and body temperature but does it not prevent muscle loss as well? kinda fuzzy on that...and also i only slightly upped the pct #'s for nolva to 50/50/25/25 caz i won't be including clomid like i suually do, but maybe that's incorrect logic and it doesn't matter since both compounds act differently in your body?

  6. #6
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    the cycle is all over the place and a disaster
    1 and a half weeks of prop?
    test enenthate for only 3.5 weeks?

    nothing in that cycle makes sense

    your 6ft and 200lbs after 5 cycles? If this is what previous cycles looked like i can see why?
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  7. #7
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    still crap.
    6 weeks of enethate isnt long enough
    your pct is week
    i understand a kick start. But you usually start that the same time as the test. not 3 weeks earlier.
    Again its all over the place and is overly complicated.
    You have plenty to run a normal cycle. You are trying to run higher doses then you need. You are lacking in the diet or training if these are the dosages you run and after 5 cycles yuor at 200lbs
    Again i would never run that or tell someone to run that,
    Last edited by gixxerboy1; 01-29-2012 at 10:54 AM.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  8. #8
    L3ftY is offline New Member
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    haha, it is 7 weeks enanthate lol, and 2 weeks after...the weeks when i put weeks 1-2 it just means 14 days...and when i say weeks 3-whatever it starts day 15 but that's besides the point...

    care to outline an improved plan with the same amount of gear? i'd appreciate your input and suggestions rather than just telling me how terrible my idea was, that isn't really helping. and any pct tips would be good as you think doubling up on clomid and test is really necessary w a cycle that's almost completely test only...(i think masteron may even ease u into pct)

    i also picked up albuterol and was gnona use instead of clen ...thanks for the help!

  9. #9
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    weeks 1-10 test e 500mg
    weeks 7-12 mast 100mg eod
    adex through out cycle .5mg eod
    start pct week 13 with clomid and nolva
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  10. #10
    Razor is offline Banned
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    I would listen to gixxer he knows what hes talking about, if your run 5 cycles and are only 200lbs, something is not right.
    That cycle is to complex and to random and does not complement itsself, you need to stick with the basics and up the dosages if necessary

  11. #11
    JA86 is offline New Member
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    1-10 test e 500mg/wk
    9-14 masteron 50mg/day
    11-14 test p 75mg/day

    this would probably be ur best bet.

  12. #12
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Carving Stone with Steel
    Stick to an 8 week cycle for gawds sake. Pinnacle and Ronnie know best.

  13. #13
    L3ftY is offline New Member
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    how's this.

    Entire cycle:

    Adex, .25mg ED

    week 1-3 Superdrol
    Week1-8: Enanthate @ 600mg week
    Weeks 8-10: Prop @ 125mg EOD
    Weeks 6-10: Masteron @ 100mg EOD

    starting weeks: 11-14: pct-

    does this get approval?

    (fingers crossed) lol. i'm trying to keep the cycles shorter...and idk how to explain my body weight you guys don't seem to understand i'm not a bodybuilder. I was 218 6 weeks ago. 3 of my cycles were strictly for cutting. ie var, win, etc. only done 1 true bulking cycle which was my first one. bloodwork just came back though and all my ratios and profiles look good...lmk what u think of the revised i have up. also, i know otc nat test boosters are a joke when comparing to most of these compounds, but does anybody know of one that works well for pct? or that is at least worth buying? i tried wrecking balls and it was pretty drive came back faster than ever. lmk, clomid makes me listen to nsync

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